Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1368 Shu Xiao’s battle

Michael and Daliang sat at opposite ends of the negotiation table, and the magic image in the middle broadcast the battle that took place on the Sunshine Plain.

When he saw that Shu Xiao actually invited a battle general, Michael smiled and said: "A human knight, with angel wings. Your subordinate is very strong, but too reckless. As the commander of an army, his main task is Command the entire army to fight, rather than fight bravely.

Balance City will teach her...and you a good lesson.

Sigh... I was still looking forward to this battle. Let's see how long your army lasts. Now it seems that maybe within a glass of wine, I can see victory.

Boring battle.

There is also the ignorant main world, which wants to challenge the order of the whole plane, and is destined to pay a price.

If you can agree to all the terms I propose, I can give you a period of development. As long as we support the good camp and eliminate the evil camp, after the war is over, we can sit together and discuss world order. "

Michael asked the guardian angel to pour him a glass of red wine, waiting for the outcome of this fight

Daliang also looked at the battlefield under the influence of magic. Shu Xiao's appearance in the battle was somewhat beyond his expectation. But considering Shu Xiao's temper, everything is very reasonable.

Since she wants to fight like this, let's fight like this... Anyway, even if she loses, the human army will not be defeated so easily. At most, if the war is not going well, they will retreat to Sunshine City, and at worst, they will have to fight another battle to defend the city.

Daliang asked Vincent through the lord channel to arrange for a group of magicians to pick up Shu Xiao at any time, and then said to Michael: "Archangel, war is something like one can say it will win. You may get something in the war, Something will also be lost.

If Balance City sent a waiter before the plane war, I would give up Sunshine City.

But now... no matter whether I win or lose, I dare to fight.

Times have irrevocably changed, and the Five-Color Flag Alliance is now a force that cannot be ignored. The fact that I can sit here represents a victory in itself.

In the future... war is no longer the best way to resolve disputes. Perhaps we can add King Lucifer to talk about the future world order.

Of course... Yunzhong City must first recognize the legitimacy of the first empire in the main world. "

Facing Daliang's retaliation, Michael wanted to say something more, but at this time she saw Shu Xiao using the Holy Flame.

How is it possible for a human race to learn the skills that only high-level angels have?

"Is this human being a disciple of Holy Bella?"

Michael quickly figured out the source of Shu Xiao's Holy Flame skill. Level 16 heroes who mastered the law-level Holy Flame skill could teach this skill to advanced holy energy users.

The power of the Holy Flame made Michael begin to face the battle. At the same time, because of Holy Bella, she had a bad premonition about the outcome of the battle.

Da Liang's attention returned to the battlefield. At this time, Shu Xiao had just dodged the reflected circle of holy flames and blocked the attack of thunder and lightning.

"Yes, Broken Moon is a disciple of Holy Bella, and has been training with Bella. I think the priests sent by Balance City are no match for Broken Moon...

oops! The door to another dimension was interrupted. It seems that I won this game. "

Daliang didn't expect Shu Xiao to be so powerful. The circle of holy flames reflected back just now was so sudden that if it were him, he probably wouldn't be able to avoid it. At the end, Shu Xiao easily gave up his seat and dodged away...

As expected of someone who has received professional training, his response is quick.

Look again, Shu Xiao has already completed close range to the enemy priest, and immediately interrupted the opponent's door to another dimension, preventing the enemy from opening a distance. Daliang knew that with the combat skills Shu Xiao learned from Holy Bella and her own talent, there would be no suspense in this battle.

Michael ignored Daliang, and she watched the battle in the field.

Shu Xiao's figure overlapped with that of Holy Bella in her eyes. It's so similar. Although the handling of some situations during battle is still a bit immature, I have to admire her combat intuition in dealing with emergencies. The strength of Holy Bella is not her attributes and skills, but her instinct for fighting. It was this instinct that allowed her to survive in fierce battles and continue to grow, becoming a purely combat-oriented level 16 hero.

As for the human knight on the battlefield, her fighting style has obviously been favored by Holy Bella.

Disciples of Holy Bella... It seems that this war will not end so easily.

On the battlefield, Shu Xiao and Leonard clashed. The angel combat skills and usage skills she learned from Holy Bella allowed her to completely take the initiative in the battle from a close distance.

She entangled Leonard within her attack range and used a light shield to intercept the magic released by the opponent.

The angel sword burned with holy flames, and the holy energy made her body glow with golden light, and even her hair turned into angelic gold. The long sword with white flames danced, leaving traces of the burning remnants of the holy flame in the sky.

Leonard took turns to release all the defensive spells he had mastered to resist the storm's attack. He summoned the violent wind and controlled the thunder... The thunderbolt, which was more than ten meters long, was like a long whip, chasing and jumping behind Shu Xiao.

It's just that the pressure of defense prevented him from investing too many spells on the offensive end. Although wind and thunder magic were gorgeous, their effects were minimal and they couldn't hit Shu Xiao's ghostly movements.

The fierce battle over the Sunshine Plain attracted the attention of the world.

As the strongest hero competition progresses, Suoyue, who has been crushing all the way, has become the most popular seed player to win the championship, attracting the attention of gamers.

But because he won every game so easily, Suiyue's true strength was not known to the outside world.

During the defensive battle of NJ City, Broken Moon participated in the furious battle against level 16 heroes. But there were too many dazzling players at that time, and Suiyue was based on the defensive end and performed pretty well.

This time against Leonard from Balance City, Shu Xiao let players around the world see the true strength of the favorite.

Shu Xiao, who was covered in golden light, was like a meteor flying through the sky. At this time... the entire sky was covered by strong winds and thunder and lightning. The electric snake chased Shu Xiao and seemed to be chased by her. With full firepower, Shu Xiao is like the ruler of the sky. The flexibility of the angel wings activates all her aerial combat cells. She fights like the ruler of the sky, tearing apart the opponent's defense and launching deadly attacks on her enemies.

Shu Xiao, who gave up external assistance and fought entirely in his own way, became stronger as he fought.

The holy flame shattered all of Leonard's defenses, and the sharp sword edge pierced his body, followed by a series of control and blows. The sacred energy shone in an instant, and the last sword mark that cut through the space cut through the sky and cut Leonard's body into two pieces.

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