Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1371 The desire to win

Michael saw Shu Xiao's hesitation, and her real body confidently said to Daliang at the negotiation table: "Humans are a race that is easily tempted, and demons like to use irresistible benefits to lure some humans to sacrifice their souls for them.

Of course... I'm not a devil.

Will not cheat for the sake of cheating.

The Broken Moon Knight still has great potential in terms of combat talent. If she is willing to stop working on two boats and focus on serving Yunzhong City, I am also willing to train her with my heart.

I'm sorry... Mr. Daliang, you have to lose an important hero. I won this war in the end. "

Daliang ignored Michael's pride. As an NPC, she cannot understand the real connection between players, nor does she know the relationship between Shu Xiao and herself. At this time... the most important thing is not to say anything, so that Michael can be happy, lower the difficulty level of the task for Shu Xiao, and quietly make a fortune.

"Xiaoxiao... hand over the command to Vincent!"

However, the answer Daliang received was: "I'm sorry, Master... I know that listening to you is the right thing to do, but... I have my own principles. If you hand over the ruling to me, I will protect it."

The outcome of this war may not be important to your strategy, but to me...

You can only win! "

After answering Daliang, Shu Xiao said firmly to Michael: "Archangel, I'm afraid I have to reject your kindness. Although I am very yearning for the master-level sacred energy, it does not mean that I betray my inner persistence for it. and protect something.

Instructor Holy Bella has never asked me to obtain master-level sacred energy. She believes that the sword that fights for herself is the strongest. Now... I think so too.

Michael the Archangel, I am resigning from all my positions on the Mythos team. If you have no intention of participating in this war, please leave..."

After finishing speaking, Shu Xiao raised his sword high and pointed in the direction of the Balance City army formation.


After receiving the order... the ruling army took the lead in beating the war drum. Thousand-member military bands were scattered at various locations along the entire front. They beat their waist drums and controlled the pace of the 100,000-strong army's attack through rapid and slow rhythms.

Although the well-disciplined human army stretched the battle line several kilometers long, under the command of the drum beat, the phalanx began to advance one by one.

The strategic magician group relies on mobile magic amplification devices to launch huge magic light balls high into the sky. These magic light balls crossed one's own military formation and reached the middle line of the two armies. Then these light balls stopped in the air and spread a light curtain to both sides. Light curtains and light curtains are connected together to form a defensive curtain wall.

The army of the Judgment Leader continued to advance. They moved in the direction of the Balance City army at the fastest marching speed to the rhythm of the drums. In order to maintain speed, they did not carry out any attacks on the enemy.

An army of 120,000 people marched together.

Due to the appearance of Michael, the morale of the troops in Balance City recovered slightly. Facing the approaching army of the ruling leader, City Lord Robert immediately commanded his army to implement long-range suppression.

Heavy war weapons that had long been ready for war began to show their power.

The artillery was pushed to the front and let out a series of roars at the advancing enemy. Long tongues of flame sprayed thick smoke, and rows of black projectiles shot out. The heavy catapult made a heavy impact, and the polished stone balls were thrown high.

Intense magic roared in the air, and beams of various colors were like meteor showers.

Stone thorns bulged on the ground, lightning shot down, the magical fire dragon roared while flying, and the ice crystals formed charging ice giants.

All attacks were directed at the advancing Judgment Leader Army, and then all hit the defensive light curtain between the two armies.

Various attacks created ripples on the light screen, but none of them broke through and hit the advancing army.

The army of the Judgment Leader continued to advance in a phalanx to the beat of drums. Even though the defensive light curtain began to shake violently when it was hit by artillery and attacks, not a single soldier hesitated in their march.

Vincent and Shu Xiao, who were riding royal griffins, met together, and the griffons protected them.

When he saw his own army approaching the defensive light curtain, Vincent raised his staff and sword and fired a dazzling fireball high into the sky.

The strategic magician group once again cast magic into the air.

Large fire clouds began to form in the sky, and several "meteors and fire showers" gathered energy to prepare for magical bombing of the enemy. A large-scale strong wind blew, causing the fire cloud to move in the direction of the Balance City army formation, and at the same time, it also blew the fire rain's attack area wider.

The morale of the Balance City army was suppressed and they entered a full-scale defensive operation.

The group of knights turned around and retreated in large strides, moving to the rear of the army and entering a standby state. The opened battle line shrank into ten integrated offensive and defensive groups, arranged in an inverted trapezoid, allowing each other to support each other with long-range attacks.

Reinforcements have already set off from Balance City, and two days later... the vanguard can arrive on the battlefield.

Facing the array of "meteor showers" that had drifted past and completed their energy gathering, a cluster of ten thousand people in Balance City simultaneously deployed a super-large defensive shield.

Fire rain and meteorites fell from the sky, turning the entire battlefield red.

The magic power of the Balance City army is focused on defense against aerial attacks, and the attacks against defensive light curtains are weakened. At this time, the army of the Judgment Leader came just in front of the light curtain.

The strategic magicians cast magic again, the defensive light curtain disappeared, and the army of the Judgment Leader entered the optimal shooting range of bows and arrows.

The two legions shot arrows at each other at the same time.

The covering arrows formed two rapidly approaching dark clouds in the sky. The dark clouds intertwined, and a large number of arrows collided with each other, while more arrows fell towards the enemy's army.

In an instant, soldiers on both sides died on a large scale.

The attack of the Judgment's heavy war weapons lags slightly behind that of the crossbows due to the time required to prepare, but it also forms a timely fire suppression on the long-range heavy weapons of Balance City.

The fire rain was blown by the strong wind and washed down the defensive shield deployed in Balance City. The two sides just poured long-range attacks on each other, getting closer bit by bit.

At the beginning of the battle, Michael canceled his own projection. She didn't expect that... in the face of coercion and inducement, there would be people who would reject her so categorically.

Michael's face was no longer as proud as before. She looked at Daliang opposite and asked, "Have you interfered with the choice of the Knight of Broken Moon? Are you going to trade the future of a talented hero for the victory of a low-level war?"

Daliang curled his lips, spread his hands and said helplessly: "On the contrary... I have been persuading the Knight of the Broken Moon to agree to your conditions. This war is just a battle of loyalty for me, which makes me more confident in the negotiation. Some.

And even if I change the commander, I may not lose.

Broken Moon Knight... She chose to retain her desire to win in the face of the master's sacred energy.

I think we all underestimated her. "

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