Start with an Archangel

Chapter 144 Songjiang Underground City

Joyce thought about it: "Cannon, I can give it to you at the internal purchase price, but I will not allow the cannon I sold you to appear in the hands of other people. Once I find out... you purchase the cannon from my Pudong fleet." The original price, shipbuilding has also returned to its original price.”

The money for building the ship was intercepted by Daliang. Joyce could not worry about it, but the artillery was different. After a ship is built, it can be repaired and used for a long time without being sunk, while artillery is a consumable material that is easily damaged and consumed. Replacing the artillery round after round is like cutting garlic sprouts one after another. The money earned is much more than building a few ships.

Therefore, Joyce must never let Daliang sell the guns of the Pudong fleet again.

With Joyce's promise, Daliang immediately promised repeatedly that all the artillery obtained would be used on the ships of the Black Fire Fleet, and not a single one would be leaked out.

"Okay, your matter is settled. Now go to the Gravel Camp to join the transportation team. Keep your eyes open when you get to Songjiang City."

"Yes! Lord Admiral."


From the gravel camp, a transport team slowly drove out. The carriages were piled with various materials, including food and armor and weapons.

With the assistance of the College Alliance, Joyce mobilized more soldiers from the Pudong Fleet to support the war in the underground city. An army of 10,000 soldiers ranging from first-level spearmen to 12th-level knights will escort the transport team all the way. Songjiang.

Daliang was wearing a sacrificial robe and sat in a carriage with other monks and priests. Julian put on a Crusader armor and sat in another carriage.

Ritual Robes: Hero Equipment

Intelligence +3

Knowledge +3

Increase the effect of air magic by 5%

Magical Holy Light: Kills 50-78, and increases damage to demonic creatures by 20%.

Hahaha, with this heroic equipment, you can make money from a trip to the dungeon in vain. When we arrive at the dungeon, where should Juliet and I go to upgrade? The monster area with a low level is boring. Will the monster area with a high level be too dangerous? ...What should I be afraid of if I have an archangel? Of course I will go wherever there is danger.

According to the marching speed of the transport team, it will take about a day to get from the gravel camp to Songjiang Underground City.

Daliang, who had to disguise himself as a priest to sneak into the Songjiang military camp, could not fly directly to Songjiang, so he opened the Songjiang map and browsed the forum posts about Songjiang Underground City to see if he could find a suitable upgrade location.

The Songjiang area is a large pit that collapsed in its entirety. In the center of the pit is a hole leading to the ground. Songjiang City is located in a huge underground cave thousands of meters underground. The entire underground extends in all directions. Natural underground passages and passages dug by cavemen form a complex network. This network links countless underground caves together to form an underground society corresponding to the ground.

No one knows how big the underground world is. Even creatures that have always lived underground dare not boast that they know the nearby underground environment very well, because it is very likely that if you dig a hole at will, there will be a brand new one on the other side of the hole. The explored cave.

Because the underground is full of so many mysteries, the underground city has gathered a large number of players who are keen on adventure. They explore every passage they see with supplies, and record every discovery and thrilling scene with photos and videos.

They may be killed by underground creatures that suddenly appear, they may fall from the cliff to death, or they may be poisoned by eating something that tastes like chicken crunch. But none of this can stop them from exploring. After returning to the city after death, they will continue to choose a path to start a new adventure.

Precisely because there are many players who are keen on adventure in dungeons, the Songjiang dungeon map is relatively highly developed.

Now Daliang has the highest authority to read intelligence from the College Alliance. The Songjiang map updated by the College Alliance is far more detailed than the one in the hands of ordinary players. It not only annotates the refresh points of the discovered monsters, but some information collectors will also update their surroundings in real time. Something to discover.

While Daliang was choosing his own monster spawning point, the team kept moving forward and arrived at the big pit in the Songjiang area.

Corresponding to reality, the entire Songjiang area has sunk. The lowest depth in the center can reach 500 meters. There are only a few roads leading to the bottom of the pit, and these roads are guarded by soldiers from the underground city.

At this time, the human race and the underground creatures were friendly forces. After confirming that these batches of military supplies were sent to Archduke Howard, the team passed smoothly and followed the downward road toward the entrance in the center of the giant pit.

Entering the entrance of the cave, the surrounding light immediately dimmed. As the cave entrance got further and further away, the light became darker and darker. In the end, only the fluorescent moss growing on the wall of the passage provided weak light for the entire team.

"Don't light torches, fire will attract attacks from underground monsters." The hero leading the army shouted loudly. He knew that the human soldiers who entered the underground city for the first time would be very uncomfortable with this underground darkness. Some people might They will light a torch for themselves to illuminate their surroundings, but those monsters that have lived underground for a long time are very sensitive to light, and they will desperately put out those things that make them uncomfortable. Is this unnecessary loss a loss that can be avoided? avoid.

The commander's words stopped the soldiers who wanted to light torches, and the team continued to move underground.

Soon a little light appeared in front, which was the end of the passage. When the team walked out of the passage, a huge and stunning cave appeared in front of them.

This is a huge rock cave with a height of one thousand meters and a diameter of tens of kilometers. On the tall and steep cliff, balls of burning flames erupt from the cracks in the stone, illuminating the entire space. A smooth stone road stretches forward from the passage through gravel and underground rivers, leading to a city built on the cliff, which is Songjiang Castle.

On the plains and piles of rocks outside the city, cavemen hunched over, carrying buckets of clean water to water the ferns underground, which were the main food for underground creatures.

The harpy flew in the air, and its ugly head that looked like a human woman made a cry that sounded like mourning.

The evil eye used several tentacle-like legs to support its fleshy ball-like body, and a single eye that almost filled its body stared at the team passing by.

Medusa swayed her snake body, and the snake head on her head spit out bright red nostrils.

The Minotaurs, clutching their axes, guard the city. They are the backbone of the entire dungeon army. Their powerful bodies and always high morale make them the best in their class. No defender is willing to face a group of minotaurs whose morale keeps breaking out.

Although the Minotaur and the promoted unit Minotaur are level 9 and 10 soldiers, their role in the dungeon army is second only to the red dragon and black dragon at level 13 and 14.

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