Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1447 Alchemist Meeting

Re-establishing the order of the game world is definitely more difficult to change the game than establishing an empire or unifying a plane.

The first thing he faced was the two mountains of Yunzhong City and Hell. Michael only wanted to eliminate evil, but how could Hell be willing to give up his position as the boss and take a back seat, or even be so suppressed by order that he could not raise his head?

If before...the Sad Pope's theory of world order would have been impossible to succeed, on the contrary, it might have drawn fire and been targeted by both the good camp and the evil camp.

But unprecedented opportunity is before Da Liang.

The era of theocracy is about to begin, causing everyone in the world to look forward to it and fear it. The entire world is staring at the God Plane and launching a final battle for it. Hell is no longer the hell it used to be. It is extremely weak at this time and is also besieged by Yunzhong City and the good camp. Fate abandoned Hell, which promoted evil and chaos, giving the Kingdom of Death the opportunity to replace him. At the same time, the Sad Pope also had the ambition to replace Hell.

And Michael... Daliang had already weaved a big net for him.

In fact, when he started planning to overthrow Michael, Daliang didn't know whether this decision would be beneficial or harmful to the world.

Michael certainly started a plane war and involved the whole world.

But Michael used her strength and charm to unite the good camp together, and forced the evil camp to stick together for warmth. The whole world is a pure struggle between good and evil under her high pressure.

What would the world be like without Michael?

Does Metatron have what it takes to bring the good side together? Will the war end?

Without the pressure from the good camp, the weak Hell will inevitably be unable to continue to command the evil camp. It is very likely that the world will change from the conflict between good and evil to a war between different planes like the Warring States Period.

The more chaotic the world becomes, the more opportunities there are than the dangers for players who are still struggling at the grassroots level. As for Daliang, who has become a vested interest in the ruling class, he certainly hopes that the development of the situation will be under his control.

But Michael was too dangerous. If we don't get rid of her, who knows what she will do after the war in Furnace City is over.

Thinking of Michael, Daliang also thought of Uriel.

Logically speaking... Uriel was looking for the obelisk in the Kingdom of Death. After getting the information from him, he should have investigated the whereabouts of Elder Quentin's research materials in the City of Sighs. Why was there no movement at all?

Was it that Uriel hid it too well and was not discovered? But at this time, there are so many level 16 heroes gathering in the City of Sighs, and the city is under a high degree of martial law. No matter how well Urie hides, some clues will definitely be found.

This can only mean that Uriel is not in the City of Sighs, nor does he seem to be in the Cloud City and the Furnace Battlefield, so where is he?

The celebration of the enfeoffment of the monarchs of the Unsullied Holy See in the City of Sighs ended, and the unified kingdom of death began to rumble like a fully assembled war machine. Although the undead are still accumulating strength, when they emerge from the kingdom of death, they will definitely make the world feel the push of death on the rules of the world.

Da Liang left the kingdom of death and went to the endless maze.

The business agreement with the black elves of Golden Cave City and the trade with the Darkwing Kingdom are related to whether he can get a say in this underground plane. And Feigmina and King Scripps will definitely not be willing to watch each other's strength increase. Forced by the strength of the main world's first empire, they may not dare to openly destroy each other's trade routes, but they must make small moves.

The establishment of the trade route will definitely not go smoothly, and Da Liang will have to watch the two of them in the endless maze.

Moreover, now that the Obsidian City dwarves have rented all the torch towers in the Darkwing Kingdom, Da Liang will continue to attack these torch towers.

The Boneyard Tomb, Nicole's alchemy laboratory.

After arranging alchemists to carry out alchemical transformation of the Blackfire Council Building, Nicole convened all the alchemists involved in the study of the God Plane to hold a discussion on the next stage of research on the crystal wall of the God Plane.

The discussion was held in the conference room of the Black Pearl.

Nicole sat at the main seat of the long conference table, her white skin particularly bright against the spiritual stone between her eyebrows. Participating in the meeting were the Purple Dragon Alchemy Masters led by Princess Zi Ling, and some wizards from the Sigh City branch of the original Wizard Guild who were recruited by Da Liang, led by Minia.

Among the three research groups in this world that have found the crystal wall of the God Plane, Yunzhong City is at war with Furnace City, and the Black Fire Territory's God Plane research is actively catching up and has formed a trend to overtake them.

After the djinn gods in attendance poured tea for the alchemists present, Nicole said: "Now we can use the obelisk tower to accelerate the release of the extremely good divine power in the crystal wall of the god plane. The next research direction , that is, how to make the speed of divine power release reach the critical point that the crystal wall of the god plane can withstand.

Another problem is... how to channel the accelerated divine power so that they will not destroy the Kingdom of Death, or even the entire world. "

Miniya once told Daliang what impact the excessive influx of extremely good divine power would have on the kingdom of death.

Excessive amounts of divine energy can wreak havoc on the undead in the Realm of Death. If it gets worse, it will spread to other planes and form an energy storm.

Therefore, the accelerating release of the extremely good divine power must be guided.

Princess Ziling said: "We can use the obelisk tower to initially accelerate the extremely good divine power released by the crystal wall of the god plane. Once the energy siphon is formed, we can gradually increase the siphon by increasing the number of divine power acceleration rings. To the tide.

As long as the Great Tomb can provide us with enough alchemical raw materials and give us some time, we can build enough divine power acceleration rings.

How to channelize divine power and how to store it should be the biggest problem we face. "

The Purple Dragon Alchemist is the main force in the research on the crystal wall of the divine plane. Zi Ling said that it can continue to accelerate the release of divine power, so there should be no problem.

Regarding how to channel and store the explosive divine power, Nicole openly expressed her ideas at the meeting: "Juliet is a Hell's Angel born under the influence of extremely evil divine power. She has been infected by Ergus for thousands of years. The fused extremely evil divine power is far higher than that of purgatory creatures like Ye Xie.

In order to separate from Juliet, Julian took the initiative to absorb the extremely good divine power. The divine powers of the two of them restrained and balanced each other. One could attract the extremely good divine power, and the other could repel the extremely good divine power.

If we can make an alchemical device and use their power to create a vortex channel of divine power, we can channel the accelerated and extremely good divine power to where we want them to go. "

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