Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1472 Triangle

The polarization between the good camp and the evil camp is the inherent order of this world. Cloud City leads the good camp, and Hell leads the evil camp. No one has ever doubted it or changed it.

Therefore, Metatron was obviously a little surprised when Liang proposed the establishment of a new world order.

"New order? Does the Five Color Flag Alliance want to get involved in the battle between good and evil?"

Daliang said: "No, no, no... We don't intend to get involved in the war between good and evil. But you fighting plane wars every once in a while really goes against the meaning of good and evil apart from confrontation.

Good and evil are interdependent, and no one can ultimately eliminate the other. So if you only see contradictions and confrontations, real peace will not come.

Lord Metatron, have you ever thought about it.

What will the world look like when the confrontation between good and evil changes from trying to eliminate each other to coexisting and vigilant against each other? "

Metatron said: "You mean...the good camp and the evil camp coexist with each other, just like the main world?"

"There are no good camps and evil camps in the main world." Daliang corrected: "This world should not have good camps and evil camps in the first place. The camp consciousness exists for war.

Peace only exists in an order with consensus among multiple parties.

Not long ago, the Sad Pope proposed to me the idea of ​​ordering the world in the City of Sighs.

He is supposed to be the first ruler of the plane to realize the true meaning of good and evil, life and death. And saw the true responsibilities of the world of heroes, the main world, and the kingdom of death.

The world of heroic spirits represents the good order, the main world represents the neutral order, and the kingdom of death represents the evil order.

We all like to use rules or laws to manage the planes we are in, and it turns out that our three planes are the most stable planes in this world. Most conflicts can be solved in the rules, so without external factors Next, large-scale internal wars rarely occur in our plane.

And those chaotic planes...

For example, in the kind and chaotic dreamland, the dwarves' independence war broke out not long ago. There are also centaurs, tree spirits, forest elves, and elves with constant conflicts. Even elves, because they have no restraints, will cause wars between tribes and city-states because of resources and ideas. The ancestors of the black elves were defeated and fled to the endless maze, which is the best proof.

Unrestrained chaos is the source of conflict in this world, and only order can resolve conflicts before war breaks out. "

This is definitely an impactful thought for Metatron, who has experienced many plane wars. He began to examine the turmoil in the world caused by the battle between good and evil, and considered what the world would look like when good and evil no longer aimed to completely eliminate each other as their ultimate goal.

The planes of order unite, establish rules to restrain those free and undisciplined planes, end camp conflicts, and use order to suppress chaos.

And to complete this new world order...

Metatron thought of something and understood why Lucifer was so eager to see him. He even let himself doubt Michael in order to end the War in the Crucible City, causing Cloud City to change its support for the War in the Crucible City. of caution and hesitation.

He asked Daliang in a low voice: "The Pope of Sadness wants to replace Lucifer, and the Kingdom of Death wants to replace Hell?"

Daliang nodded and said: "Yes... the Kingdom of Death has formed a unity from the political power and the Holy See, and the entire Death Plane is preparing to enter the battlefield of Melting City.

The position of hell is chaotic evil, and it is the nature of the devil to cause killing. If hell continues to lead the evil camp, then the establishment of a new world order will inevitably be impossible.

The undead... only like to take care of the undead's affairs. Anyway, the living beings will die one day, and the undead have enough time to wait... They also have that patience.

The system of the main world is more complete than that of the good camp and the evil camp. The fact that all races can live together proves that good and evil cannot coexist.

After the world of order is established, the main world will absolutely stand on a neutral stance. We welcome restrained goodness and restrained evil.

Neither the Kingdom of Death nor the Overworld have any problem taking over the responsibility of leading the world. The only thing that has a problem Cloud City.

If Michael continues to serve as the archangel and a dictator, then the world of heroes will have no way to find its true position. "

New ideas continue to impact Metatron's old ideology. The world of heroes, the main world, and the kingdom of death work together to manage the world. Good, neutral, and evil all participate in the establishment of world order.

Use the negotiation table to represent the battlefield so that conflicts can be resolved before war begins.

If Michael and Lucifer could put aside their differences and sit together to discuss how God should come to this world, why would they need to turn this world into a scorched earth?

Lucifer and Hell are now replaced by the Pope of Sorrow and the Kingdom of Death.

Then Michael of Cloud City...

Metatron looked at Da Liang and found the answer from his direct gaze.

"You want me to overthrow Michael and become the archangel myself?"

Daliang said sincerely: "Lord Metatron, you have all the virtues of angels concentrated in you. Only you, the archangel, can make the main world and the kingdom of death feel at ease.

Lucifer will not worry about survival, but choose to fight for his life.

The new world order needs tolerance and kind angels to make life better. "

Metatron never thought of challenging Michael and peeking into the Archangel's throne, but the new world order kept tempting him.

The war cannot be eliminated, but as long as the triangle of the heroic world, the main world, and the kingdom of death is stable, there is almost no possibility of a plane-level war breaking out.

Metatron doesn't like war. What he likes to do most is to recruit newborn angels every day, watch the angels fly leisurely around Cloud City in this garden, and teach them what kindness and justice are.

"I know how to prove whether Michael has been contaminated by divine power."

Metatron's sudden words made Daliang very energetic. Proving that Michael was no longer a holy angel was the difficulty in the whole plan. Relying solely on suspicion will not only yield slow results, but will also easily lead to Michael's counterattack. The final result may be... Michael gathered most of the angels with his prestige, continued to control Yunzhong City after a civil war, and fought again while dormant.

And if it can be proven that Michael has been contaminated, her power will be drastically weakened.

When the new world order was established, the mastermind of Joyce's assassination could be pinched or flattened based on Da Liang's mood.

"What can you do?"

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