Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1489 Confrontation

Fegmina was sealed on the spot, causing the Golden Cave City defenders to lose their determination to resist. After Monica took control of the city lord's palace, the fighting in the city quickly stopped.

There was no sound of fighting in the Golden Cave, and it returned to silence. The fire in the city was gradually extinguished by the water magic cast by the black elf magician of Thorn River.

On the city wall, all war weapons and alchemy devices were turned around and pointed outside; outside the city, the Black Elf army of Thorny River lined up through the city gate and began to formally take over the city's defense.

The griffins gathered by an artificial lake in the wilderness. This lake was originally dug out under the command of Fegmina to park the "Prince" aerial battleship that Liang first came to the Golden Cave City on. Now it is the lion. A temporary habitat for the eagles. The human animal trainers who came with the army took out the sealed dried meat from the transport truck and fed these aerial companions.

The entire Thorny River black elf army did not rejoice because of the victory in the Golden Cave City War. This is their first battle in the endless maze. They have come to the front from the darkness. They will face more battles in the future. They need to rest as soon as possible and then attack quickly to defeat the Golden Cave Black who has not yet chosen a new mistress. Elves...annexed.

Daliang flew with his bodyguards opposite King Scripps. He could feel that the Dungeon King... could do nothing but get angry.

If you want to be kind, let him get angry and vent his anger...

After all, we will still meet and do business in the future.

Facing the angry King Scripps, Da Liang maintained the smile of a professional businessman. After King Scripps finished speaking, he responded: "His Majesty King Scripps... I have occupied Golden Cave City. This is a fact you have seen. I don’t want to explain it. After all, the wealth hidden here is very tempting to everyone, including me.

But no matter what, I still hope to maintain friendly relations with the Darkwing Kingdom.

Even if you use war to snatch Golden Cave City away from me, it will not affect my attitude towards you. "

Although King Scripps appears angry, he is actually very calm. He didn't think that if he got angry, the Five-Color Flag Alliance would return the Golden Cave City to him; he and the King's Guards didn't have the ability to snatch the Golden Cave City back. He came to Jincao City just for negotiation...

By the way, let’s take a look at the strength of this black elf group that captured Golden Cave City. The Five-Color Flag Alliance is powerful, but they don't have many troops that can fight underground. Even the dwarves who joined the Five-Color Flag Alliance are not considered underground races even though they have moved underground.

Therefore, as long as this group of black elves controlled by Da Liang is defeated, the tentacles of the Five Color Flag Alliance can be driven out of the endless maze.

King Scripps observed the group of black elves occupying Golden Cave City at close range, and could feel that they had been affected by the war thinking of the human army.

The Black Elf army is good at running, and positional warfare has always been their shortcoming. Therefore, Feigmina purchases large quantities of war equipment to make up for their weakness in frontal combat. And this black elf army far exceeds the golden cave black elves in terms of the proportion of war equipment. They are also equipped with a large number of alchemy devices that even Fergmina is reluctant to buy.

What he saw in front of him made King Scripps sigh. These black elves really had the upper hand on Shangjiang City. Even the armor and weapons they were equipped with were obviously made by dwarves.

With this luxurious and extravagant configuration, you can still see the appearance of underground barbarians.

Shangjiang City not only provided weapons for this black elf army, but also gave them a gryphon army to enhance their air power. The 16th-level power of the Five-Colored Flag also prevented the Dungeon King's army from easily using its 16th-level heroes.

Confrontation of conventional armies... If there had not been an invasion by World Factory, King Scripps would have been confident that he would use all his country's strength to counterattack Golden Cave City. But now... he has to worry about whether Daliang will continue to encroach on his own territory or even occupy his own kingdom after being joined by the black elves of the Golden Cave.

Da Liang showed that he had no intention of continuing to attack the Darkwing Kingdom, which actually satisfied King Scripps. As long as the black elves and the undead army did not cross the border, he could deal with the invading warlocks first. After the big battlefield is stabilized, he can unite with other dungeon kingdoms to settle the score with the black elves.

But although you are satisfied, you cannot show it to make the other party feel that you are easy to bully.

The anger on King Scripps's face did not disappear at all, and he still said emotionally: "You have affected my attitude towards you!

The black elves stabbed our seven underground kingdoms in the most difficult time. They cooperated with World Factory to attack our rear, causing us to lose ground in the battle to defend the Endless Labyrinth.

Black elves are the scum of the underground race. They are capricious, bloodthirsty and murderous. They are the public enemies of the seven underground kingdoms.

The Five Color Flags Alliance supports the Black Elves because they want to stand on the opposite side of the Endless Labyrinth and on the opposite side of the evil camp.

Your Highness, you have to think carefully... A Golden Cave City can only bring you short-term gains, and offending the evil camp will be a permanent loss. "

Da Liang didn't expect King Scripps to scare him with the evil camp. I'm afraid he still doesn't know that the evil camp will soon be ours...

Daliang said to King Scripps: "Your Majesty the King...without Golden Cave City, you can't even protect the first kingdom of the underground city, so don't talk about your little influence in the evil camp.

I am here to talk to you sincerely.

I also hope you can say something more constructive instead of just scaring me.

I don't care about offending the evil camp, nor do I care about offending the good camp. I am a businessman, and for coins are the most important thing. "

Da Liang directly pointed out the predicament King Scripps is facing now. The lack of a golden cave has greatly damaged the strength of the Darkwing Kingdom. After cooperating with Shangjiang, the Iron Hoof Kingdom took the lead in solving the internal black elf rebellion, and then sent troops into the territories of other dungeon kingdoms. In the name of helping to hunt down the black elves, they captured many cities that originally belonged to other dungeon kingdoms.

The Singing King incorporated part of the city into his own territory, and used another part of the city as a bargaining chip in negotiations with other kings... The strength of the Iron Heel Kingdom has skyrocketed, and it is already threatening the status of the Dark Wing Kingdom.

It is almost certain that the Endless Labyrinth will be reshuffled after the World Factory invasion and the Black Elf Rebellion.

King Scripps knew that he had not intimidated Da Liang, so he immediately put away his explosive emotions and his expression returned to calm.

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