Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1501 A heavy victory

Michael, who was focused on moving forward, thought that she could withstand the attacks of the four summoning angels, but she did not expect that the four guard angels all possessed law-level sacred energy. The four sword blows at close range were firmly withstood by Michael, and then she was knocked away like a home run baseball.

Fortunately for Michael, these four law-level guard angels did not continue to pursue them. It seemed that they could not stay too far away from the Arbitration Angel, and they would not take the initiative to attack.

This has left the arbitration court in a state of uncertainty...

How could there be such a powerful skill! This cannot be released by an artifact, nor can it be released by a level 16 law hero. Only when a hero controls an artifact can it be possible to combine such skills. But Michael thought he had completely mastered the Blazing Wings and mastered the divine power of killing, but he was actually helpless with his "sanctioned" state.

Michael noticed the artifact in the hands of the Arbitrator Angel. The sword exuded the purest divine power, blending seamlessly with the energy overflowing from the Arbiter's body, indistinguishable from each other...

She also has divine power, and she has the most perfect fit with that artifact.

Michael finally understood why the weakest Arbitration Angel could display skills that even she could not crack. Her divine power, artifacts, and heroic attributes were exactly the same, which raised her power level to the most ideal level.

If she can become a god, who is qualified to rival her?

"What's your name!" Michael suddenly stopped all movements. She no longer attacked or defended, and asked the arbitration angel from a distance.

Holy Bella, Uriel, Daliang, and Metatron also urgently retracted their upcoming attacks. They could see that Michael had run out of gas and was returning from the demigod killing angel state to the holy angel state... Although they chose a dishonorable method to ambush Michael, out of respect for the strongest hero, They still let Michael say his last "last words" and have an ending that fits her identity.

Michael soon completely transformed into the state of a holy angel. The holy flames on the wings of the blazing sky were extinguished, and the holy white feathers were slightly messy. But Michael's momentum remained unabated, and she floated tall and tall in the middle of the arbitration court, facing the arbitration...waiting for her answer.

"Dear Archangel, I am the Arbitration Angel."

Michael raised his chin slightly and continued to ask with the unique arrogance of angels: "Arbitration Angel is just the name of your angel race, just like Killing Angel and Fallen Angel. It cannot be a name that represents an independent individual.

Just like my name is Michael, and Lucifer, even if you are the only angel in your race, you should have a name of your own.

Tell me again...what's your name? "

The Arbiter hesitated for a moment, and after a discussion between the two angels in his heart, he said: "Dear Archangel, my name is Julian. I used to be the guardian angel who guarded the prison where Ergos was held...

Because Ergos escaped from prison and because I was contaminated by evil, I did not return to Yunzhong City to face trial because of my weak will. Instead, I chose to be recruited by Prince Daliang.

Now I am the guardian angel of Prince Daliang, and I am in charge of the Angel Alliance for him.

Sorry Archangel, I participated in the ambush against you. I think His Highness is more qualified to lead this world than you. "

Michael did not act aggressively, but sighed: "Yes... Only the strongest is qualified to lead the world, whether through force or other methods, there can only be one winner.

My defeat meant the end of the path I had chosen.

You have won, and I hope the path you choose is the right one.

Julian... I remember you, you are a very talented archangel. Because of my mistake, Yunzhong City lost you. It is also because of my mistakes that you have become what you are today.

I see your future, you will surpass me, you will become the strongest warrior to protect this world.

Now...can someone answer my questions for me? "

At this time, Metatron said to Michael: "Archangel... I will answer the question you asked at the beginning of the battle. Prince Daliang was the third party who stole the obelisk of the Kingdom of Death and found the God Plane Research Organization. leader.

The Angel Alliance can open the crystal wall space of the extremely good god plane in the Kingdom of Death, and it can also open the crystal wall space of the extremely good god plane in the world of heroes. We entered here, met Urie, and learned the truth.

And then decided to ambush you here.

As for the safety of Yunzhong City after you are sealed... you can rest assured.

His Royal Highness Prince Daliang proposed a new world order to me. The Kingdom of Death intends to unite the power of the first empire of the main world and the world of heroes to end the confrontation between the good camp and the evil camp. There is a good order, a neutral order, and an evil order, working together to build a stable and orderly world...

The good camp, the neutral camp, and the evil camp coexist, confronting each other, relying on each other, and talking to each other.

Chaos is no longer the mainstream idea in the world. Calm leaders of order will restore peace to the world. "

Metatron's words allowed Michael to clear up all her doubts. She turned to Daliang and said, "You are even more amazing than I thought. Do you think your world of order can be peaceful for a long time?"

Daliang also returned to his human form, and he replied: "I don't know what will happen in the world of order, but we are all fed up with the battle between good and evil. At least the plane of order doesn't like war very much."

"If the coming of God brings a new war... what will you do?" Michael continued to ask.

Daliang asked back: "Archangel... if you win, if God comes and brings war, what will you do? Don't judge me like a resentful woman...

I don’t know what God brings, and neither do you.

But I know...the fear of God is what makes you what you are. I don’t think the power brought by fear can protect the world. Instead, I think unity can allow us to face all uncertain futures together.

If I win, it proves that I am right. I am better suited than you to take our face God. "

Michael was not angry because of Daliang's sarcasm, but instead showed a rare smile on his face: "I discovered why you can defeat me...

Maybe you really are better suited to lead the world than I am.

Please be kind to the angels, they will become the best warriors to protect this world. "

After finishing speaking, Michael threw the Blazing Wings, Doomsday Blade, and Cursed Armor to Metatron, and then closed his eyes.

Da Liang exhaled and waved his hands...

Four 16th-level law-level angels jointly completed the seal on Michael.

it's all over.

The arbitration court was revoked, and all the summoned angels were transformed into sacred energy again. The crystal wall space on the divine plane returned to calm, and the five heroes floated quietly next to the crystal wall, silently looking at Michael and Lucifer in the seal.

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