Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1510 Sudden Armistice

Beria thought that the war Daliang was referring to was the War in Furnace City. In order to allow the Five-Color Flag Alliance to join the war and help Hell regain the Furnace City, he couldn't wait to wait for the attendant to pour the wine and said impatiently: "Your Highness... Although the War in the Furnace City is over, Michael will never stop fighting. .

Despair City has the last elite army in hell, and the good camp will attack soon. I think they are already marching here now and war will soon break out here.

I think the Five Color Flag Alliance should not have too many illusions about the good camp. All planes that do not obey Michael are on her list to be eliminated.

The Five Color Flag Alliance should immediately send more troops to Despair City, and our three hell lord kings will also fully cooperate with you to defend this city. As long as we give us a little time, we can once again call on an army of the evil camp to have a decisive battle with the good camp here.

If His Royal Highness the Prince agrees, we can now form an alliance with the Five Color Flag Alliance on behalf of the evil camp.

Only if we join hands can we continue this war. "

Da Liang picked up the wine glass on the table and motioned for everyone to raise their glasses together. After the hell lord kings reluctantly picked up the wine glasses, he smiled and said: "The end of the war when I say it doesn't just mean the Crucible City War, but also this plane war... It's over. Thank you Hell The sacrifices made in the Crucible...

Without you fighting to the death to resist the army of the good camp in the Crucible City, without King Lucifer trying his best to consume Michael's strength.

There is absolutely no way we can capture and seal Michael so easily.

Now... Metatron should have succeeded Archangel and taken over Cloud City. He has promised me that he will organize the good camp to stop all military operations against the evil camp as soon as possible.

Peace negotiations will begin as soon as possible.

Therefore, you are very safe in Despair City..."


The wine glass dropped to the ground with a crisp sound, and the red wine spilled onto the carpet, soon exuding a rich and mellow aroma.

Beria hadn't realized his gaffe yet, he stammered: "Wha... what? Seal... seal... Michael?"

Willard and Morgan were even more unbearable. They sat there blankly with their palms clenched, shocked by the information revealed by Daliang with expressions of dementia.

This was the second time Da Liang had seen this expression, and it was more vivid than the wizened face of the Sad Pope.

Taking a screenshot as a souvenir, Daliang laughed and drank the red wine in the glass, and said proudly: "Yes, we have captured Michael... The three kings can rest assured that I will not treat you in this matter." lie.

I believe this news will come out soon. "

The three hell lords and kings were still in a daze.

This reversal is too fast and too urgent.

We were just kicked out of the Crucible City like a lost dog. I was thinking about how to survive the coming war and worried about the future. And then you sit here and tell us the war is over...

Michael was sealed. It was as simple as catching a bird.

Let us accept it!

Beria still looked unconvinced: "Your Highness...Seal Michael! How did you do it? And...what happened?

What you said makes me...I can't understand it. "

Daliang did not explain too much to Beria: "Because the matter is related to the reputation of Yunzhong City, it is inconvenient to reveal too much to the outside world about the specific process of capturing Michael.

In short... the world of heroes, the main world, and the kingdom of death have reached a consensus on certain things. Our three planes will urge all planes to stop the war as soon as possible and jointly establish a new world order.

Now we want to talk to you about... the post-war issues. I can represent the first empire of the main world, or I can represent Cloud City and the Kingdom of Death, and you should be able to represent hell.

On behalf of the three planes, I ask you, are you willing to cease war? "

Beria thought quickly about the explosive information.

If you want to capture Michael, you must have the cooperation of the supreme angel with sufficient weight... Metatron must be involved in this plan! Beria couldn't figure out how Metatron could betray Michael. He was definitely not competing for the position of Archangel. There must be something hidden in it.

Beria remembered that Lucifer had secretly met Metatron. He didn't know what they talked about, but he was certain that Metatron's transformation must be related to that secret conversation.

And the kingdom of death…

The Kingdom of Death has been preparing for war, but it has not sent a decent army to Hell for help, so the strength of the furnace city defenders is at a huge disadvantage. Lucifer suspected that the Kingdom of Death had the idea of ​​​​replacing Hell, but now it seems...these undead want more.

And the bright light in front of me.

The scene of seeing Daliang for the first time appeared in front of Beria's eyes at this moment.

At that time, he was just a minor noble from a city-state in the main world. He was brought to him by Macaulay because he wanted to see Metatron. If it weren't for Hell's request from Daliang in Shangjiang City, Beria would probably not even bother to take a look.

Then Beria witnessed the explosive rise of Daliang. Watch him step by step to save the three-color dragon tribe and form the five-color flag alliance; watch him facilitate the cyan coalition to change flags in the Kingdom of Death, drive away Yunzhong City, and assist Sadness to unify the entire plane of death; watch him help the fallen angels defeat Satan and let Lucifer Truly controlling hell; watching Shangjiang City led by him stand up with the main world and establish the unprecedented first empire of the main world.

The original little person could play with all the planes in his hands in the blink of an eye.

Now he defeated Michael again, ending the war that suffocated the world.

Looking at Daliang sitting high on the main seat, Beria finally understood why Lucifer let him come to Despair City instead of retreating into the abyss to lurk. Fallen angels can only rise again if they stand on the winning side.

He can represent the world of heroes, the main world and the kingdom of death, and can make good and evil sit together. He is the real winner.

Beria stood up and saluted Daliang and said: "Your Royal Highness... we can represent hell. Hell is willing to respond to the call of the world of heroes, the main world, and the kingdom of death to stop the war!

Let the world return to peace. "

From his contact with Beria, Da Liang knew that this fallen angel king was a smart guy. After the defeat in the Crucible City, he led the Fallen Angels to retreat to the City of Despair, where the enemy and the enemy were unknown. It can be seen that Lucifer has a very good strategy and vision for people.

Daliang has a special feeling for the fallen angels. It can be said that his current achievements are inseparable from the help of the fallen angels. Although everyone benefits from the cooperation and no one owes anyone, when the fallen angels come to visit at the most difficult time, Daliang will definitely give him a hand.

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