Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1513 Control

Lord of Hell.

A very resounding name, but now... Daliang can get the support of Beria, Willard, Angela, and Howard, several hell lords, but in terms of appeal in hell, it is probably not as good as Morgan, who is determined to fight guerrillas.

Demons are all unruly guys. Lucifer has ruled hell for thousands of years but the demons have not been truly convinced, not to mention that the current lord of hell is constantly selling out the interests of hell.

In short, the place that Daliang, the hell leader, can manage is probably only the large area controlled by Despair City.

He doesn't have much power...but he will take the blame for whatever comes his way.

Sigh... If I don’t take the blame, who is qualified to take the blame?

Now that Daliang is the representative of hell, there is no need for Daliang to discuss the position of hell with Beria. He selected a city near the City of Despair and assigned it to the name of the fallen angels, and asked the two fallen angel kings to take the defeated troops who had withdrawn from the Crucible City to a new station to rest.

Then Da Liang went to another room to find Angela, the guardian of Despair City.

Angela, who was very concerned about the future situation in hell, did not show up to participate in the meeting between Daliang and Beria, but this did not prevent her from hiding and using magic to eavesdrop.

The main palace of Despair City, which was destroyed in the battle with Baal, has long been repaired. The majestic dark red castle stands in the center of the city. In the highest tower of the castle is Angela's exclusive room.

The main room is connected to the spacious terrace. Angela can admire the unique red sky of hell while lying on the bed, and breathe in the air with the smell of sulfur.

At this time...the fallen angels who were flying in the air on guard were leaving from the sky above the City of Despair, heading towards the new city with hope.

Da Liang landed on the terrace at this time and walked in.

The body of the leader of the flames blocked half of the sky outside the terrace, and the flames illuminated the spacious room. The decoration in the room is extremely luxurious, and the first empire of the main world has not been stingy with Angela's requirements in life, allowing her to enjoy royal treatment here.

At this time, Angela was lying on her side on the big soft velvet bed, holding a glass of red wine in her hand, her eyes were drunk and she had a heart-stirring smile on her lips. Beside her was an empty bottle of red wine, and she was snoring softly. She seemed to have fallen asleep, waiting for someone to wake her up.

Da Liang walked slowly around Angela, admiring the peerless enchantress in front of him.

As if she knew the person she was expecting was approaching, Angela whispered in her sleep. Although I don't know what she is talking about, it is no longer important. Angela looked like she was sleeping in front of Daliang. Everyone knew what this Hell Demon Queen wanted to do.

But Daliang knew that if he wanted to control this uncontrollable jealous demon, the first thing he had to control was the desire that expanded in front of her. Use your firm will to leave no exploitable flaw in front of her, make what she is best at vulnerable, and make her have no confidence in front of herself. Only then... will her heart be afraid, will she not have other thoughts, and will she be willing to obey.

Da Liang circled around Angela, and after taking enough pictures, he walked up to her and took the wine glass from her hand.

After drinking the remaining wine in one gulp, he tasted the lingering fragrance on his tongue and said, "I remember you once said that when I get Morgan's Lord King badge... and collect six badges, you will Give me yours.

You must have heard everything you should hear...

Morgan has given me his badge, now it's time for you to fulfill your promise. "

The way Daliang looked just now made Angela think that she finally had this hero who could change the world in her pocket, but she didn't expect Daliang to change his face so quickly, but instead she made a fool of herself.

Angela's originally blushing expression immediately turned ugly. She stood up quickly, pulled a coat and put it on her body, ignoring Daliang and walking towards the terrace.

"You want my badge, okay... Your Highness, you can make me happy, whatever you want."

The breeze on the terrace blew Angela's loose clothes, making her look even more enchanting.

Daliang followed him up to the terrace and stood next to Angela, overlooking the main city of hell and the vast dark red land outside the city.

"Angela, I know you kept your promise and didn't use charm on me, but if I were easily seduced by you, would I still be able to achieve today's achievements and status? You are the devil of jealousy, the best at manipulating people's desires, and you know desire What will happen if this thing gets out of control?

I don’t want to finally reach the top of the world, only to fall down again due to a moment of indulgence. "

Angela's complexion improved slightly, but she still asked: "You still don't believe me? You think I want to control you and get more things from you."

"Isn't it?" Daliang asked back: "You are the devil who has existed for countless years, and I am just a human being. You are a fraction of my age than me... Evil and chaos are your essence, and deception and betrayal are your nature. Do you think I would be so arrogant...that the Demon King of Jealousy would fall in love with me?

Constant vigilance is the basis of cooperation between the devil and the devil.

Angela, I am now the Lord of Hell, please treat me the same way you would treat Satan or Lucifer.

I think you will never tempt Satan and Lucifer, because after a night of fun, they are likely to capture you and seal you because you made them succumb to their desires, exposed your weaknesses, and made them feel threatened.

I will do the same thing...

It is definitely a big loss for me to lose a friend who can help me.


What Daliang said to Angela was heartbreaking. In the past, the relationship between the hell lords and kings was a battle of wits and courage, and they were extremely wary of their fellow clansmen. Angela had never thought about charming other lord kings. Not only was she unable to charm, but she might be the unlucky one if she succeeded.

Thinking about Daliang's current status and his methods, if he had really pounced just now... after he regained his composure, his end might be to be neighbors with Satan and the others.

Seeing Angela's face turn pale with fright at his words, Daliang turned to smile and said: "I think you now know very well where the safe distance between us is? Then... let's talk about who will manage Despair City in the future. Bar."

"Despair City? Isn't Bartlett the city lord of Despair City?" After hearing the meaning revealed in Daliang's words, Angela's expression changed again, and her whole body immediately became excited. She asked expectantly: "You...will you Give me the City of Despair?”

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