Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1544 Make a pair

Order Enforcer: When you gain support from the World of Heroes, the Realm of Death, and the Overworld, you will obtain the Master Diplomacy status (all heroes will want to see you after hearing your name and will respect your opinions. Affinity Improve, unowned creatures in the wild below level 14 have a high chance of accepting your recruitment and joining your army...).

You have the power to mediate plane conflicts and have the right to propose a meeting of all-dimensional heroes.

(The World of Heroes appoints you as the Chief Advisor of Cloud City; the Kingdom of Death appoints you as the Tutor of Death; the main world appoints you as the Prime Minister. The Order Executive status is activated...)

After the Shangjiang Peace Conference, the three major planes of order sent people to the Golden Crow lair to inform the Nine-Headed Golden Crow Conference of the resolution.

Naturally, it also includes the identity of the executive officer of the Daliang Order.

Therefore, no matter how unsociable the elemental plane is, the spiritual elemental heroes who come to greet Da Liang do not dare to show any signs of neglect. He immediately turned around and entered the palace, and soon brought the news that the Nine-Headed Golden Crow had summoned him.

"Executor, please follow me."

Inside the Bird's Nest Palace, the decoration is unique... There are no overly complicated rooms and corridors, and there are no superficial works of art. There are objects solidified by magic energy everywhere. They are abstract in appearance, but inside they are made of top-quality alchemical materials.

After passing through a not-so-long corridor, the hero of spiritual elements took Da Liang into a main hall, where a hero with a bird's head and human body sat high on the throne of the main hall.

He looked down at Daliang, waved the hero of spiritual elements to leave, and opened the beak of the cyan bird's head, saying: "Are you Daliang, the executive officer of order? There is a big difference between you and the person I imagined...

But I don't care what your world looks like.

Good, evil, order, and chaos have nothing to do with the elemental planes, so no matter what your identity is in your world, you are an unwelcome intruder in my eyes.

State what you came to me for, and then depart from me. "

Da Liang knew that the one sitting on it was the Nine-Headed Golden Crow. In his small form, he only showed one head. When he spoke to different heads, his head would turn into different colors.

The nine heads and nine personalities are like schizophrenia, but there is no conflict among the nine heads. When one head dominates, the other eight heads will never cause trouble.

Daliang quickly scanned the hall, and after seeing no other elemental heroes, he saluted the Nine-Headed Golden Crow and said: "Lord Nine-Headed Golden Crow... I wonder how much you know about the divine plane?

Now the world of order is conducting large-scale research on the divine plane. Some research groups have found crystal walls that connect to the divine plane. Opening the crystal wall can allow gods to come to our world. "

After Daliang finished speaking, the head of the Nine-Headed Golden Crow turned red, and his tone also changed slightly: "I didn't expect that your world has touched this taboo... It is not a good thing for gods to come.

However, this is your business. Elements have always been the foundation of this world. This is a criterion that God cannot change. No force can change our neutral attitude. This is also the balance of elements.

Are you here to see me about matters related to the divine plane? "

Da Liang replied: "Yes... This matter first starts with a Flame Commander who left the Torch Tower. The Poseidon, who once dominated the main world, used an alchemy puppet to replace the Flame Commander in a Torch Tower in the Endless Labyrinth... …

I saw this alchemy puppet by some coincidence and was amazed by its complex design.

An alchemist friend of mine said that this alchemical golem was flawless in its use of energy. This world... you have the ability to create...

Then we studied this alchemy puppet and wanted to use the energy control technology inside it in the experiment of opening the divine plane.

Now... we have made a big breakthrough in the research on alchemy puppets, and we have also discovered that if we want to build energy control equipment, we must use elemental sacred stones.

The elemental stone is only available to you. "

The Nine-headed Golden Crow adheres to neutrality, which means that he will not tell the secrets he knows everywhere. Daliang did not hide too much in his research on the divine plane. After all, if it was an ordinary research experiment, it would be impossible for Daliang to obtain the elemental stone due to his relationship with the Nine-Headed Golden Crow.

If you want to get such an important thing from the Nine-Headed Golden Crow, you need to be sincere.

The head of the Nine-Headed Golden Crow turned purple. He already understood Daliang's intention and replied: "Poseidon? Is he a water element or a spiritual element... I have forgotten it.

I did make an alchemy puppet for him according to his request. The alchemy puppet only used a little powder of the elemental stone.

I think your experiment to activate the divine plane requires about an entire elemental stone. Why should I give it to you? "

Daliang said: "I can give you...what you want in exchange."

The Nine-Headed Golden Crow tapped his beak with his hand, thought about it briefly, and then said: "I seem to be lacking everything, so... I refuse to give you the elemental stone.


I've finished listening to your story, you can go. "

Seeing the Nine-Headed Golden Crow's refusal so simply, Daliang quickly said: "I don't have to take the elemental stone, but please let me take a look...let me remember what it looks like, or I can find it somewhere else. "

The head of the Nine-headed Golden Crow turned black. He stared at Da Liang and said warily: "Take a look... Is it really just a look? A year ago, two liars said they wanted to take a look at my anger. Department magic book.

As a result, I let them read it, but they tried to steal the magic book.

The guys from hell are really untrustworthy... Fortunately, the three planes of order sent people to tell me that the Lord of Hell is now the Demon King of Destruction and not Lucifer, otherwise they might really succeed.

Now you say you want to take a look at my elemental stone... Do you think you can still fool me with such a cheap trick? Your so-called identity as an order executive is not true. How could the three major order planes give such an important position to such a young human being?

I've been suspicious of you since you came in, and I've been waiting for you to reveal your liar's tail.

Is there anything else you can say? "

Faced with the oncoming hostility, Daliang had no intention of connecting the liar who stole air magic a year ago with Ergus and Joyce. Knowing that he was definitely no match for the Nine-Headed Golden Crow, Daliang hurriedly explained: "Lord Nine-Headed Golden Crow, there is absolutely no problem with my identity. You can send people to the World of Heroes, the Kingdom of Death, and the Main World to inquire. Archangel Metatron, Pope Sadness and Emperor Howard can all vouch for me.”

The black-headed Nine-Headed Golden Crow said with the excitement of catching a thief and seizing the stolen goods: "It doesn't matter what your identity is... I can feel that you are not here alone.

In this hall, there is another person here. She came in with you. The purpose...of course is to steal my elemental stone.

You don't need to quibble anymore.

I will lock you in a cage and keep you as my collection... The person who stole the air magic book a year ago was a human woman, and now I have you... just a pair for me. "

Put them in a cage and get a pair together... You are a bird keeper, right?

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