Start with an Archangel

Chapter 157 Layout

"I won't let you grind him to death. As long as your people can restrain the tauren magician for a few seconds and prevent him from opening the door to another dimension, someone will go over and deal with him."

At this time, many dungeon magician heroes appeared on the two battlefields, but there were also spellcasting heroes accompanying the human army. In the confrontation of magic, although the human race's spell-casting heroes do not have an advantage, they are not suppressed to the point of being unable to hold their heads up.

After all, this human army that went underground was carefully selected by Duke Howard and Joyce in order to quickly defeat the invading black elves and free Songjiang City from the war. Hero units account for a large part of the army. Proportion.

There is no shadow of a super powerful magician in Daliang's attack sequence in the dungeon. At present, it seems that there is only one very powerful magician in Songjiang dungeon.

As long as this bull-headed magician can be killed, the war in the entire Songjiang Underground City will become stable. If nothing unexpected happens, the army in the underground city will not be able to destroy this human army in a short time.

Daliang also knew that it was a bit difficult for him to ask the guild with seventeen nose rings to make such a big sacrifice for the first time. But if you want to buy time, a large number of players must use their lives to prevent the tauren magician from casting the door to another dimension for the second time.

So Da Liang continued to say to Seventeen Nose Rings: "Killing this magician is very important to me. I can promise you that as long as your rampaging Bull Head Guild can stop the Bull Head Magician for a few seconds, I can fight with you." Comprehensive cooperation, I guarantee that the benefits you gain from the cooperation will be far more than what you paid this time."

The battle with the high school alliance made Seventeen Nose Rings realize that if he stayed trapped in Songjiang and acted as a local bully, he would be destroying himself. With the end of the war in Shangjiang City, the university alliance will inevitably integrate the player groups in the Shangjiang area.

The high-profile adjudication force has sent out this message to the major player groups in Shangjiang, "If you don't cooperate, you are the enemy."

With the Legion system coming online.

It is very likely that after the NPCs are finished fighting in the Shangjiang area, players will start a full-scale melee, and small guilds will be the first to be annexed.

Among the several large player guilds currently existing in the Shangjiang area, who can win the final victory?

Seventeen Nose Rings knew that Daliang had an archangel in his hands, and that he was a very powerful archangel. Cooperating with the university alliance might be the best way out for the rampaging Niutou Guild.

And what Daliang said about comprehensive cooperation was tantamount to admitting that the Rampage Niutou could become an independent guild, and its relationship with the University Alliance was to stand side by side, rather than being annexed or vassalized.

Can Da Liang represent the university alliance? Of course!

"Okay, I will immediately lead all my people to ambush this area. Unless I and my people are dead, I will never let this tauren magician open the dimensional door and escape."

"Deploy it as soon as possible and let me know when it's ready."

The members of the Rampage Niutou entered the ambush area under the leadership of seventeen nose rings, and Da Liang looked at the battlefield again.

Since the arrival of Archangel Bartlett's support, the five level 14 creatures have been playing very cautiously.

The three level 14 creatures in Songjiang City were lower in individual strength than Julian and Bartlett, and their own magicians were unwilling to go deep into the battlefield to participate in the attack, preventing them from gaining a significant advantage.

Bartley and Julian also chose more conservative tactics. After all, no matter who of them suffered a heavy blow, the battle would deteriorate sharply.

The life of the ultimate creature is likely to be related to the direction of the entire battle. When no one has an advantage, maintaining a balance is also a good tactic.

Unable to open up the situation on the advanced battlefield, Songjiang City could only wait patiently for the ground battlefield to complete the encirclement and annihilation of the human army. Fortunately, Archduke Howard was dead or seriously injured, and Songjiang City had completed their duties in this war.

The griffins that completed the airdrop mission began to withdraw to the human camp outside the city, and the army in the underground city also began to attack the human camp.

Amid the roar of artillery fire, cavemen advanced on short, spindly legs with short spears.

"Daliang, my people are already in place."

When the information about the seventeen nose rings came, Da Liang immediately controlled the Silver Pegasus to fly towards the area where the Minotaur Magician would appear for the first time. At the same time, he ordered Julian to release Juliet and kill the Minotaur Magician with all his strength.

"cover me!"

Julian reminded Bartlett, and then instantly transformed into a human form, which made her much smaller and easier for sneak attacks. At the same time, she entered the subspace in the process of changing into a Hell's Angel form.

Bartlett didn't understand what Julian wanted to do, but as a comrade fighting side by side, he immediately took over all offensive and defensive responsibilities of Julian.

Advanced Hercules Shield: Level 3 earth magic, forming three walls of power to block the passage of creatures. The strength of the wall is related to intelligence.

Three cyan circular power walls appeared in the air. Bartlett used the power walls to avoid the enemy's attacks while chanting a spell to release the magic "Meteor and Fire Shower".

Fire clouds formed again in the sky.

The archangel and the golden dragon immediately split up and flew out of the range of the fire cloud. Although the golden dragon was immune to most magical attacks, the meteorites in the meteor shower were physical attacks, and being hit by them was not a comfortable thing.

Bartlett also avoided the magic attack range from the other side.

Juliet rushed towards the Minotaur magician along the passage of subspace, forming a ripple in the air that disrupted the space.

The cautious tauren magician immediately prepared the door to another dimension after Julian disappeared, and then he saw a creature that could move in subspace approaching from his location.

Could it be a devil?

But how can the devil cooperate with the archangel?

At this time, the magical preparations for the door to another dimension have ended, and a door of light appears next to the tauren magician.

"No matter how fast you run in the subspace, you are still not as fast as my door to another dimension."

The tauren magician taunted, then flew into the door of another dimension, and the light door closed.

Under Da Liang's instructions, Juliet turned in the air and continued to rush towards the ground directly below the light gate at full speed.

The tauren magician walked out from the side of a short wall. Under the baptism of the meteor shower just now, the large amount of thick smoke made it impossible for the creature chasing him in the sky to see him.

He was grateful for his caution, because he could feel that the creature preparing to assassinate him was very powerful, and there was no weak person who could move at high speed in subspace.

Fire clouds gathered in the sky again, and the ground below was no longer safe.

The tauren magician was about to open the door to another dimension again and get away from here, but he suddenly found that he was surrounded by a group of adventurers.


The magician looked at the players with disdain and continued to prepare magic.

However, a group of shooting magic caused him to immediately terminate the spell of the door to another dimension, and a magic ball wrapped him inside.

"Advanced Anti-Magic Magic": Not affected by any magic, consumes 1 mana per unit per second.

The magic shot by the players hit the magic ball like a stone sinking into the sea, without making any waves.

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