Start with an Archangel

Chapter 180 Army Gathering

Sigh... The navy has invested a lot of troops in Songjiang City. Now it has to deal with the Chongming fleet, and it really doesn't have enough troops.

But if you can get some soldiers, the Black Fire Leader's military strength will increase a little. Moreover, this time Joyce really gave some swordsmen and monks, which can be regarded as a small gain.

Swordsman (seventh level human race)

Attack: 10

Defense: 12

Kill: 60-90

HP: 350

Swordsmen are relatively outstanding among soldiers of the same level. They are very useful units on both the defensive and offensive ends. They will make people feel at ease wherever they are placed.

During the battle in Songjiang City, Daliang had seen the fighting power of the swordsmen. Swinging their big swords, they used their strong bodies to block the attacks of the underground city army again and again, keeping the entire human army's defense line intact.

It can be said that the addition of the swordsmen in this half of the squadron has greatly improved the weak defensive capabilities of the Black Fire Leader.

As for the monks, of course they were all transformed into magic mages.

The more Daliang uses it, the more he likes this strategic type of unit. Now that a small team of monks has joined, the team of magic mages in the Blackfire Territory has finally gained a certain size. Their role is no longer limited to releasing auxiliary magic and then being protected.

With the concentrated long-range attacks of level 12 creatures, even a dragon would not dare to provoke them alone.

Farewell to Joyce, Daliang flew away from the "Oath" with the admiral's full hope for himself.

Two troop transport ships have already sailed out of the Pudong Military Port. They contained not only the troops assigned to Daliang by Joyce, but also the soldiers recruited by Daliang. Monica's small group of dark knights also arrived at the military port and set sail with the troop transport ships.

A small fleet sailed nearby as a convoy.

The sea area east of the battlefield has been controlled by the Pudong Fleet. Under the protection of the escort fleet, Daliang did not worry that his soldiers would be attacked.

He did not go to review his newly acquired army, but flew to the eastern sea with Monica.

"Where are we going?" The nervous Monica finally dared to speak. Just now she saw aerial battleships, a fleet that almost filled the entire sea, and the roar of distant artillery like countless monsters roaring.

"To my fleet?"

"You also have a fleet?" Monica was shocked. She knew the power of artillery. The Black Elf tribe had several artillery purchased from arms dealers. The price was very expensive and the power was amazing. Five of them were used on a high platform. Artillery, combined with a small number of defensive troops, can prevent a large army from approaching.

Now she saw that a battleship could be equipped with dozens or hundreds of artillery pieces, and the roar of the artillery pieces was really scary.

Daliang didn't know what Monica was thinking, so he replied casually: "A small fleet is incomparable to the Pudong fleet. Look, they are right there."

Entering the sea area where the Black Fire Fleet was stationed, Daliang first saw the Silver Pegasus knight patrolling in the sky.

When the lord returned, the Silver Pegasus knights immediately flew over the escort, and then saw the griffons on the second level of aerial sentry line.

Then he saw the Black Fire Fleet parked on the sea.

One three-masted warship, four two-masted warships, one three-masted merchant ship, and two two-masted merchant ships.

Bright lands on the Blackfire and immediately recruits Sidney and Simon.

After introducing Monica to the two heroes, Daliang told the three of them the war situation in the entire Shangjiang area, and then Blackfire led the attack direction.

"We need to land on Chongming Island. Our mission is not to attack, but to ensure our own safety first and wait for Shangjiang City's counterattack, and then it is time for us to attack. During this period, we cannot trigger too much reaction from Chongming City. In the end, So that we can occupy an unimportant place and let them turn a blind eye to us.”

Sidney asked: "Why is Archduke Howard still in Songjiang City now? He should be returning to Shangjiang City to command the human army now?"

Daliang said: "How do I know what he is thinking now? Anyway, Howard can't watch Joshua attack Shangjiang City. Shangjiang City has a great chance of winning this battle. We just need to seize the opportunity to grab things. Joyce The supporting troops will arrive tomorrow, and Julian will join us the day after tomorrow."

The size of the Blackfire Territory's army at this time is:

Lancer 1137, Skeleton Soldier 1789, Halberdier 11, Archer 286, Marksman 16, Skeleton Lasher 26, Plague Crawler 251, Gryphon 152, Royal Griffon 17, Swordsman 50, Dark Cavalry 10, Silver Pegasus Knight 75, Magic Mage 13, Archangel 1, Frost Dragon 1; one three-masted battleship, four two-masted battleships, two three-masted merchant ships, and two two-masted merchant ships.

All logistical supplies are in place, Archangel morale +1, Medal of Courage morale +1.

Blackfire led the army in full force, with full combat power and ready for a fight.

Now that Da Liang has decided on the strategic direction of Blackfire's leadership, all his subordinate heroes can do is formulate tactics around the strategy.

As the hero with the most professional knowledge in the Blackfire Territory and the most familiar with the elves, Sidney first pointed to the map on the tactical table and said: "Chongming Island is flat from north to south and narrow from east to west. Chongming City is located on the south bank of the middle of the island. If we are on the north bank Landing will directly threaten Chongming City. The elves will definitely send a large army to expel us. If the west coast is out of the protection range of the Pudong Fleet, we will be attacked by the Chongming Fleet. Therefore, we can only land on the east coast of the island.

The east end of Chongming Island is the Dongtan Wetland, which is not covered by forest. Even if the elves find us landing and want to attack us, they will be affected by the swamp terrain. This place is far away from Chongming City and will not cause too much reaction from the elves. If they want to attack us, it will be difficult to march in the swamp and they will be hit by our long-range strikes and air strikes. So it should be safest for us to land from the east end. "

Looking at the map and comparing it with the detailed map of the College Alliance, I nodded. It is indeed very safe to log in from here.

Just when Daliang was about to give the order, Monica expressed a different opinion.

"The swamp terrain limits the elves, and it also limits us. I saw that there are no special roads in this wetland. When our army wants to attack, the swamp will limit its speed, while the elves can move quickly in the forest on the edge of the swamp. At that time, we, who were moving slowly in the open area, were the best targets.”


Monica is right. In the swamp, the elves cannot attack, and the army of the Black Fire Territory cannot rush out. It is very safe to be safe, but it is too safe. The army is trapped and unable to move, and it exposes itself to the elves. Under his eyes, Daliang's original robbery strategy could not be completed.

Sidney was a naval hero who thought little of fighting on land. So since Monica can point out what's wrong with the landing site, does she have a better plan?

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