Start with an Archangel

Chapter 218 In Hainan

Taking off his gaming helmet, Shi Fei lit a cigarette and walked onto the balcony.

After getting rich, Shi Fei did not continue to live in the basement he rented at the beginning. He moved to Hainan and bought a duplex apartment building in the corresponding location of his territory.

From here you can see the white sandy beach not far away, and the clear water so calm that you can see the bottom of the sea.

Taking a deep breath, the air here is much cleaner than in the city, making people feel comfortable.

At this time, the mobile phone rang.

Raging flames? A guy who can't keep his composure, he must have been frightened.

"Boss Fei, we are finished, completely finished."

The sound of raging flames made Shi Fei take the phone away from his ear, turn on the speakerphone and put it on a coffee table. Then he sat down on a chair, opened a can of beer for himself and said, "What's the end?"

"The Shangjiang branch of my master is completely destroyed. The bright archangel is floating in the sky south of Shangjiang City. All the guilds that attacked the College Alliance have retreated. Now no one dares to fight against the College Alliance. Xu Man is officially here She proposed to become the governor of the alliance, and everyone in the alliance was confused, and no one could stop her.”

Shi Fei said: "First of all, you should know that the Domination Shangjiang branch belongs to me, and you and your rich kids are just some of my customers. My employees still maintain the operation of the Domination Shangjiang branch, and other members still enjoy They rely on the services provided by the Overlord in the game. But...this time I helped you suppress the battle between Da Liang and Xu Man, and I did fail, and I also lost a golden dragon. This is the shortcoming of the guest army's battle, I The military strength could not be deployed quickly in Shangjiang, and the intelligence leakage was also the reason why we were ambushed by Daliang."

Lieyang Kuangteng deeply agreed with Shi Fei's words.

Da Liang mobilized all his military power and an archangel, and launched a "meteor shower" without any probing. The attack was resolute and even the legion station was not needed. It was obvious that he knew that Boss Fei and himself were hiding in the woods.

This is definitely an intelligence error. Too many people know about Boss Fei coming to Shangjiang, and people around him may also leak the secret.

Boss Fei came to Shangjiang to help him in his busy schedule, but not only did he die once, but he was also killed by a golden dragon.

Lieyan Kuangteng was very sorry, and at the same time he was confused about his future in Shangjiang.

"Boss Fei, what should we do next? Just let Xu Man unify the university alliance."

Shi Fei took a breath and said: "There is no way to stop her now. I really didn't expect that Da Liang actually has an archangel. I think even if we don't attack them, they will take action to remove you as a thorn in their side. Now I will give you two Suggestions: First, I withdraw from Shangjiang and come to Hong Kong City for development. I support you in setting up a legion and you continue to live your previous life;

Second, stay in Shangjiang City. This is a game. No matter how strong the college alliance is, it is impossible to occupy the entire Shangjiang City. The guilds in Shangjiang City are now afraid of them, but they will not be willing to be driven by them and are willing to watch them occupy all the resources. You keep a low profile in Shangjiang City and get rid of those who are flattering you. It is not a bad thing for you to learn from Gou Jian, the king of Yue, who "lived on the fire and endured the gall". As a friend, I would like to give you a piece of advice. You are too exaggerated and impetuous. If you remove the coat your father gave you, you are just a straw bag inside. If you can hide your identity during this period and play this game alone, it will be a really important experience in your life. "

Lieyan Kuanteng was silent at this time. After a while, he said: "Yes, I used to think that money could settle everything for me, but now it seems that money sometimes doesn't work. I listen to you, since I can't stop you Xu Man and Daliang, just ignore them for the time being and enjoy this game in Shangjiang. It’s just... I’m really sorry for causing you to lose a golden dragon.”

"It's nothing. There must be victory and defeat in the war, as well as losses. It's just a golden dragon..."

After ending the phone call with Lie Yanfeng, Shi Fei crushed the can, and the beer inside spilled out and spread all over his hands.

Wang Daliang!

I finally got an A-level golden dragon, but it was killed just like that.

"Meteor and Fire Shower", "Heart-breaking", Archangel, how many trump cards do you have!

Shi Fei, who wanted to quit the game to calm down, became even more irritable because of the loss of Shangjiang's influence.

Now Lieyan Kuangteng is dormant in Shangjiang following his own persuasion. Finally, he will have a chance to get his hands deep into Shangjiang in the future, but now he can only watch the college alliance being held in the hands of Xu Man and Daliang.

The suppression of Daliang failed, and the action of organizing gold merchants to launch a national war was frustrated for the first time, which in turn further boosted Wang Daliang's reputation.

The only thing that can be done now is to find the starting point of the national war planned by the gold merchant.

If a gold merchant wants to initiate a national war, he not only needs to make a big move, but he also needs to create the illusion of a large number of followers.

Players who have been contacted in advance gather from all directions, and then use live broadcast to broadcast on the entire network. This will naturally arouse the emotions of players across China. When the time comes, the whole body will be affected. When a large number of players are encouraged to teleport to the border, The national war can no longer be blocked.

And if you know the starting point of the Jinshang National War and launch an attack when they gather their manpower, it will be a civil war, and the National War will not be fought.

This is the last chance to stop gold prices from rising.

Entering the game... I need to recruit a new top-level creature. Although it is a bit dangerous, killing an ultimate creature and then recruiting another ultimate creature can show the power of me as the number one player in front of players all over the world.

Daliang was not in the game at this time. He was also sitting on the balcony looking at the sea outside. Next to him was the half-finished oil painting. Shu Xiao has not written since he became a disciple.


Let's just say that he and Shi Fei died together, so he didn't lose anything. He took away the golden dragon and made a profit.

It seems that the reborn ones are not invincible.

But this victory was really a fluke. If the first arrow was shot to death, there would be no further battles.

Shi Fei lost because of luck and underestimation of the enemy. He believed too much in his own ability. At first, he completely ignored me and the College Alliance. He acted in a high profile and his whereabouts were easily guessed. In the end, he was caught off guard.

After today, I will be repositioned by Shi Fei. Faced with his ability to win anyone he meets, can I still win the next time we meet?

After the battle with Shi Fei, Daliang didn't feel too happy. Instead, he felt more pressure after officially encountering this opponent.

This is a game. You can be resurrected after death. There is still a long way to fight against Shi Fei in the future.

"Hey...Master, after defeating the Flying Sand and Rocks, I couldn't find you in the game. Why are you here to be so bored?"

\u0026lt;My goal is to win the championship\u0026gt;

D. is a belief. C is a commitment.

Since Xiaomi assigned the carry responsibility to the AD position, then my responsibility is to continue the AD carry!

Returning to the beginning of the S5 season, we are about to usher in the most glorious and lowest point of the lpl division.

Let me make up for the misses and regrets in my previous life in this life!

Every year they go out triumphantly and return disappointed, leaving countless fans with broken dreams!

Then, let me, who is reborn, bring you different surprises and touches!

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