Start with an Archangel

Chapter 240 Chain Action

In the Hong Kong City Defense War, he commanded hundreds of thousands of players to successfully snipe the Hong Kong Island City army's flying sand and rocks again and again. His reputation in this city is unmatched by anyone, and he is recognized as the flag of this city's players.

After the war.

It was precisely because of this reputation that when Shi Fei announced the establishment of the Dominion Guild, there were as many as 150,000 registered guild members in a short period of time.

Then Shi Fei relied on the funds gathered from the territory and the Overlord Club to establish the Overlord Legion.

The Dominator Legion has 1,000 members, all of whom are full-time players who have signed a contract with Shi Fei. They have a unified office location, staff dormitories, canteens, etc., etc. to ensure that this legion is professional and ready at any time.

The data background of the Dominator Club is fully open to the Dominator Legion. Shi Fei uses his experience in his previous life and the funds in this life to build the most professional player army in the entire game.

Although the Judgment Legion of the University Alliance is consistent with the Domination Legion in concept, the Judgment Legion at this time is just a embryo, while the Domination Legion was a high-quality product when it was first established.

Operations, Intelligence, Special Attacks, Air Force, Navy, Army, Joint Command.

A legion of a thousand people has more than ten functional divisions. It is like a brain center that unifies the thirteen subordinate legions into a true master legion.

This time, the Dominator Legion was fully in action.

The leaders of the Dominion Legion once again gathered in front of Shi Fei.

"Accurate intelligence shows that the national war plan called 'Operation Chain' organized by gold merchants will start tomorrow. Ban Yue Mao will tell you the information you know."

Half Moon Cat stood up, and a map appeared in the middle of the circular conference table.

"We already know that the launching point of 'Operation Chain' is at the border between Pingxiang City in Guangxi Province and Vietnam District, and the target is Liangshan in Vietnam. According to our ancestors who have gone through the old path, we will fight again. The local guild has been After being bribed by the gold merchants, they will first gather a force of 10,000 people at the attack point, and the number can reach 50,000 with the addition of soldiers. The film and television live broadcast team sent by the gold merchants will use special effects rendering to process these troops into 50 Ten thousand or more, and then broadcast live to all of China through all media.

When the live broadcast starts, Daliang will announce the start of the national war on the national channel. With his current reputation, he can immediately draw the attention of the entire China to the border with Vietnam, and then other players hired by the gold merchants will Run together from Pingxiang City to the attack point, creating the illusion that players from all over the country are coming to support, and then Da Liang will lead this army across the border into Vietnam.

With such a momentum being created by the gold merchants, all the players in the Vietnam area must have known about it, and they will definitely block the invasion of the players in the Chinese area at the border. Then the national war will begin unstoppably, and no one can stop it.

However, Vietnam is not their only choice. On the Indian border and the Russian border, the gold merchants have five identical attack points. After the instigation of the national war on the border of Pingxiang City fails, they will move to other locations.

There are 28 other border areas that will gather players together, mainly to confuse us. "

Shi Fei said: "Vietnam, India, and Russia are the three areas where we have initially estimated that gold merchants may launch a national war. Among them, Vietnam is close to our densely populated provinces and cities, and there are old and new grudges. The conditions for a national war are very mature. Banyuemao's intelligence also confirmed that the gold merchants chose this place first, so we will start from here to prevent them from launching a national war.

Our dominant army is responsible for the Pingxiang border with Vietnam and the Yadong border with India. The borders between China and Russia are relatively long. The gold merchants have four attack points, which are handed over to our lord allies.

‘Operation Chain’ will start tomorrow. Gold merchants have already started taking action, and we will take action immediately. I will give you the tasks of each department through the backend. The diplomatic team will immediately contact the player guilds near Yadong and Pingxiang and ask them to send people to assist us. We will agree to any conditions as long as they are not excessive.

Everyone, whether you will eat meat or drink soup in the game from now on will depend on how the sniper battle goes tomorrow.

The ministries took action. "

"Yes, legion commander."


"Hey, Master. Where are we going? Are you bragging about saving money? The transmission fee is really expensive."

Shu Xiao followed Daliang out of a teleportation array exit and walked towards the entrance of the teleportation array, accompanied by Archangel Julian. This city kept jumping from city to city, and Daliang had no intention of reaching the destination yet. Shu Xiao couldn't help but ask.

Daliang gave Shu Xiao 1,000 gold: "Don't ask so many questions, just follow me. This is a combat mission, a big scene."

Upon hearing that it was a combat mission or a big scene, Shu Xiao immediately stopped complaining and asked enthusiastically: "How big is the scene? Is it as big as the naval battle scene during the day?"

"It will definitely be bigger than the naval battle during the day. Because it is a joint operation and needs to be kept secret, I can't tell you the specific situation. Anyway, you can just think about the big picture."

Shu Xiao was even more happy: "Think big? Isn't it bigger than the battle at Shidongkou? There are 30,000 to 40,000 soldiers participating in the battle, right? It's actually a cross-provincial battle, it has already passed through four or five provinces, right? ? How to deploy our troops?"

"That's none of your business."

At this time, Daliang and Shu Xiao walked out of the teleportation array. This was a level 8 town located in a remote border fortress. There were usually not many players here, but it seemed a little more lively than usual.

After arriving here, Daliang did not continue walking to the entrance of the teleportation array, but took Shu Xiao and Julian to the outside of the city.

When he reached a place where no one was paying attention, Daliang summoned the Silver Pegasus, and then said to Shu Xiao and Julian: "Fly with me now, fly to high places, don't let the players along the way see us."

Shu Xiao looked at his map and was shocked: "No way, it's actually a cross-border operation! Are Julian and the two of us assassinating some important people?"

Da Liang said angrily: "Don't ask, do you know that keeping secrets can't be told, it's already made me very uncomfortable. You ask this and that, what if I spill the beans?"

"Okay, I won't ask, I won't ask. It's a master-disciple match, but you don't believe me so much."

"Boss Jin told me not to tell anyone. If I tell you, and you leak it later and tell Boss Jin, wouldn't it look like I'm a big talker and can't even keep a secret?"

"Uncle Jin actually participated?"

Daliang rode the Silver Pegasus into the sky and said to Shu Xiao: "If you want to know, just ask Boss Jin. Everyone should follow and don't fall behind."

"It must be a big deal, I'd better not ask."

Shu Xiao and Julian rode the silver Pegasus and followed Daliang into the night.

Not long after flying, a group of silver Pegasus knights flying from nowhere joined the flying team.

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