Start with an Archangel

Chapter 260 Genius Geese

The matter of Master Gis is not a big secret in Shangjiang City. Daliang is now Master Gis' disciple, and Joyce didn't hide anything.

Master Gis came to Shangjiang City ten years ago. At that time, he was still a senior ship designer and served the Pudong Fleet Shipyard.

When working at the Pudong Fleet Shipyard, Giese showed a very high talent for ship design. The three-masted battleship he designed had a very high success rate in drawings (ship designers have a success rate when generating ship drawings) .

Giese's talent was noticed by Harold, the chief ship designer of the Pudong Fleet. Harold was already a master ship designer at the time. However, Master Harold was old and failed to successfully design a fourth-level battleship. After that, he no longer had the energy to design battleships.

So Gith and another talented ship designer were accepted as disciples by Master Harold.

Geese's talent in ship design fully exploded after receiving the guidance of a famous teacher.

Soon, the drawings of a fifth-level battleship were designed, and Giese was promoted to master ship designer.

Then Ghis was out of control in the design of battleships. After successfully designing four more fifth-level battleships, Ghis successfully designed a fourth-level battleship to equal the achievements of his mentor.

But Geese's talent limit has not yet been reached. After he completed the design of three fourth-level battleships, the drawings of the world's most advanced third-level battleship were designed in his hands. This is the Conqueror.

"After completing the design of the Conqueror, Master Gith immediately began to design the second-level battleship. He wanted to be the first master in the world to design a second-level battleship. As a result... you must have seen it, his spirit appeared The chaos is such that even the design of a fifth-level battleship cannot be completed.”

Daliang said: "Master Giss really has something wrong with his head?"

Joyce said: "There was indeed something wrong with his head. He was completely crazy at the time. If we hadn't looked closely, he would have committed suicide. As Master Giese who succeeded Master Harold as the chief designer of the Pudong fleet, we are His Majesty once sent his royal doctor to treat Master Gis. However, Master Gis is an undead tribe. Their brains are very different from ours, and the royal doctor could not cure him.

I don't know what happened later, but Geese suddenly woke up, but he still couldn't complete the battleship design.

Then he resigned as the chief ship designer of the Pudong Fleet and lived in seclusion on Flea Street, hoping to sort out his chaotic thinking by carving ship models. "

Joyce confirmed that Guise did not lie to Daliang.

Since there is no problem with Gith's identity, and he is indeed a master ship designer who is in trouble, then this task of treating Master Gith is of great benefit and no harm to Daliang.

As for how to save?

Da Liang has no idea for the time being, but the fact that Geese can wake up from his madness must have something to do with the prophet in the mysterious cabin. That was the big boss who was researching the resurrection potion. If he couldn't restore Geese, then this task would be a bit difficult.


First, learn ship design from Master Geese. Maybe I will be a genius that day. One day for beginners, two days for intermediate, three days for advanced, and I can break through to the master level in one week?

Da Liang, who had no place to go at night, stayed in Joyce's castle and read all the books given to him by Master Guise in one night, whether he understood them or not.

Sigh... My original intention was that I would never deal with books from now on, but I didn't expect that I would have to read books while playing a game, and I would actually be reading hundreds of years of knowledge!

There probably aren't many people in the hero world who can play at my level.

The next day, the national war continued.

Chinese players started a war across the entire border. Their ferocious momentum and fierce offensive made those East Asian countries that did not have direct borders with China secretly wipe their sweat. The fighting capabilities of the world's most populous country and the world's second largest economic power are indeed not to be boasted. Players in China are fighting national wars with more than a dozen game zones at the same time, and they can all maintain an offensive attitude.

The Vietnam battlefield was exactly as Boss Jin expected. The player armies on both sides were anxious on the border, the fighting situation was exciting, and the number of participants was the largest in the battlefields surrounding China.

As the commander-in-chief of the Vietnam battlefield, Feishaozushi has been dispatching on the front line, and the Dominator Guild has come out in full force, hoping to fight a large-scale annihilation war in Vietnam like the Mongolian battlefield. However, Vietnam has a much larger population than Mongolia, and its border cities are densely populated, allowing Vietnamese players to quickly return to the battlefield after death.

Moreover, the large-scale invasion of Chinese players has triggered the dispatch of troops from system cities in Vietnam. Although Feishanzoushi did not attack the system cities, the number of troops sent by the system cities was limited, far less than the size of the orc army on the Mongolian battlefield. However, in Vietnam's mountain operations, such small The combat effectiveness of the large-scale NPC army makes flying sand and stones even more uncomfortable.

For various reasons, Feishanzushi's attacks failed to achieve the expected goals. They could only keep the battlefield within the border of Vietnam and occupy an advantageous position on the battlefield.

The national war allows players in the game area to quickly consume their own funds while enjoying the passion.

The five major gold merchants are making money crazily.

And these have nothing to do with Daliang. He is now an apprentice in a small ship model shop in Flea Street.

Da Liang, who arrived early in the morning, did not see Jis in the store.

Following Giese's instructions yesterday, he continued to read knowledge from hundreds of years ago behind the counter, while greeting the business in the store.

To be honest, the business of Jisi Ship Model Shop is really bad.

Yesterday, when Da Liang was playing with the single-masted merchant ship model, he didn't see any customers come in. Now more than half of the morning has passed, and still no one has come in.

Fortunately, the Gith are undead and do not need to eat. The gold coins are just decorations for them.

Moreover, take a look at the price tags of those ship models.

It really doesn’t open for three years, but it lasts for three years after opening.

Stupid and expensive.

Sigh... The undead just can't do business.

This kind of finely carved ship model is obviously a luxury product. When Keith opened his store in Flea Street, he didn't even think about whether people here could afford the ship model.

Moreover, with people like Polly guarding Flea Street, it is estimated that nine out of ten people who come here to buy ship models will be frightened and dare not come in.

Such boutique luxury stores should be opened in the aristocratic areas in the center of the city. They are the mainstream of luxury consumption.

It seems that this morning will be wasted. If I had known this, I would have just asked the girl to watch the sunrise together, and take a romantic half-day trip to the sea to discuss the past and imagine the future.

Just when Da Liang was getting more and more bored while flipping through the book, Polly's voice came from outside the store door: "Oh... I see, you guys also came here because of the reputation, and he must be a nobleman for being so generous. Come in, see you. Guise said that you were brought by Polly, and he will give you a discount. Well, if anyone else stops you when you are leaving, just say that the money has been given to Polly, but I don’t guarantee that it will work..."

There are some things, two updates for now

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