Start with an Archangel

Chapter 271 Seedlings

The transformation of the second bone dragon failed, which frustrated Da Liang's wish to produce two frost dragons at once.

Now that the restoration potion in hand has been used up, the dragon corpse salvaged from Qingye Island can only be placed temporarily, and then transformed after there is a chance to obtain the restoration potion in the future.

After handing the frost dragon Thunderstorm to the skeleton blacksmiths in the blacksmith shop to build the dragon saddle, Da Liang turned around and returned to the meeting hall.

The 2,000 zombies purchased from Jiading City have been delivered. Together with the zombies recruited by the Black Fire Leader these days, the number of zombies in Daliang's hands has reached 2,200+.

Speed ​​is the walking dead's biggest shortcoming. As a laborer, his work efficiency is not as good as that of skeleton soldiers, but his weekly salary is much higher than that of skeleton soldiers. No wonder Marquis Stanley sells walking corpses so easily.

Daliang also didn't like the useless zombies sitting idle in the territory and getting paid in vain, so he simply drove all these zombies into the evil prison.

Obtain 450 Plague Creepers.

The power is directly proportional to the cost. The price of this powerful disposable soldier is also astonishing.

There is definitely no need to use them in ordinary battles. "Good steel should be used on the blade."

Since in the naval battle deduction with Sidney, the Blackfire Fleet could completely defeat the Lords United Fleet with slight damage, Da Liang had no intention of using the Plague Crawler in this naval battle.

Moreover, using the Plague Creeper requires gaining air superiority. Daliang knew that the air commander Wu Meng Wing in the Lord Legion was very powerful. During the day, it was Wu Meng Wing who led the Lord's air force to fight Shu Xiao.

Therefore, in the early stages of the battle, the Judgment Legion commanded by Shu Xiao may not be able to suppress the Dreamless Wings and gain air supremacy. In the later stages of the battle, after the Blackfire Fleet defeated the Lords United Fleet, there was no need to use Plague Creepers on the defeated battleships.

After ordering the merchant ships stationed in the Black Fire Territory to transport the plague crawlers to Qingye Island, Daliang returned to Shangjiang.

One day passed.

The first batch of single-masted warships commissioned from Pudong Military Port Shipyard were launched, a total of 50 ships.

It seems that my face is tough enough, and the Pudong Shipyard really squeezed out shipbuilding space for me to produce single-masted warships.

Through Boss Jin, Daliang knew that the Dominator Legion's intelligence capabilities were very powerful. The National War Planning Center had just been established at No. 312 Angel Avenue, and the Dominator Legion had the exact location. Even if Boss Jin secretly purchased 1,000 artillery pieces from Daliang, they could all know about it and make use of it.

If Boss Jin hadn't been so upright, the situation in China would have been different.

Therefore, when these 50 single-masted battleships were manufactured, Liang did not arrange for players to receive them. Instead, Xu Man was notified to allocate a group of soldiers to Da Liang in the name of supporting the defense of the Judgment Corps station.

Daliang assigned these soldiers to each ship to serve as sailors.

Of course, such inexperienced sailors cannot exert the combat effectiveness of a warship, but the player's voyage has just begun, and no one has a large reserve of sailors, so they are basically sharpening their guns on the spot. Fortunately, this is a game. Although the new sailors are unfamiliar on the ship, it only affects their work efficiency and will not prevent them from even starting the ship.

Facing the intelligence pressure of the Dominator Legion, before the College Alliance perfected its own confidentiality measures, only a few people could do many trivial matters personally.

Therefore, it took almost half a day to allocate manpower to various positions of the 50 single-masted battleships.

When Daliang told Xu Man that the sailors of 50 single-masted battleships were ready.

Xu Man said: "Daliang, I saw the battle plan you asked the staff office to change. You want to lead the seven battleships of the Pudong Fleet to fight the eighty or so battleships of the Lords United Fleet. Is it really okay? The latest intelligence shows that, Feishanzushi has a golden dragon in his hands, which is why the lords dare to attack our college alliance. In addition, I think the lords have more than one ultimate creature in their hands. Once these ultimate creatures join the war, the seven battleships may be weak. I suggest Some sloops have modified ballistas to coordinate with your actions and use them to suppress their ultimate creatures."

Shi Fei had another golden dragon, just as Daliang expected. Moreover, with so many lords, under the guidance of Shi Fei, it is reasonable to have one or two ultimate creatures in their hands.

Otherwise, how could Shi Fei dare to come here when there was only one golden dragon after a golden dragon died in Shangjiang last time?

Da Liang replied: "I understand. The lords will definitely not have too many ultimate creatures, otherwise they don't need to set up an ambush to catch my archangel, they can just come up directly. The plan remains unchanged, if they put in ultimate creatures to join the battle, I will To cope.”

"Okay." Since Daliang is so confident, it is not convenient for Xu Man to interfere too much in the military. He said: "All the newly built 50 single-masted warships will be allocated to your Judgment Legion. All members of the Judgment Legion are For all professional players, the confidentiality factor is relatively high. When you fight against the lord's combined fleet, you can make secret arrangements in advance."


Shi Fei is not currently in the "Ying Long". This kind of besieging the college alliance does not require him to be personally in charge. Anyway, his legion assembly flag is planted on the battleship. If Daliang and Archangel appear, he You can also rush to the battlefield quickly.

Kuitu was the first player in Shi Fei's previous life in China to be promoted to master ship designer, and one of the very few players in the entire game world who has the ability to design battleships.

As for how to advance to the master ship designer level, Shi Fei didn't know the secret until he was reborn. This is the master ship designer's secret to eating, and no one will tell it.

Since Shi Fei is based in the South China Sea, he must cultivate his own ship designers, and as long as he has money and skills, it is easy to create a senior ship designer.

But now that he was reborn, Shi Fei was certainly not satisfied with his fleet being unable to use self-produced battleships. Although he didn't know how to advance to the master ship designer level, he only needed to know the player Aoi Tsuchi.

Aoitsuchi, who had just accidentally learned basic ship design, was surprised that he was personally recruited by the world's number one lord. Like many people, Aoitu couldn't resist the temptation to join the Dominator Army.

Looking at the reserved and nervous Aoi Earth in front of me, it is difficult to imagine what he will look like after becoming a master ship designer. It was really a star-studded meeting, with so many great lords and army commanders trying to make friends.

But now, he was standing in front of him, looking at himself with the same eyes he used to look at him.

"As players begin to set foot in the ocean on a large scale, some people have learned basic ship design like you. However, through my observations and collected information, ship design does not seem to be a simple skill. Junior ship design The skill description says that the success rate of generating a single-masted merchant ship is 10%, but in fact, the success rate is much lower than 10%. So someone looked up the ship structure of the sail era from the Internet, first drew a sketch, and then generated the drawings. , the probability of success is significantly improved.

I want to ask you, what do you think of the hidden setting of ship design? "

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