Start with an Archangel

Chapter 295 Sewer Level 1

"Now that we're here, let's go in."

With the approval of Holy Bella, Daliang said to Polly: "You lead the way, the first squad of Crusaders will follow, the second, third, and fourth squads of Crusaders will protect the priest. The first, second, and third squads will follow, and the others will leave. In the middle, the fifth and sixth squads of the Crusaders protect the fourth squad of the priests at the rear."

"You have to follow closely." Polly jumped into the sewer with his thieves, and the others entered in the order assigned by Daliang.

The sewers in Shangjiang City are relatively spacious, about seven meters wide, with a three-meter-wide wastewater channel in the middle, and two-meter-wide maintenance roads on both sides.

Since this is a place where underground forces in Shangjiang City often operate, the team did not find any dark creatures living here after entering the sewers.

Polly led the thieves in front, and the others followed closely behind with caution. The priests lit holy lights in their hands, illuminating the front and back of the passage.

Daliang, Shu Xiao and Gu Tao walked among the archangels, and experience points popped up from time to time, showing that monsters had been killed by Polly and the others.

On the first level of the sewer, people like Polly can run amok.

Walking with the team on the slippery ground, Shu Xiao finally couldn't help but ask: "Why is this eating experience different from what I imagined? It took me a long time to gain more than 20 experience points, all of which were 1. I heard It is said that the experience of the monsters in the Shangjiang sewers is quite high. Are these people so divided in terms of experience?"

Polly and the others had leveled up the monsters on the first floor of the sewer, and the experience they were given was not high to begin with, and then a group of high-level angels divided the experience among them. It was no wonder that the three of them could divide the experience so much.

Da Liang did not explain too much to Shu Xiao, but just said: "Don't worry, this is the first level. Our destination this time is the third level of the sewer. Not even high-level NPC heroes dare to enter there casually. It has already been filled with high-experience monsters, and when we get there, it’s time for us to lay down and upgrade.”

Gu Tao asked in surprise: "We are actually going to the third level of the sewer? No one has been to the second level."

It's been a while since we last met, and due to the influence of her race and profession, Gu Tao has become even more beautiful and refined. Her personality and appearance really fit the elf very well, and Ningjing is like a fairy who doesn't mess with vulgar things. Even in this sewer full of filth, the beauty she exudes cannot be destroyed.

Gu Tao is accompanied by a unicorn with an elegant temperament. Its class characteristics allow it to open a barrier for the team and provide a status effect, which can reduce part of the magic damage to friendly forces within the range when they are attacked by magic.

This enchantment emits light blue light, adding a bit of magic.

Beautiful species and beautiful girls are so pleasing to the eye.

Daliang said: "So, the three of us have won the first, second, and third places in this game that can enter the sewers of Shangjiang City. Remember, don't be brave after entering the second floor. Keeping life is the first priority. See that Are you a pretty blonde? If something goes wrong, just run to her. She is the strongest in the team and can withstand even the sky falls."

Because the ultimate creature is a natural hero, the hero level has a great influence on individual strength. Even if it is a level 15 creature, the difference in hero level will make a big difference in the combat effectiveness of the same level 15 creature. In the royal meeting the day before yesterday, Howard, who had killed level 15 Beamon, was very afraid of Holy Bella. It can be seen that Holy Bella must be very strong.

Being appointed by Michael as a right-wing guard, Holy Bella is definitely the strongest existence among the holy angels in Cloud City. A high hero level means a high commander. The twenty elite archangels she commands must also be strong. Outrageous.

No matter how strong the monsters in the sewers of Shangjiang City are, they are limited. In the game, it is impossible to create an overly advanced monster spawning area under a city. The dark creatures here can torture players because their levels are low and their equipment is poor. Meeting the angels like Holy Bella will give you experience.

The only thing that can threaten them is probably Ergos hiding deep in the sewers. No matter how weak this hell lord king is, he is still a top level 16 demon. Just looking at the evil prison in the Black Fire Territory, you can know how strong this guy is.

If he really transformed an army of demons on the third level of the sewer, it would be a real tough battle under his command.

With Da Liang pointing his finger, both Shu Xiao and Gu Tao looked towards Holy Bella.

Although Holy Bella walks in the sewers with everyone in her human form, people can still feel her disdain for everything in the world.

Different from the Archangel's full-body armor, Holy Bella's armor is more decorative. It seems to be a kind of clothing that reflects the beauty of the female body. The half-body armor outlines the curves of her upper body, and the red short skirt lined with silver skirt armor, casually. Swinging with steps, you can vaguely see the white skin between the over-the-knee metal boots.

Holy Bella did not wear a hood, and her long golden hair was spread over her shoulder armor. Perhaps sensing that Shu Xiao and Gu Tao were looking at her, she turned her head slightly, her gaze coming from the corner of her eyes, and the two women quickly lowered their heads in fright.

Shu Xiao whispered: "What a fierce look. If we run towards her, will she just chop us down?"

Daliang was about to knock Shu Xiao, when Polly's voice came from the front: "Sir, the entrance to the second floor has arrived."

It's a staircase that spirals downwards, with light being replaced by darkness around the corner. The next floor cannot be seen from above, but unlike the quiet first floor, the roar of monsters can be heard from time to time at the end of the stairs.

Da Liang turned to the sacred Bella who came over and said: "There are monsters down there blocking the exit. My people will probably suffer heavy losses if they go down. It's better to send your people down to clear a place to stay."

Holy Bella looked at the stairs and said nothing.

With a wave of his hand, the ten archangels walked away.

After a while... the roar of monsters erupted below, and then on the bright information bar, the experience value was quickly refreshed. It was almost impossible to see the value by scrolling quickly, but it was definitely three digits.

Shu Xiao and Gu Tao looked at each other.

"My dear, if your experience increases so quickly, does that count as cheating?"

" doesn't count, right?"

Gu Tao wasn't sure either.

Daliang stood with Holy Bella and observed the situation below. The second floor of the Shangjiang Sewer can be said to be a restricted area for players. After so many people share experience, I can still gain three-digit experience, so I can guess how powerful the monsters below are.

It is estimated that players who have not reached level 40 should not think about leveling up below.

Gradually, the growth rate of experience began to slow down, and Holy Bella walked directly down the stairs.

Daliang immediately ordered his army to follow.

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