Start with an Archangel

Chapter 298 The Third Level Demon


A huge explosion came from the depths of the cave, and the entire sewer shook violently. Large chunks of gravel fell down, as if the passage would collapse at any time.

At this time, Holy Bella shouted loudly: "Erges is indeed here, he found us, enter, enter! All enter! Quickly support the first team."

Before Holy Bella could finish speaking, people had already flown into the cave, and the second team of Archangels also followed.

Ergos is really inside, isn't this a trap?

At this time, Da Liang was full of questions, but since the Archangel had already rushed into the third level of the sewer, it would only be more dangerous for them to stay on the second level.

Some dark creatures had gathered around, and Da Liang immediately ordered his army to enter the cave.

The cave from the second level of the sewer to the third level was very spacious. After the human army entered the cave, the dark creatures that were chasing them stopped in the cave. They roared loudly, but they did not dare to take a step forward.

"It feels like we are on a path of no return."

Daliang said something self-deprecatingly, and then directed the team to move forward.

This is not a man-made passage. It seems that the so-called third layer no longer belongs to the upper river sewer system. It should lead to an underground world through here.

Entering the cave passage, the temperature immediately increased significantly, as if the front was straight into underground lava.

The sound of explosions became denser and louder. It was obvious that the archangels had encountered a powerful enemy. Da Liang, who was walking forward, did not know what he could do in a battle of this level.

Soon a cave entrance glowing with orange-red fire appeared in front, and the figures of the archangels fighting could already be seen.

The human army walked out of the passage and saw a huge underground cave in front of them.

Orange-red magma erupted from the center of the cave and gathered into a magma lake. The magma continued to spew out and spread along the ravines and lowlands. The entire underground cave was filled with spiderweb-like magma rivers.

The fluorescent moss that is still alive shows that this is not a natural magma environment. It should have been an ordinary underground cave originally, which was the main source of dark creatures in the sewers of Shangjiang City.

The magma that erupted here should have just formed and gradually approached the environment of hell.

It seems that Ergus is really here. He transformed this place into an environment suitable for the survival of hell creatures, and then the dark creatures that were originally produced here turned into hell creatures.

It is estimated that Ergus has been hiding here since he escaped from the prison. During this period, he not only found opportunities to rescue the other four hell lord kings, but also formed a hell army here.

The archangels who entered the lava cave at this time were being attacked by a large-scale hell army.

Demon infants, horned demons, and hell three-headed dogs, these low-level soldiers in the hell race, under the command of Ergus, exploded with amazing combat power. They relied on their numerical advantage to attack the archangel's front crazily.

Fortunately, the heroic commander's bonus only adds attack and defense. The basic lethality and HP of the troops are not affected by the commander. Therefore, in front of the archangel, these low-level soldiers are just stronger cannon fodder.

However, the high-ranking soldiers of the Hell Clan, including Nightmare Beasts, Enchantresses, and Abyss Demons, can cause a lot of trouble to the Archangels.

There are also those demon heroes hiding in the army of hell. Their ability to move in subspace makes the archangels very afraid.

Under the leadership of Holy Bella, the archangels erected large aura shields in front of the front to share the attacks of the hell army. The fireballs thrown by magic and enchantress shook the aura shields violently.

The archangels tried their best to hold on to the entrance of the passage, which was what they saw after the light came down.

After taking a quick look at the battle situation, Daliang immediately commanded the army to join the battle. The addition of the Crusaders allowed the Archangel to push the front line forward, and the long-range attacks of the priests began to counterattack the long-range troops of Hell, the Enchantress.

Seeing human troops entering the passage, the demons didn't know how many enemies there were. They urged the troops to strengthen their attack and began to release advanced magic.

A burst of flame shot in from the gap in the force field shield, and a big angel used a light shield to resist the magic. Flames exploded in front of him, and the fireball spread around him.

The archangel who was hit by the bursting flame was thrown backwards. Because of his obstruction, the power of this magic was not fully exerted. Only a few nearby crusaders were burned to death by the scattered fire balls.


The Death Crusaders stood up again, and if they were lucky enough to return to the ground from here, this would definitely be an unforgettable battle for them.

Holy Bella found the location where the high-level magic demon hero had just been released. She flew into the air, and a holy flame shot out from her sword like a fire dragon. Everything in the path of the holy flame was turned into ashes.

Da Liang took out the Meteor Fire Rain Scroll and pointed it in the air, and the fire clouds gathered.

The attack power of the Hell army, which was hit by Holy Bella's holy flame, was greatly reduced. The archangels, whose pressure was suddenly reduced, also threw their own attack magic at the Hell army.

This hell army has just been formed, and Ergus has not yet gathered enough and powerful heroes. Under the repeated attacks of large-scale magic, the originally massive hell army was wiped out.

The surviving hell soldiers began to retreat, knowing that they were no match for this archangel army.

In the case of crushing troops and hero levels, no amount of cannon fodder will help.

"Holy Bella," a voice echoed throughout the cave. Da Liang could hear that this was the voice of Ergos: "I remember you. The two wars between Cloud City and Hell made you grow from an ordinary angel to a A holy angel. I heard that you were recently appointed as the right wing guard by Michael. Are these archangels the guard team you formed? They are indeed very powerful. Cloud City has a large number of high-level angels, which is the most enviable place in hell for us. Even if Lucifer took a quarter of the angels in Cloud City to hell, Cloud City still has formidable strength."

Holy Bella said: "The power of Cloud City is because we follow the order of justice. Every angel can grow up smoothly under the guidance of high-level angels. Looking at your hell, how many demons will die at your own hands every day? inside.

Evil chaos makes you strong, and it is also the root cause of your repeated defeats at the hands of Yunzhong City.

What is in front of you now is the most powerful archangel force in Yunzhong City. If we can capture it without mercy, we can save a little effort. "

"Hahaha..." Ergos said after laughing, "Holy Bella, you are still too anxious. Do you think that human can easily catch me with my help letter in his hand? You don't even know where I am. How can you catch me if you don’t even know the place? You were deceived, and one of my companions used me to lure you here, so that we would both lose in the fight, and then she could carry out her little plan."

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