Start with an Archangel

Chapter 331 Cleaning up artillery

The resurrected Wings of Dreamless immediately returned to the southern forest of Dongyue Territory through the legion assembly flag.

Without his on-site command of the dominant air combat unit, the rate of losses suddenly accelerated.

"Shrink, shrink the defense before I return to the battlefield. Everyone, please don't fight with Broken Moon. Keep a close eye on Broken Moon's movement in the background. Magic strike team, just keep an eye on Broken Moon. Whenever she gets close, use magic to blast her. Don't Afraid of wasting magic power, we must restrain her!"

Dreamless Wings, who once again mounted a bipedal flying dragon, quickly issued orders, then gathered a group of team members who had died and returned, circled together, and headed towards the battlefield to provide support.

The Dominator Air Combat Force was not defeated by the death of Dreamless Wings. They shrunk their front line to control the battle damage, and then specially set up a team that was good at magic to keep an eye on Shu Xiao. As long as she got close, they would inadvertently injure friendly forces. Immediately it was covered with magic.

When Dreamless Wings returned to the battlefield, the Dominator air combat troops began to change their attack strategy with the Judgment air combat troops. They slightly lowered their flying altitude and drew the battlefield into the ground-to-air firepower network.

First stabilize the front, then wait for an opportunity to counterattack.

Shu Xiao ordered the ruling air combat team members to maintain their altitude and climb immediately as soon as the data support platform issued an alarm that the altitude was too low.

The Dongyue air battle quickly cooled down after a climax. The air combat troops of both sides maintained an upper and lower level, each reorganizing their troops and looking for loopholes to deal with.

The Dongyue Legion's artillery was getting closer and closer. In the ruins of the Dongyue Legion's station, there were shelters everywhere that could avoid the cannonballs of the Judgment Fleet. Then they hid behind broken walls and abandoned houses and fired cannonballs at the warships in the port. .

Even if these artillery pieces are scattered everywhere, even if they are bombed by high-altitude air drops, it is estimated that they will not be very effective.

The battleships of the Judgment Fleet began to be hit by bullets, and the situation was slightly ominous.

The sun in the sky began to tilt to the west. If those artillery pieces could not be eliminated before nightfall, the Dongyue Army might use the cover of darkness to re-set up artillery positions. The dense artillery fire would be a greater threat to the Judgment Fleet than the scattered launches now.

These approaching guns must be dealt with as quickly as possible.

Daliang handed over the task of commanding the fleet's bombardment to the data support platform. He rode the Silver Pegasus and flew towards the ruins of the Dongyue Legion garrison, and then fell quickly before the ground personnel hidden in the ruins attacked.


Shadowman's Cloak: Intelligence +4, Knowledge +4, Earth magic effect increased by 10%. Invisibility: Active skill, speed is 20% lower than the maximum speed, transparency is 0%, speed is not increased by 1%, transparency is increased by 2%.

The Shadowman's Cloak is a piece of equipment that Daliang obtained from the sewers of Shangjiang City. A BOSS that can easily swallow two Archangel heroes, what he explodes is absolutely top-notch.

After landing, Daliang quickly retrieved the Silver Pegasus, then activated his invisibility and crouched behind a corner.

Then a small team of players ran over. They hid behind the collapsed houses to prevent them from being spotted by the warships in the port, and then slowly and carefully searched the area.

"It's strange, I just saw that guy landing here, why did he disappear in a short time?"

"There are collapsed houses everywhere here. There are too many places to hide people. Let's look for them slowly. After all, the other party is alone and not our opponent."

The people from the Dongyue Legion slowly searched over, and the invisible Daliang moved slowly and hid from them.

"The altitude warning personnel gave me a view." After Daliang was safe, he contacted his data support team.

Soon a high-altitude bird's-eye view of the Dongyue Legion's garrison appeared in the corner of his field of vision.

"I am now in the Dongyue Corps station. The background immediately marked the location of the enemy artillery for me, as well as the enemy personnel in the station. They must be marked clearly. I will destroy their artillery."

"It's the commander of the corps. We are analyzing the video and found that there are 23 artillery groups with a total of 46 guns and 89 ballistae. Because the personnel target is too small, we have no way to discover them all. We can only mark the discovered personnel at any time. , all enemy targets use red signs to warn."

At this time, in the high-altitude video in Da Liang's field of vision, the positions of artillery and crossbows were marked, as well as some Dongyue Corps personnel who showed traces, all marked with red symbols.

Da Liang found an artillery group closest to him and walked slowly over.

Soon he spotted two artillery pieces hidden behind a collapsed house.

This group of artillery crews used the terrain to raise the muzzle of the gun, and carried out large parabolic throws based on the artillery data given in the background. The fired artillery shells could bypass the obstacles blocking the front and attack the warships in the port. The naval guns on the civil war ships in the port , but because of the angle problem, it cannot be ejected, and the flat shot cannot penetrate obstacles and attack this artillery group.

I have to admit, the game is full of talent.

Daliang, who discovered the target, continued to sneak past.

There are three ballistas, ten players with long-range units responsible for the air security of this artillery group, and the dominating air combat troops that fly overhead from time to time.

To provide sufficient air defense cover for this artillery group, Shu Xiao wanted to send people to attack here, but the gain outweighed the loss and the desired effect may not be achieved.

"Shu Xiao, launch a feint attack above the Dongyue Legion's station and attract away the people who dominate the sky above coordinates ***: ***."

"It's the legion commander."

If you launch an attack in the stealth state, your figure will be revealed. At this time, if you are discovered by enemies in the air, it will not be easy to hide.

Daliang waited quietly in his hiding place. Soon, a large group of Judgment air combat troops flew towards the Dongyue Legion's station, and the dominant air combat personnel defending here quickly went to fill their positions.

Enemies above leave.

Da Liang quickly threw a fireball at the gunpowder barrel next to the gun crew.

There was a "boom".

The ground shook, and everything near the explosion was lifted up. Black smoke and dust billowed upwards, and then all kinds of bricks and stones fell down like a heavy rain.

An artillery crew was blown away. The members of the Dongyue Regiment didn't know what happened. They thought that the artillery crew accidentally detonated the gunpowder barrel, which caused the explosion.

Even the gun crew members who were killed and resurrected did not know why a good powder barrel exploded.

Everyone's attention was in the direction of the port and in the air. They did not see Da Liang's brief appearance, nor did they pay attention to the fireball that hit the flame barrel.

However, the gun crews everywhere were blown up one after another, so it was not caused by accidents.

The people of the Dongyue Corps realized that someone from the Judgment Corps had entered the Dongyue Corps' station and started sabotaging the artillery.

The Dongyue Legion took action quickly, and a large number of personnel rushed into the ruins of the legion's station, hoping to find and eliminate the enemies lurking in, and to protect their own artillery.

Da Liang paused his actions after a round of destruction.

"Attention, Adjudication Fleet, the main fleet continues to bombard the Dongyue Army. The central fleet will all aim their guns at the Dongyue Corps station. I will give you the bombardment range and clear the way for me."

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