Start with an Archangel

Chapter 339 Speed ​​Enhanced Single Mast Ship No. 1

After Daliang gained experience in primary ship design, he planned to acquire an intermediate ship design skills book.

However, Geese asked Daliang not to use skill books to improve the design level of the ship. Now listening to what he said, it turns out that the skill book is not the only way to improve the design level of the ship.


"Tutor, is there any difference between using the intermediate ship design skill book to advance and advancing through the ship seminar?"

Giese replied: "The structure of a two-mast class ship is more complex than that of a single-mast class ship, and the basic probability of generating ship drawings is also greatly reduced. Even if the proficiency in mid-level ship design reaches full value, blank drawings will be generated The probability of a brigantine battleship is less than 10%.

Ship structure sketches can improve the probability of drawings, but the complex structure of the brig-class ship makes it more difficult to simplify it. If you want to achieve a 100% drawing rate with the most simplified drawings, you need to improve the basic success rate.

To become an intermediate ship designer through the intermediate ship design skill book, the basic success rate is just a little bit. If you can be promoted to an intermediate ship designer through the master ship design seminar, your basic success rate will increase by 10 %.

If you can get the Ship Master Medal, the base success rate will increase again, and there will be other benefits. "

For an intermediate-level ship designer who is promoted using the intermediate-level ship design skill book, even if he reaches full proficiency, he can only achieve a drawing rate of less than 10%. What kind of miserable value should the initial value be when he first starts practicing proficiency?

It can be said that without mastering a ship design sketch that can effectively increase proficiency, there is no need to consider training ship designers.

If the proficiency cannot be improved, the mentality will collapse first.

Since Daliang spent so much time learning ship design, he definitely couldn't be an ordinary ship designer. The promotion to an intermediate ship designer must be obtained in a ship design seminar.

You should also try your best to obtain the Ship Master Medal.

The ship design seminar will not be postponed due to something happening in Daliang, so the trip to the Kingdom of Death can only be postponed temporarily.

In addition, Da Liang thinks that Ji Ji is boring enough.

When I got the invitation that day, I didn't say anything, as if I was too noble to pay attention to it.

In fact, I was thinking about how to earn face for myself at the seminar. He himself had a mental problem and was unable to come up with something that would surprise the masters of ship design in terms of advanced battleship design. However, if his disciple was able to shine in the seminar, his face as a master would definitely be bright.

This also explains why Keith is so eager to train Daliang and let him independently complete the design of a new single-masted battleship.

Thinking of the design of the single-masted battleship, Daliang said: "Instructor, how are you doing with your research on the design of the bulbous bow to reduce the lateral resistance of the ship?"

Talking about the bulbous bow, Gies finally got a little excited: "Your idea about the bulbous bow's weakening of lateral resistance is very correct. It is more advanced than my previous research. Not only single-masted battleships, but also battleships can also use it. bulbous bow to increase speed.

However, I cannot give up on my previous research on the structure of battleships. As long as I can figure it out, we can not only design second-level battleships, but also greatly improve the speed and performance of fifth-, fourth-, and third-level battleships. We can make this world truly enter the era of giant ships and cannons. "

Daliang asked: "Teacher, have you designed a bulbous bow to increase the speed of a single-masted battleship?"

Giese began to draw on the blackboard and said: "This is just an initial design of mine. I estimate that it can increase the speed of a single-masted battleship by 7%. But this is not the most perfect design. It should be able to increase the speed of a single-masted battleship by 7%." The speed of the battleship has been increased to 11%, or even higher. But I no longer intend to waste my time on increasing the speed of the sloop. I want to use the bulbous bow in my new design. I need to redesign it. calculations and drawings.”

Gies is designing a new ship? But he didn't say much on this topic, and began to teach Daliang about the design ideas of the bulbous bow of the single-masted battleship.

“First, since we intend to use the bulbous bow to create a counter current to balance lateral drag, we need a sharper bow to cut through the current.

Originally, an over-pointed bow would weaken the steering force of the hull, but we can use a ‘U’-shaped bulbous bow to increase the steering force, so that changes in the bow will not affect the steering force of the warship.

I designed this ‘U’-shaped bulbous bow twenty centimeters below the waterline. From here, a curved reverse flow will be formed to both sides..."

Daliang listened carefully to Keith's explanation. He had already laid a solid foundation for the design of a single-masted battleship. He even downloaded many books about ship structure from the Internet to study while taking a boat or rushing on the road.

Although modern ships and sailing wooden ships are very different in design and structure due to different materials, there are also many things to think about, especially the changes in the mutual force between the hull and the water flow, which correspond to what Giese is talking about now. thing.

Therefore, when Daliang listened to Jisi's explanation, he also had his own ideas.

For example, Da Liang can see that according to Giese's current design, the maximum speed of the single-masted battleship can be increased. However, during the acceleration of the ship, the position and shape of the bulbous bow will cause the reverse flow to form a vortex, causing the hull to intensify. Slowing down the acceleration process.

The solution should be to shorten the length of the bulbous bow, and add a little upward arc to the rear half to increase the stability and impact of the water flow. If the water flow is reversed, the lateral resistance can be turned into forward thrust...

Overthinking, if Giese didn't help calculate the data, this would definitely not be a design that Daliang could complete in a day or two.

Now for Daliang, all he needs to do is make some modifications to the "U" shaped bulbous bow.

With the ready-made data provided by Gis, Daliang only needed to make modifications on this basis, saving a lot of time.

Two days later, Da Liang drew a sketch of a single-masted battleship with a bulbous bow added. Then came the most critical step, using ship design skills to produce drawings that could be recognized by the system and could be built in the shipyard.

With anticipation and worries about gains and losses, Daliang chose the skill ship design based on the sketch.

Drawing begins.

The system began to add lines to the sketch created by Da Liang, and time passed by little by little. No one knew what would come out until the end.

"Ding, you get a single-masted battleship blueprint"

"Ding, since the attributes of the sloop you designed exceed the basic model of the sloop, the system determines that this model of sloop is your exclusive model. When you make drawings of the sloop in the future, you can choose to generate the basic model or the proprietary model. Model, please name your exclusive model of sloop."

"Speed-enhanced single-masted No. 1 ship"

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