Start with an Archangel

Chapter 418 Day passes

The elf magicians, who were constantly expanding their advantage, threw more magic at the Black Fire Territory's position. The skeleton soldiers, who suffered heavy damage, withstood the indiscriminate bombardment, quickly built defenses, or operated artillery and light ballistae to attack. The elven army rushing from below bombarded them fiercely.

Led by melee heroes, the elven army rushed towards the undead position. The top-down short spears caused a lot of damage to their soldiers. Even the deadwood warriors and unicorns could not withstand such intensive damage. .

The magicians have no chance to use range magic to cover the undead position. The elf shooters are severely punished at the elevation angle. If they want to eliminate this group of undead, they can only use their lives to fill the charge path, paving a layer for each step forward. corpse.

The Gate of the Dead continues to deliver light ballistae, short spears, gunpowder, cannonballs, and stone to the battlefield.

The thousands of skeleton laborers who mined stones in the Black Fire Territory quarry were also mobilized by Da Liang.

From the Blackfire Territory to the Boneyard Fortress, and then to the Dream Realm, all along the way are supplies and soldiers to support the battlefield.

We have to fight for this, even if we grit our teeth, we must persevere.

Want to withdraw? The plane portal is so big, so many soldiers, equipment, and supplies cannot be evacuated under the trailing attack.

In order to support the arrival of reinforcements, Daliang dug out his coffin, transported all the weapons that could be used, and mobilized all the soldiers that could be mobilized.

In the sulfur mine, 500 skeleton soldiers were arranged to chisel stones. All square stones were chiseled into spherical shapes, then transported in and thrown down the hillside.

The powder keg also lit the fuse and threw it down.

The "rumbling" explosion shook the earth, and the elves' ground troops hit this place with continuous shooting, rolling and explosion.

The freed up light ballistae joined in the support of air combat.

With sufficient logistics, a short route, and throwing things regardless of the cost, Da Liang tried his best to resist the attack of the elven army with a weak force.

The sun in the dreamland sky gradually tilted towards the west. With the roar of the dragon, two giant frost dragons rushed out from the plane teleportation array, and Simon and his ghost troops also arrived later.

The addition of two level 14 ultimate creatures and a powerful hero not only allowed Da Liang to stabilize the precarious aerial defense line, but also began to fight back.

An archangel, three giant frost dragons, powerful ultimate creatures began to dominate the sky, and the roar of the dragon echoed over the forest.

Julian seized the opportunity and killed a green dragon under the angel's sword.

The elves retreated, unable to fight the four powerful ultimate creatures without support from the ground.

The sun is also setting in the west, and darkness is coming.

Daliang finally got a breather, and when he looked at the battlefield again, he saw that the fighting was really horrific.

The entire hillside was riddled with craters, broken bones were everywhere, and damaged light ballistae and artillery pieces were scattered everywhere.

The Black Fire Territory has never suffered such a heavy loss, and Da Liang is not willing to calculate his own losses.

He wanted to use the "Spirit Gathering Magic" to resurrect some dead skeleton soldiers, but thinking about the battles that might happen at night, he could only save magic power for the moments when it was needed most.


The bodies of the elven soldiers disappeared on the battlefield, and the skeleton soldiers stood up one by one.

The Blackfire Army, which received a new batch of soldiers, cleared the battlefield and continued to strengthen the defenses.

In the dark, all creatures except underground creatures will suffer a vision penalty, including undead. The elves cannot conquer this hill during the day, and they will definitely attack from the ground at night.

Da Liang looked at the forest below the hill, which gradually became blurry in the gradually dimming light.

"We should launch a counterattack to disrupt the elves' night war plan. As long as this night can pass safely, once Kuka's army arrives tomorrow, the war will be stabilized."

"Let me out," Juliet shouted inside Julian, "let me out long ago, this battle is over..."

Julian conveys Juliet's opinion.

But Daliang still has no intention of releasing Juliet now.

"In the daytime battle, the strength of the elven army was not fully utilized. We didn't know anything about the elven army at the foot of the mountain. The reason why we were able to hold on until the arrival of Howl, Hurricane, and Simon was because the elven ground troops we pressed did not rush forward. , In addition, we support each other with magic, and anyone who is hit by status magic can be quickly removed.

But Juliet is uncontrollable. Let alone the Elf Magician, the Deadwood Warrior and the Unicorn both have troublesome control skills. Two fists are hard to beat with four hands, and a hero cannot stand against a crowd. No matter how strong she is, Juliet will be killed once she is trapped in a tight siege and is controlled continuously.

I won't let you risk it casually unless Juliet is willing to obey orders. "

All of Daliang's words were heard by Juliet through Julian.

To be honest, she didn't think these low-level creatures posed the slightest threat to her. Going out by herself would only be a one-sided massacre of them. She could have as much fun as she wanted in one hour of killing time.

But Daliang made it clear that as long as Juliet did not agree to obey the order, she would not be released.

"Okay," as the contact lasted longer and Daliang's strength continued to improve, Juliet began to recognize her affiliation with Daliang, "I agree to obey his command, as long as I kill those elf heroes and dragons, what do I do? You can listen to him, you can really say anything..."

Juliet did not forget to tease Liang at this time, but when Julian conveyed the message, he withheld the last sentence and did not say it.

"Angels are so disciplined. It's better to be a devil. You can do whatever you want and say what you want. You are free and unrestrained. Sister, you should really give up the constraints of the angel's justice order and consider Ergus's suggestion. Let's integrate Become one and become an eternal level 16 existence."

Julian said seriously: "As a devil, how credible do you think a devil's words are? Even if what Ergus said is true, do you think he would be so kind and promote us to level 16 in vain? Juliet, I will turn into you sooner or later, why are you so impatient."

Juliet said: "You are right, what Ergus said is indeed not credible. It's just that I only have one hour to go out and play every day, and I am often deducted from it. It's really boring."

"I won't let you come out because I'm afraid that your random killings will cause trouble for the adults. If you can be more peaceful, I can try to let you come out for an hour every day."

"This is what you said. I promise that I will not cause trouble to your lord in the future. You must keep your word."

"You should believe the angel's promise, and don't tell the adults about Ergos looking for us. I don't want the adults to hide me away because of this matter."

"no problem."

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