Start with an Archangel

Chapter 439 Facing the Intercepting Fleet

The Battle of Tsushima breaks out.

The siege of the Judgment Fleet was the starting point for the Great War in East Asia.

The reputation of the Judgment Legion throughout East Asia is so great that the entire process of the Dongyue Territory battle is now a research topic for all large player organizations.

Strategically confuse and mobilize the enemy; cross the blockade from a long distance to create a fleet out of thin air; bomb, shell, and encircle. A series of interlocking tactics made Dongyue have power in the airspace but were restricted from deploying it. Strong reinforcements were only a few days away, and Dongyue leaders could not hold on for even a day.

The Judgment Legion even predicted the rapid support of the Overlord Legion. Not only did they completely wipe out the incoming air combat troops of the Overlord, but even the flying sand and stones also broke their wings again in the Dongyue Territory.

This battle directly targeted the crux of the entire China District Lords Alliance. It was a blow that brought the College Alliance from being under siege to dividing the north, turning the China Game District into a situation where the North and the South were in opposition.

In short, the Dongyue Territory battle can give people a lot of inspiration from both the tactical and strategic levels.

The protagonists of this battle, the Judgment Legion and the Legion Chief Liang, have become the most dazzling stars in East Asia. The Judgment Fleet is pressing down on the waters of Jeju Island, making players in the Korean game area and Japanese game area feel like they are neighbors with tigers. The sailing players in the Korean game area are parked in the port and dare not come out. The big reason is the existence of the Judgment Fleet.

War between countries is not bound by the "Ultimate Biological Restriction Convention". If the Judgment Fleet, which is already extremely powerful, is allowed to use archangels and frost dragons, who can be the alliance's opponent on the entire East Asian sea?

It can be said that the Judgment Fleet is a hurdle in the hearts of every player in the Korean and Japanese game areas. If they cannot overcome it, they will not be determined to fight in the Chinese area.

Now the Judgment Fleet is surrounded in the Tsushima Strait, and thousands of surrounding ships will participate in the hunt. This was a shot in the arm. When the news came out and was confirmed that the Judgment Fleet was surrounded, all the players in the Korean game area and the Japanese game area stood up. The fire to counterattack the Chinese game area started burning after this tinder was put in.

The thing that can boost morale the most is undoubtedly the final annihilation of the Judgment Fleet. This process will definitely push this war to a climax quickly, causing more and more people to invest in this war.

Therefore, this war that can demoralize the enemy and boost our own morale will of course be broadcast live around the world.

In the video unilaterally given by the Japanese game zone...

The interceptor fleet in the Japanese game area occupies a dominant position, sailing from west to east, occupying the "T" position of the adjudication fleet and firing together. The firepower on one side was fully unleashed, and hundreds of shells were fired within a few seconds, flying towards a dozen warships at the front of the Judgment Fleet.

Dense artillery shells were fired at a low trajectory. The battleships of the Judgment fleet faced the enemy with their bows and were unable to use artillery to fight back. All the spellcasting players stationed on the ships used magic to fight back, using highly destructive magic to focus on attacking the enemy in the fleet's route. Several enemy ships.

Cannonballs and magic passed by each other, and then covered their respective targets.

Daliang, who stood on the bridge of the flagship "Dolphin" of the Judgment Fleet, did not use "Meteor and Fire Shower" against the Japanese interception fleet.

This magic that is classified as earth element is actually a mixed magic of earth element and fire element. Wooden warships are easily destroyed by fire, so the manufacturing materials of each ship have been processed to resist fire magic. Fire magic can kill sailors on the ship, and can cause damage to the hull through explosions, but it cannot Directly ignites the hull.

Therefore, the damage caused by fire damage to the hull in "Meteor Fire Shower" is limited, and meteorites hitting a moving hull, especially a single-masted battleship with a small target, rely more on the probability.

Therefore, Da Liang did not choose "Meteor and Fire Rain", which requires a long preparation time and may not have ideal effects. Instead, he cast the third-level earth magic "Force Field Shield".

Under the influence of advanced earth magic skills, Daliang erected a stance shield with a diameter of 15 meters directly in front of the "Dolphin". This huge cyan stance shield completely blocked the "Dolphin" from behind.

The cannonballs fired over, splashing water columns on the sea area, and the cannonballs hitting the force field shield caused violent fluctuations. The comprehensive defense value of the force field shield withstood the penetrating power of the shells, and the shells lost their momentum and rolled into the sea water. With the support of Daliang's high intelligence, this force field shield narrowly withstood this round of shelling.

As the flagship, the "Dolphin" was the main attack target of the Japanese interceptor fleet. The Dolphin withstood most of the attacks from enemy ships, while those enemy ships affected by the angle of retrieval fire directed their attacks towards the wings of the "Dolphin" Single mast frigate.

The first round of bombardment by the Japanese interceptor fleet, who stood in position and adjusted to shoot at Zhu Yuan, completed a covering strike.

The cannonballs fired straight from the front of the Judgment Fleet were hit frequently, and the battleships in the front fleet were hit frequently.

Such shells hitting the ship from the bow direction will cause great damage to the hull and personnel. In order to control the weight of the ship body, the defense in the bow and stern directions of the ship is generally weak. Cannonballs attacking from the bow can easily hit the deck, and the deck is full of sailors who are defenseless against the cannonballs, as well as important facilities such as artillery, gunpowder, and steering wheels. If you are lucky enough to hit the bridge and kill the captain, it will be fatal to a ship. The combat effectiveness of the battleship is a huge damage.

The battleships arranged by Daliang in the front of the Judgment Fleet, except for the "Dolphin", were all single-masted battleships. The single-masted battleship has a small target and is not a priority. After each battleship received an average of three or four shells, no out-of-control ships have been seen yet.

"Each ship inspects for damage,

The garrison mage continued to use magic to interfere with the enemy fleet's attack.

Following my order, the fleet prepared to turn and meet the enemy in a trapezoidal artillery formation at 30 degrees east-north. The front fleet used port guns to attack the Japanese interception fleet, and the rear fleet used starboard guns to attack the King of Fighters fleet.

Shattering Moon, cooperate with this round of artillery to hit an assault, and use Plague Creepers to focus on one round.

Do you all understand? "


Da Liang shouted on the legion command channel: "3, 2, 1, turn!"

After a salvo of artillery fire, the Japanese intercepting fleet began to reload artillery. During this short interval between bombardments, the warships of the Judgment Fleet turned collectively at the same time.

The formation of the Judgment Fleet at this time was changed from the fish scale formation in land battles. There were 14 battleships in the front row, and the distance between the battleships was more than 30 meters. Each battleship is followed by a row of battleships. These battleships are not arranged in a vertical line. Instead, each ship behind them is offset 10 meters to the left than the previous one. Each longitudinal queue looks like a staircase.

Under Da Liang's order, the fleet that was heading longitudinally toward the Japanese interceptor fleet turned together and lit up their sides.

After the formation is changed, not only the warships in the first row at the front can launch artillery fire from the side, but the warships in the rear row can also find the firing angle of the artillery fire through the gaps between the warships in the front. On the same shooting surface, such an artillery formation can produce twice the firepower output. If the personnel are of good quality, the firepower output rate of this formation will be even more powerful.

Through the change of course, the Judgment Fleet brought the interception fleet in front and the King of Fighters fleet in the rear into the range of the naval guns.


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