Start with an Archangel

Chapter 443 Pincer Attack

We need to organize a night attack to kill the tail behind.

Daliang summoned the chief officers of each squadron of the Judgment Fleet in the captain's room of the "Dolphin". On the tactical table, he spread out a chart, and the staff placed models representing the enemy's and ours' military strength on the chart.

At this time, the Judgment Fleet had broken out of the encirclement and gradually left the Tsushima Strait and entered the Sea of ​​Japan.

In the sea area more than ten kilometers south of the fleet is the King of Fighters fleet that is pursuing them. The replenished King of Fighters fleet became even larger, and its pursuit was very decisive.

On the east coast of the Sea of ​​Japan and the west coast of Honshu Island are the warships of the Japanese game area that are heading south. Their destinations are the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea, preparing to participate in the East Asian Great War that breaks out there. Some of these fleets heading south have deviated from the course and are approaching the direction of the Judgment Fleet. This information was collected by the intelligence personnel of the College Alliance. As for whether there is a fleet with high confidentiality ability blocking the way forward, Da Liang does not know.

Going deep behind enemy lines is like walking on thin ice, and if there is a tail following behind you, you will be very passive.

Therefore, Daliang wanted to kill the gangrenous King of Fighters fleet as soon as possible and eliminate them cleanly.

Daliang pointed at the sea somewhere behind the left side of the fleet and said: "There is an enemy underwater observation post here. This is why the King of Fighters fleet did not release flying scouts and was still able to accurately track us.

I did not pull out this underwater observation post because I wanted the other party to rely on this observation post and give up sending flying personnel to detect us from high altitude. Until now, Archangel Julian, who is responsible for monitoring the King of Fighters fleet at high altitude, has not noticed that they released the flying personnel, which provides great convenience for our deployment.

The underwater observation post monitors us from the horizontal position, and the field of view will be greatly restricted. He can only see our sides and back from the left rear direction. When the light drops in the evening, he will be able to see even less.

Therefore, I asked the backend technician to calculate the visual field area on the horizontal plane in this direction. Please look at the simulated chart provided by the backend. "

A simulated chart is transmitted to each commander.

With the Ghost Dragon Watch Point as the center, a circle appeared on the chart, and the ships that could be seen were highlighted.

Da Liang continued: "When it is close to evening, the ships that are not within the enemy's observation post's field of view will leave the fleet and sail northeast first, arriving outside the enemy's observation post's field of view. They will slow down and wait for the King of Fighters fleet to pass by, then go around behind them. Other ships will be disguised We will form the main fleet, maintain the course, and when night comes, we will attack from the front and back to kill the King of Fighters fleet."

At this time, someone asked: "Legion Commander, our number of ships is already small. If we divide our forces to attack the King of Fighters fleet, in order to annihilate the King of Fighters fleet before Japanese support arrives, we can only attack quickly and fiercely. In this case, our losses will be Very large. We have ruled that the task of the fleet in the Sea of ​​Japan is to deter and contain some of the maritime forces in the Japanese gaming area. If the losses are too great, will it not be detrimental to our strategic intentions?"

Daliang said: "Yes, the battle at night will be a quick and fierce attack. But when the time comes, friendly forces will assist us in the attack. If everything goes well, we will not encounter much resistance."

Friendly forces?

Daliang's words made the commanders look at each other. The Judgment Fleet was fighting alone in the Sea of ​​Japan. Where did the friendly forces come from? And it seems to be very strong...

Daliang did not reveal too much, but said: "Remember the confidentiality regulations of the Judgment Legion. Don't say too much or ask too many questions. Now I will arrange the combat mission for the night. After dark, the entire fleet will launch a general attack on the King of Fighters fleet and end the battle as soon as possible. Before Japan repositioned us, we hid in the depths of the Sea of ​​Japan..."

The Judgment Fleet maintained its course, and the fleet advancing in a cruising formation spread across a square kilometer of sea surface. The patrolling single-masted battleship groups shuttled in the surrounding waters, so that the observation posts riding ghost dragons did not dare to get too close to the Judgment Fleet.

After finishing his rest, Shu Xiao took the First Squadron equipped with Silver Pegasus and quietly took off from the fleet to conduct reconnaissance in the northeast direction.

If the Judgment Fleet wants to complete its tactical deployment under the eyes of Japanese players, it must not be noticed by the enemy.

everything is normal.

Ordinary sailing players immediately sailed back to the port after receiving news that a war might break out at sea, but the warships heading south had not yet arrived.

This is a rare gap.

As time goes by, the sun sets and the light on the sea gradually dims.

The battleships located on the northeast side of the Judgment Fleet began to deviate from the large fleet and depart from the main fleet. In this way, the Judgment Fleet took advantage of the limitations of the surface surveillance field of view to allow half of the warships to leave the sea area. In the video that Iori Yagami has been receiving, the Judgment Fleet still maintains its formation and course and sails towards the north.

The sky became darker.

When Iori Yagami believed that the high-altitude observation posts of the Judgment Fleet could not see his fleet, he announced that the fleet would speed up and raid the Judgment Fleet at night.

Then the King of Fighters fleet, which was sailing at full speed, speeded up again.

Shuttle (Legendary)


Total load capacity: 150

Weapons: 22

Steering force:100


Standard sailor: 50

Required sailors: 20

Maximum sailors: 110

Ship skill: Horizontal shooting (accuracy increased by 20%)

Flagship skill: shuttle (the speed of the fleet with the shuttle as the flagship is increased by 10%)

The Shuttle is the flagship of the King of Fighters fleet. Yagami-an accidentally obtained a legendary-class two-masted battleship, which was declared to the outside world as the Kusanagi Kyo.

As a legendary battleship, the Shuttle has flagship skills that can increase the speed of the entire fleet. In naval battles, speed can make many impossible things possible, and it is also another factor that Yagami-an relies on to dare to challenge the Judgment Fleet.

In Iori Yagami's initial vision, the King of Fighters fleet and the Judgment fleet were engaged in a melee, and then he suddenly activated the Shuttle's flagship skill, and all the battleships in the King of Fighters fleet accelerated. By quickly seizing the position, you can accumulate advantages bit by bit, limit the space of the Judgment Fleet, and annihilate it in one fell swoop.

It's just that the Judgment Fleet did not engage in direct battle with the King of Fighters fleet, and broke out towards the Sea of ​​Japan.

But the night was more beneficial to me. The Judgment Fleet would never have imagined that I could increase my speed while sailing at full speed. The sight of their aerial reconnaissance posts was greatly restricted at night, and by the time they discovered me, it was already too late.

Under the influence of the Shuttle, the King of Fighters fleet accelerated its pursuit, and they were getting closer and closer to the Judgment fleet ahead.

The King of Fighters fleet had just picked up speed when it was noticed by Shu Xiao, who was following from behind.

When night falls, high-altitude reconnaissance personnel cannot see the sea. Shu Xiao, who has small targets and flexible flying, monitors the King of Fighters fleet from the rear.

Therefore, Daliang promptly learned about the changes in the enemy fleet behind him.

The King of Fighters fleet was able to speed up under such circumstances, which was somewhat beyond Daliang's expectations.

Iori Yagami must have something in his hands that can speed up the entire fleet, or his flagship is a legendary battleship with the ability to speed up the flagship.

The increasing speed of the King of Fighters fleet throws away the outflanking Judgment Squadron at the rear. This situation deviates somewhat from Da Liang's plan. The outflanking fleet's attack time may be later, and the longer the battle starts, the further the outflanking fleet will be thrown away. Far.

"The plan has changed. All units of the Judgment Fleet should pay attention. Each department will immediately launch an attack on the King of Fighters fleet in accordance with the assigned tasks.

Thunderstorm! Kill that ghost dragon..."

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