Start with an Archangel

Chapter 465 Duckweed in the Wind and Rain

Deep underground in Shangjiang City, Ergus opened his eyes. He curled his body into a ball and recalled what Holy Bella said.

Then he realized that the ten thousand years of imprisonment had indeed had a great impact on him, otherwise he would never have allowed the jealous demon Angela to stay with him for such a long time.

This is a mistake that will become a weakness in my character and must be corrected as soon as possible!


Where did she go?

At this time, Angela was deep in another underground cave. In front of her was a bluish time and space prison. The prisoner held the missing East China Sea King Howard.

Howard slashed hard at the cell with his sword. The power could split the dragon with one sword, but it did not cause any fluctuations in the time and space prison.

"Hahaha... Your Majesty, you don't have to waste your efforts. Although you are very strong, I am a little stronger than you now. To be honest, I prefer a man like you to your useless nephew. The muscles are as hard as steel. Thinking of the thick beard crossing my body, especially the breath exuding from your body, makes me feel weak.

I can't wait to get you now...

Don't look at me with hateful eyes, I saved your life, you should be grateful to me. Anyway, you don’t have a wife now, and Shangjiang City has one less queen. As long as you are willing to obey me, I can give you eternal life, and when I return to hell, I can lay down a boundless territory for you. "

Howard did not continue to waste his strength. He retreated and sat on a stone and said to Angela: "My whole family was killed by you. As long as you give me a chance, I will definitely kill you."

"No, your family was all killed by William. Howard, I admire you very much and like you very much. When I return to Hell, you can be in charge of my army. The war between Cloud City and Hell is unstoppable. All All planes will be involved. What role are you willing to play? A commander who leads an army of demons to sweep across all planes? Or a master of a city that will be reduced to ashes at any time in this war?

Now Yunzhong City and Hell are eyeing Shangjiang City. They will not consider the life and death of the creatures in the main world. If you want to save your city, you must be as powerful as them.

Think about it carefully, Lucifer is very impatient now, and Cloud City only puts a Holy Bella here, obviously to let us fight with the fallen angels.

You don't have much time left. "

Howard responded with silence.

Angela twisted her waist, disappeared from the cave, and then walked out of Ergus.

"Hey, Orochi. Are you still staring at Holy Bella? I just discovered some of Lucifer's little moves. These fallen angels can't seem to sit still."

"I have also discovered it, but it is still within the scope of my control. Angela, you have stayed in Shangjiang City for too long. I prefer to be alone. And the two hell lord kings here will really make Lucifer very Uncomfortable."

Angela touched the hard scales of Ergus: "Erges, the reason why we were captured by Lucifer before was because we were all fighting on our own. So after I escaped, I wanted to find a partner who could cooperate. .Satan is looking for the Doomsday Blade and he will definitely not let me follow him. Beelzebub is cunning and cunning, and Misuka has gone to the kingdom of death. I hate the boring life of the undead. Only you, if you want to choose one of the seven lords and kings, is the most worthwhile. Trust guy, I choose you.

The fallen angels are coming soon, and you won't leave because of some little secret I don't know about. If I leave, you will definitely be caught. "

Ergus thought for a moment and said: "Take your hand away and stay away from me."

"no problem……"

Da Liang walked out of the time and space door opened by Holy Bella through Cloud City, and the secluded alleys turned into fierce battlefields.

The hull of the "Oath" was severely damaged, the upper deck was full of pits, debris, toppled artillery pieces were everywhere, the fallen and torn sails ignited fires, and thick smoke swept across the ship.

There were human soldiers running around everywhere, and explosions from time to time caused the ship to shake violently.

The smoke, dust and chaos made it impossible for Da Liang to find Joyce's location. It was not easy to find Joyce on this 268-meter-long warship with ten decks.

Da Liang grabbed several soldiers fighting the fire and asked about Joyce's whereabouts. They didn't know where their commander was.

At this time, an archangel rushed down from the black smoke above. The holy light on his body was very dim, and the originally white armor was stained with black ash.

Just as Daliang was about to go up and ask, a big demon appeared behind the archangel and cut off the archangel's head with a sickle.

When the enemy appeared, the human soldiers rushed forward immediately. But the gap in strength is too great, and charging is just a futile attempt to die.

The big devil used combat skills to easily kill all the surrounding soldiers, and then he was about to enter the sub-space and leave. However, at this time, a fireball flew from nearby and knocked the big devil out of the sub-space.


Feeling the damage from the fireball, the big demon realized that there was an enemy magic hero nearby. Their mission was to destroy the "Oath", and all high-level heroes were priority targets.

The big demon turned towards the direction of the fireball, and then he saw a human priest walking over from a cloud of smoke.


The opponent's strength is obviously very average, why do I feel afraid? A familiar fear that exists only in the depths of memory?

The devil shouted loudly: "Who are you?"

Da Liang walked forward cautiously. He didn't know how effective Ergos' gaze was on these big demons. Then he saw this powerful big demon take a step back.

It seems that although Ergos has been away from hell for thousands of years, his residual power is still there!

"It doesn't matter who I am, now I order you to kneel to me and obey my command!"

The bright light activates a temporary effect in Ergoth's Gaze - Demon Summoning Order (4 hours): Command demon creatures below level 15 to join your command (the longer the demon has survived, the higher the success rate.)

The demon summoning order is activated, and the time limit begins to count down. After 4 hours, the effect of the summoning order will no longer affect the demon.

At this time, a figure of an abyssal python rose up behind Da Liang. This was Ergos's true form. One of the former regional rulers and a spreader of fear. His reputation in hell is second only to Satan. Countless demons tremble under his gaze and are followed by countless demons.

The phantom of Ergos appeared behind Da Liang, the python head pointed at the big demon, and its eyes emitted a frightening light.

After seeing Ergos, the big devil showed a fanatical expression. He knelt on the ground: "Great Lord of Fear, being able to be watched by you again reminds me of the time when you led us to complete invasions and killings again and again. Hell has calmed down. For too long, we have all hoped that the great Lord King would return again and bring the whole world to chaos and evil."

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