Start with an Archangel

Chapter 482 Invitation


Different from Gith and the Prophet, one has lived for who knows how many years and has matured with age; the other has insight into opportunities and is wily and calculating. Daliang can see that Nicole is a deep technical nerd. Just by giving her spell a name, she can give her a "Nicole's Jump". The character of this alchemist master is really "simple".

Keith's question made Nicole even more anxious. The electric flower made a sound like a flock of birds, and the static electricity made Da Liang's fat blouse start to swing.

Feeling that his blood was continuing to drop, Daliang quickly said: "I happened to find him, and it has nothing to do with Master Nicole."

The surrounding strange images disappeared instantly.

Da Liang cast a healing magic for himself, and then continued: "We were looking for an important person in the sewer, and we happened to find it here. Mentor Gith, is the coating on the outside of the battleship made of the sludge at the entrance to the third floor? It was made by a monster. We just went there and the sludge monster disappeared. It turns out that you captured it.

Using the sludge monster to paint the outer surface of this battleship is simply perfect. You have also retained its activity, which can continuously secrete lubricants to reduce underwater resistance. I dare say it is like a fish underwater. Can blend with water.

There is also the design of the ship's bow. Not only is a bulbous bow installed, but the entire bow also adopts a drop-shaped design, which can effectively reduce the longitudinal resistance during underwater navigation.

The entire hull has also been lowered and formed into an upward arc. In this way...the tail? Yes, the raised stern is on the horizontal balance line of the arc-shaped hull, which is lower than the height of the bow. This design can also reduce the resistance of underwater navigation. Moreover... when the hull reaches a certain speed on the water, the bow of the ship will be lifted up under the action of the momentum, and the contact surface between the bottom of the ship and the water will become smaller. The low center of gravity of the stern can stabilize the balance of the ship body..."

Giese is a very sultry guy, and he seems to be indifferent on the surface, but in fact, in order to be able to show up at the ship designer seminar, he can squeeze out time to cultivate Daliang through cramming. The undead have something that they insist on if they want to live a long life.

Da Liang's praise of this battleship simply scratched Gis's itch. It can be said that he exhausted all his talents in the design of this battleship, and every design has extraordinary significance. But Prophet and Nicole obviously didn't see the beauty in the design of this battleship. They just followed Gith's requirements to make what they needed to build the ship.

When Keith talked to him about ship design, it was just like playing the harp to an ox and walking at night in brocade clothes.

This big compliment from Liang made Jiese feel that he had finally met someone who knew what he was doing. He looked back at the warship that had been pulled ashore, and said eloquently: "The silt monster you are talking about? It was indeed captured by us. But I used it as the outer painting of this warship, not just for Lubricate the hull. As you just saw, it remains active and can fill the entire hull to fill any gaps. When the battleship dives, it can completely seal the hull. Not only that, when the hull is underwater When a part is seriously damaged, it can also be temporarily blocked.

As for the design of the ship body, you also said it very well. You are worthy of being the disciple I carefully trained.

Do you see those masts? …”

Seeing that Geese was actually planning to describe the specific design of this battleship to Daliang here, the prophet finally couldn't hold it any longer.

"Giss, don't you think how to deal with the leakage of our secrets is more important?"

"Yes, the prophet is right." Geese stopped talking about the impact of the mast's mobility on the center of gravity of the ship. He asked Nicole: "If my disciples only see this battleship, I think this will affect our affairs. It won’t have any impact, did you say anything else to him? Nicole!”

Nicole, who had just recovered emotionally, said hurriedly: "No, I definitely didn't say anything related to the treasure."

Daliang spread his hands and said helplessly: "Teacher, this... you can't blame me at all."

Gith and the Seer were silent.

After realizing that she had spilled the beans, Nicole became agitated again and began to speak a little incoherently: "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry. Using the core of a Titan to make a battleship spirit makes me a little crazy. You have no idea how complicated that thing is. , I separated a little bit of my soul, so that guy forgot that he was a Titan and made him realize that he was a ship. God, I feel like my soul is missing something, if it weren't for the fact that you agreed to take me I will never do such a dangerous thing to find the Poseidon's treasure..."

The prophet stopped Nicole from continuing to speak: "That's enough Nicole, you have said enough. You are indeed too tired. Go and rest first. This will help the recovery of your soul. Leave the matters here to us. .”

Nicole left obediently.

Only Da Liang, Gith and the Prophet were left.

Daliang said: "I really didn't mean to hear it. I promise not to tell this matter. Are you willing to believe me?"

After a while, Ghis said to the prophet: "I think this disciple of mine can be trusted."

The prophet said: "Neither trust nor betrayal can be judged by the word 'think'. And using some extreme methods seems to attract attacks from Marquis Joyce and Angels. Therefore, I suggest that Count Daliang participate in our treasure hunt Shared interests are the best way to keep secrets during the journey.”

Keith asked: "One more person?"

The prophet nodded: "Yes. Although I don't know much about battleships, I can feel that our simple sea trial cannot find all the potential problems of this battleship. You must know that during the journey to find the treasure of the Poseidon , the only thing we can rely on is this battleship, and any defect may be fatal. The best way to test a battleship is war. The Earl is going through a war, and he is actually our most suitable battleship tester .

This is the second reason why I plan to invite the Earl to join us.

Third... Lord Earl should have the energy core of an air battleship in his hands? Geese, you have added too many things to this battleship recently. The energy core we are using now is too reluctant to drive this battleship. Nicole seems unable to make better energy cores in this state.

If Lord Earl is willing to provide the energy core, I would very much like you to join our team. Anyway, if the Poseidon Treasure really exists, I don’t mind sharing it with one more person.

All I want is the fountain of life.

Nicole is only interested in Thunderbody. Where are you? "

Keith said: "I just want to experience an adventure that I have never experienced in my life, an adventure that will be the envy of all navigators. My name will be sung by countless generations because of this treasure hunt."

Daliang said: "I can provide energy cores, I only like gold coins."

The prophet smiled and said: "There is no conflict. You are welcome to join, Lord Earl."

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