Start with an Archangel

Chapter 485 Black Pearl

While Daliang was dispatching his troops, the merchant ship transporting the energy core arrived at its destination.

The prophet appears in the cabin.

Within a polyhedral prismatic metal frame with a diameter of more than two meters, a colorful sphere is suspended inside, with magical elements constantly flowing around it.

This is an extremely high-end alchemical product and is the energy core of the small aerospace battleship "Dark River" formerly owned by the Jeju Fleet.

Feeling the energy contained in this energy core, the prophet said happily: "Because of too many restrictions, we cannot give Nicole enough materials and time. The current energy core of the Black Pearl is already in a saturated state. If we think about it again, No matter what equipment is added, there will not be enough magic energy to drive it.

This energy core is very suitable. It is of moderate size and can replace the original energy core of the Black Pearl. The energy efficiency can be at least 50%. Even if Giese doesn't have any fantastic ideas, it can make the battleship's magic-forbidden shield even harder.

Okay, now we enter the Black Pearl together, and the energy core position has been vacant. "

The teleportation magic was running, and a ray of light enveloped the prophet, Da Liang and the energy core. When the light dispersed, they had left here.

Then they emerged into a strange cabin.

All six sides of this cabin are cast from some kind of alchemical alloy. The high magic resistance and high physical resistance can effectively protect the important equipment inside.

Nicole and Keith were already waiting in the cabin.

"Awesome, a perfect alchemy work." After seeing the energy core, Nicole immediately released magical energy from her hands like touching the core to feel its internal structure: "Although the magic guild in the dungeon is not as good as the academic level in terms of alchemy. , but the high-grade alchemy materials in their hands are the envy of everyone. There are really too many treasures in the underground. If you give me a little time, I can make the energy conversion efficiency of this energy core even higher..."

Giese said: "No, Nicole. We will not allow you to do any risky experiments until your soul is restored. We only have one energy core now. If it is destroyed, it will be difficult to get another suitable one. Prophet , you keep an eye on Nicole here, and after she completes the connection between the energy core and the Black Pearl, take her out, seal the space inside, and don't give her any chance to come into contact with the energy core.

I took my disciple to take a look inside the Black Pearl. If he wants to test this battleship, he needs to know enough about it. "

Giese took Da Liang out of the cabin where the energy core was placed.

This is located in the middle of the entire battleship, an independent cabin between the second deck and the third deck. Through space spells and the design of the cabin, it is difficult for people who don't know the road to find this place. There is a rare resource storage cabin outside the energy core cabin, and all feed materials are placed externally to reduce the risk of exposure of the energy core cabin.

To maintain the operation of the Black Pearl, one unit of gems, one unit of crystal, one unit of sulfur, and one unit of mercury are consumed every week. The stealth cruising state consumes an average of 2 units of rare resources per day; the flight cruising state consumes an average of 4 units of rare resources per day. During power-up and combat, rare resources will be consumed separately.

In addition, all the internal cabins of the Black Pearl have been expanded by space magic. This is also a unique feature of space magic derived from earth magic. It is very simple to change the size of the space with the ability of the prophet.

Following Giese's introduction, the performance of the Black Pearl was gradually understood by Daliang.

Three-masted Battleship (Alchemical Artifact) (Legendary)

black Pearl

Total load capacity:2000

Maximum weapons: 44 artillery positions, 22 crossbow positions

Steering force: 120 on water surface, 90 under water, 360 in air

Propulsion: 100 on water surface, 75 under water, 300 in air

Standard sailor: 300

Required sailors: 75

Maximum sailors: 600

Battleship equipment:

The bow of the Golden Dragon King (ship speed +10, steering +8, artillery power +38, skill: smoke)

44 alchemical iron smoothbore cannons: capable of firing 28-pound shells (iron smoothbore cannons are 18-pounders), 40 side guns, and 4 bow guns. Note: Use the attached alchemy equipment to load and launch underwater and from a bird's eye view.

Active Sludge Monster Armor: Defense +20, Ship Speed ​​+10, Skill: Fill.

Angel Feather Sail: Water surface speed +30, air speed +70; Skill: Downwind (the wind direction of the sail is always downwind)

Thunder Middle Mast: Ship loss in stormy weather is reduced by 30%, skill: Titan Thunder (thunder attack)

Stern magic amplifying device (75% effect enhancement)

Advanced magic prohibition device (immune to magic attacks below level 5)

Ship Skill: Armor Penetration (cannon penetration effect increased by 50%)

Afterburner (speed increased by 50%)

Flagship skill: Tyrant (for all warships with the Black Pearl as the flagship, the destructive power of artillery is increased by 20%)

Listening to Ji Ji's introduction to the Black Pearl, Daliang felt that his legs and feet were getting weaker the more he listened.

too excited.

tmd! Is this still a sailing battleship? Even if you say it is Gundam, I believe it.

With various speed bonuses, a three-masted warship can throw a single-masted warship away just like a car can throw a tractor. It can still catch up even if it runs underwater.

It's even more amazing when it's in the air. Slow flying creatures like griffins and harpies shouldn't expect to catch up with the black pearls in the air. If you want to attack Black Pearl in the air, you need at least the speed of Royal Griffin and Pegasus Knight to keep up. If the afterburner state is turned on, Silver Pegasus and Thunderbird will not be left behind to eat dust.

If you pilot such a battleship, you will really be able to move freely in the sky and underwater. From now on, it won't be whoever offends me will kill him; it will be me who kills anyone he doesn't like.

Wow ha ha ha ha……

"Teacher, are you really giving me this Black Pearl?"

Keith replied: "Of course not? Your mission is just to test, use combat to detect his potential problems under extreme conditions, and then give it to us to modify. After the black pearl is completely free of problems, we will go search for the treasure of the Poseidon. .”

Although Da Liang knew that he could not get such a super battleship for no reason, he still felt a little disappointed: "It turns out it was just a test."

Giss didn't seem to feel Da Liang's emotions. Obtaining a new energy core meant that he was one step closer to officially setting sail for treasure hunting. He took Da Liang to the bridge and said: "Come with me, I will formally introduce the Black Pearl." for you."

Da Liang and Giss came to the bridge together. The originally open-air bridge was covered by a transparent oval magic force field shield. It not only enhanced the bridge's defense, but also isolated the sea water when diving. Outside, the helmsman can clearly see the situation ahead and control the direction of the warship, and it also provides sufficient vision for the captain to command.

On the bridge, Da Liang could see that on the forward deck, skeleton soldiers were transporting various supplies to the battleship. After Gith hands over the command of the Black Pearl to Daliang, Daliang will drive the battleship to the battlefield.

"My disciple, now I formally introduce the Black Pearl to you. Black Pearl, this is my disciple, Daliang, Earl Feichen. In the future, he will be called your captain and will take you on the journey. I hope you can cooperate with him well in the final test."

When Da Liang was wondering who Giese was talking to, a shy female voice sounded on the bridge: "Yes, father. Hello, Earl Da Liang, from now on, you will be my captain... I hope we can be together as soon as possible Complete my body.”


Da Liang finally knew what Nicole said about the soul made from the core of a Titan. They actually made a battleship into a constructed creature. You three technical madmen are so capable!

Daliang quickly replied: "Calling me Earl is too foreign. I am my mentor's disciple, and you are my mentor's daughter. Just call me senior brother. If anyone dares to bully you in the future, senior brother will promise to beat him into a pig's head." "

Black Pearl's voice became cheerful: "Thank you, senior brother!"


After the transfer of command, Daliang saw all the attributes of this cheap junior sister.

Black Pearl (Battleship Hero Unit) Level 1

Attack: 10

Defense: 10

Intelligence: 11

Knowledge: 11

Hero specialty: Crazy Destroyer: When the damage value caused by the black pearl attack reaches 10,000, you can choose to enter a 30-minute state of crazy destruction (cannonballs produce explosion, splash, and burning effects).

Hero skills: primary navigation, primary water magic, primary air magic, primary earth magic, primary artillery...

Skills/Magic: Healing, Magic Arrow...

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