Start with an Archangel

Chapter 511 Covering the Rain

Disheartened, Joshua left the center of power in Shangjiang and returned to Chongming City to become his own Xiaoyao City Lord. After Abigail's attempt to ascend to power with the child in her belly failed, Shangjiang City seemed to have the last and only option left.


No one could compete with Joyce for prestige or status.

Daliang is Joyce's die-hard party member, and the Elf family is leaderless, so it is natural to support Joyce's rise to power.

After Joshua left, several city lords were thinking about how to make friends with the female prime minister who was about to take power.

Daliang looked at the ministers who were waiting for his nomination and said: "As for the Prime Minister, I have a candidate, the honorable...Marquis Stanley."

Sir...Marquis Stanley.

Everyone opened their mouths in surprise, including Marquis Stanley himself: "Brother Daliang, although I admire your wisdom very much, if you let me be the Prime Minister... I won't have time to collect money in Jiading City."

Make Lord Stanley the Prime Minister? Not to mention his gold-coined head, but his taste in clothes, wouldn't it bring shame to the entire Shangjiang nobility when he went to receive an outside envoy?

Including Joyce, everyone in the room was very confused about Daliang's proposal and waited for his explanation.

After everyone woke up from the shock, Daliang said: "I think the Prime Minister should first be a highly respected person. Marquis Stanley, he has lived more years than all of us combined, and his wisdom is deeply hidden in his Underneath his approachable appearance, only after in-depth contact with him can we discover that his views on the world have already surpassed our ordinary level.

But it is precisely because he sees the world more clearly than all of us that the Marquis is indifferent to fame and fortune.

When there is a crisis in Shangjiang, he can always play a key role with his wisdom.

When Duke Joshua attacked Shangjiang City, everyone thought that the human race would fail. All the city lords either participated in the rebellion or were watching. Only Marquis Stanley stood firmly on the side of Shangjiang City from the beginning. Facts have proved that Marquis Stanley’s knowledge is far better than any of ours. The human race has won, and Marquis Stanley has become our most trustworthy partner in Shangjiang City.

Marquis Stanley's talent in business is equally astonishing. Looking at the current Jiading City, in just a few months, Marquis Stanley created a miracle. My lords, who among you dares to say that you are richer than Marquis Stanley? If Shangjiang City wants to regain its glory, it needs the economic acumen of Marquis Stanley.

And when the Demon King of Jealousy controlled King William to massacre the nobles of Shangjiang, who led the undead army into Shangjiang City, quickly stabilized the situation in the city, and forced away the Demon King of Jealousy Angela?

It was Lord Stanley.

What makes me even more impressed is that the Marquis can take advantage of the situation and let the undead army occupy Shangjiang City, and then establish himself as king. But after everything was over, he had done nothing wrong with the city of Qiu and handed it over to the human race intact.

This sentiment, this kindness, this wisdom that only time can accumulate, deeply moved me.

So when we need a new leader to step up and lead us through this difficult time, the first person I think of is Lord Stanley.

His foresight, his vision, his determination, and his mind that can accommodate hundreds of rivers like the sea are all what we need.

I strongly recommend Lord Stanley, Lord Stanley, to serve as Prime Minister. "

Stanley watched Daliang praising himself so excitedly, and his eyes began to shine: It turns out that I am so good... However, only brother Daliang can see so many of my advantages. He is really a confidant given to me by the God of Death!

Daliang's speech also deeply touched all the dignitaries.

Only then did everyone realize that just as Daliang said, Marquis Stanley, who was usually a bit crazy, turned out to be a truly hidden wise man.

Joshua rebelled. Among the seven deputy cities, except Qingpu City, a demon that the elves did not play with, all five cities supported Joshua. Only Jiading City, owned by Marquis Stanley, declared its allegiance to the King of East China Sea from the beginning. As a result...Joshua was really defeated.

The prosperity of Jiading City is now obvious to all. Not only the entire Shangjiang area, but also Nantong, Suzhou, Jiaxing, Wuxi, and surrounding cities are full of freight carriages from the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce. The convoys from Shangjiang Port to Jiading City formed a line, and the entire Jiading City was filled with mountains of goods. Everything made everyone jealous. Marquis Stanley is now really, really rich.

Also, pacifying the chaos in Shangjiang City was like a thunderous blow. After the undead entered the city, the political situation in Shangjiang was instantly calmed down.

All kinds of amazing methods are hidden under the cynical appearance of Marquis Stanley...

At this moment, everyone feels inferior to themselves.

"Yes, we were blinded by arrogance before. Marquis Stanley had always hidden his outstanding abilities during times of peace, but when the crisis came, he did something that none of us could do, and there was no way he could do it. One is not correct. The funny thing is that we, who are still stupid, only look at the Marquis with a vulgar eye and completely fail to see the wisdom he reveals.

We should not continue to make mistakes.

Lord Stanley has asked you to serve as Lord Chancellor, to assume the duties befitting your wisdom. "

"I agree that the Marquis Stanley should serve as the Prime Minister. In this period, only the Marquis Stanley can lead us out of the predicament."

"I agree……"


All the city lords and ministers expressed their opinions one after another.

Joyce was one of the few in the room who knew the truth. Marquis Stanley's allegiance to Shangjiang City was won by Daliang; the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce was conceived by Daliang and established through arduous negotiations; the chaos in Shangjiang was caused by Daliang's contacts with various places, resulting in a three-sided attack on the city, and everyone who is the undead of Marquis Stanley is Daliang. I invited him in person.

Marquis Stanley has nothing to do with noble moral character and wisdom. His inner nature and performance are very synchronized, and he has an undisguised love for gold coins.

But why did Daliang propose that Marquis Stanley be the Prime Minister?

Having just prevented Hell from supporting Abigail's rise to power, it has already been revealed that every word spoken by Daliang has a profound meaning. Joyce, who has no ambitions for power, finally said: "I also think that the Marquis Stanley is the best candidate for the Prime Minister. Since we all think that the Marquis Stanley can lead us, then there will be the Marquis Stanley to succeed the Prime Minister."

Lord Stanley, please take your seat as Prime Minister and formally exercise your rights and responsibilities. I and all the nobles in Shangjiang will support every decision you make.

I believe that under your leadership, we will overcome all difficulties and move towards glory. "

Marquis Stanley stood up, his expression invisible on his withered face. He walked to the spot where Joshua and Abigail had sat, and sat down slowly.

Everyone in the conference room was waiting for him to issue his first decree after becoming the Prime Minister.

"Now I declare...

The meeting is over! "

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