Start with an Archangel

Chapter 525 Judgment Leader

The aftermath of the East Asian naval battle brought Daliang to the attention of the world at this time, and countless live broadcast channels were recording this meaningful moment.

Daliang will use the territorial land acquisition order to turn this land into a private domain under everyone's watch. Although this territory is very low in the rankings, it was definitely the most beautiful territory at the moment it was established.

In the first batch of territories, the lords were very weak, and they all hid their positions for fear of being discovered. Later, the players' guilds took shape, and some territories invited friends to watch the ceremony when they were first established, but none of them reached the momentum of the Judgment Leaders.

In order to sell the land at a good price, Liang not only invited the air combat troops of the University Alliance to conduct an aerial parade, but also brought out his most powerful troops.

The newly expanded earl's honor guard and the newly acquired human elite soldiers.

Knights and cavalry are the pinnacle units in the basic army. One-on-one knights may not be the opponents of the 12th-level undead terror knights, who are also known as the strongest undead knights at the same level. However, facing the charge of a knight group, the same number of terror knights still have to win if they want to win. Work on your own character.

Nowadays, level 12 soldiers are something that most players look up to. They can pull out nearly a hundred human knights at a time. Not long after Daliang showed his strength at sea, he also showed off that he is equally powerful on land.

The knights and crusaders all wore full-body armor, and they made a clattering sound when they moved. Daliang walked to the ceremony platform surrounded by such a military force.

"Thank you to every friend who came to support me, and to my comrades who have always supported me. Today is a very important day for me. A human territory will be established in my hands.

Right here, on this ruins that have just been knocked down, this place will slowly turn into a majestic and miraculous city in the future.

This is Shangjiang City, the window to the outside world of China Game Zone. The Yangtze River next to it runs through the hinterland of China Game Zone. The eastern sea can lead to any place in the world...


Daliang read the speech given backstage, introducing the geographical advantages of the Judgment Territory and the future development direction of the territory. A large comprehensive functional city appeared in front of everyone in his description, just like the one on the Judgment Territory's official website. A fantasy city is no different.

While Daliang was speaking, Shu Xiao returned with the archangel and the angels. Together they hovered over the ceremony stage, becoming a unique beauty at the territory's establishment ceremony.

"Of course, if we want to build this city, we can't do it without the support of our friends and the investment of countless funds. Therefore, I decided to build a city in the western open space of the Judgment Territory specifically to provide convenient transactions for players' maritime merchants. market.

This Player Maritime Trading Center will connect Shangjiang Commercial Port and Jiading City Cargo Distribution Center. The Shuntong Chamber of Commerce in Jiading City can provide us with the most convenient and convenient logistics services. Using this maritime trading center, you can quickly sell and purchase Jiangsu and marine goods through Shangjiang Commercial Port and Jiading Shidongkou Terminal, shortening your stay in Shangjiang by more than 20%.

At the same time, it can be seamlessly connected to the Jiading City Cargo Distribution Center, and can directly trade with NPC maritime merchants. There is no maritime merchants association to make profit from the price difference, and there are no quota restrictions given by the maritime merchants association..."


All maritime trade that is not conducted through the Maritime Merchant Association is considered smuggling. Once smuggling is discovered, the player's credibility in the Maritime Merchant Association will be reduced and the quota of purchasable goods will be reduced.

However, the profits from smuggling are very large. Every port has a large or small-scale black market. As long as you are bold and have the skills, you can make more profits.

Players have no psychological pressure on smuggling, and the punishment mechanism of the Maritime Merchants Association cannot stop the temptation of players to engage in high profits from smuggling.

The chance of being caught by the Maritime Merchant Association for smuggling is low. Even if you are caught, you will lose some credibility, and the business will recover if you run around more. Therefore, whenever a player encounters a smuggling opportunity, he will never miss it. It's just that the goods on the black market are generally very limited, and there are many players, so supply often exceeds demand.

Daliang said that his player Maritime Trading Center can bypass the Maritime Merchant Association and directly purchase system products from the Jiading City Cargo Distribution Center. For player merchants, this trading center is an unlimited smuggling black market.

What a nonsense!

Daliang's plan to occupy the land in Shangjiang City to build some kind of player maritime trading center is outrageous enough. He actually wanted to use this trading center for smuggling!

You really think the merchant is a fool!

News has spread in Shangjiang City that Marquis Stanley of Jiading City has been appointed as the Prime Minister of Shangjiang City. At this time, the whereabouts of King Donghai suddenly disappeared, and the Prime Minister is the supreme consul. I heard that Marquis Stanley stayed in his castle all day long and was very mysterious. Some people heard epileptic laughter often coming from the castle. This undead was the ultimate villain in various stories and novels. The deaths and disappearances of all the kings of East China Sea were all related to him.

This time, Marquis Stanley forced Duke Joshua to abdicate and took the throne as Prime Minister. At first glance, he looked like a ruthless and evil undead man full of conspiracy.

It is impossible to occupy the land of the system; if you want to intervene in the operation of the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce, no player has been able to do it, and cannot even meet Marquis Stanley; if you want to carry out large-scale smuggling, Baoshan Fleet, Chongming Fleet, Pudong Fleet, Nanhui Fleet, any fleet can seal your sea.

To build such a player maritime trading center, the first thing to do is not to fool the players, but to first get rid of the entire aristocratic circle in Shangjiang City.

This... is completely unrealistic delusion.

Daliang is a complete liar, painstakingly describing a clumsy scam, overdrawing his reputation and destroying his credibility.

Some people have become impatient. They think that Daliang has been praised too highly in the past two days and that he has been lost in his own fantasy.

Another young man being praised.

The crowd watching the ceremony had a very lackluster response to what Daliang said about the Player Maritime Trading Center, and they already had the idea of ​​​​ending the ceremony and leaving early.

Da Liang ignored the players' indifferent reactions. Anyway, the first phase of the trading center was just like those places. He was quick and slow, hesitant and missed opportunities, and there was no place to cry.

The ceremony gradually came to an end, and Daliang took out the land acquisition order in front of everyone.

Territory Land Acquisition Order (Human Race): Use it on a piece of unowned or owned land to obtain a piece of private territory.

Choose to use it against an open space.

A human race meeting hall rose from the ground. This is an inconspicuous little house, but it is the core building of the entire territory. If you want to build a territorial building of several levels, you need to upgrade the meeting hall to a certain level first.

Occupying the meeting hall gives you all the authority of the lord.

"Ding! You have expropriated a piece of land for your own private territory. Please give your territory a name and build it as soon as possible to increase defense facilities."


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