Start with an Archangel

Chapter 554 Lively Mist Area

"Sir, what can I do for you? Whether it's delivering letters, chopping firewood or running errands, I can do it. If you need to kill some monster that annoys you, I'm even better at it. Even if it's just a leg kick, I can do it. Let you feel comfortable shouting out.”

"Dear adventurer, how can those little things reflect your strength and nobility? Only a task like slaying a dragon can match your status as a brave man. I know the lair of a powerful ghost dragon. If you can kill it Die and you will receive all its treasures.

But your current strength is still somewhat lacking.

I have an ancestral magical skill here. Once it is used, the color of the world will change, and a city can be wiped out with a wave of the hand. However, I am not qualified enough to understand this unique skill. If you are willing to give me 1,000 gold, I am willing to teach you this magical skill..."

"What! A skill that can wipe out a city can be learned with only 1,000 gold?"

"Sigh... Do you think I would lie to you at my age? I don't have a few years left to live. 1,000 gold is enough for me to live comfortably for the remaining few years. I can't take away any more money. I just I don’t want this ancestral magical skill to be buried in the soil with me.

If you think I lied to you, you can leave. I will wait for a hero who is qualified to inherit this magical skill...

Cough cough cough... I actually vomited blood. My body really can't hold it anymore. "

"Hold on, grandpa, you must hold on a little longer, and I will give you money right now...see, 1,000 gold, all of it is yours."

" must hold this skill book and let it flourish in your hands."

"I will, grandpa, goodbye..."

The player who bought a skill book for 1,000 gold ran away, but the old man immediately recovered from his illness. He held a purse full of gold coins and smiled: "This money has never been so good. I lied. I have sold three copies of 'Magical Skills' today... Adventurer, don't leave in a hurry. I see that your bones are amazing and your magic power seems to be ejected. You will definitely become a peerless hero in the future. I have a gift here. I can't live for long now with this magical skill passed down from my family. If you are willing to give me 1,500 gold so that I can live comfortably for the next few years, I will sell it to you.

Cough cough cough... I actually vomited blood. Sigh... I don't know if I can survive tomorrow. "

The old man stopped an undead who was passing by him. He was wearing a large cyan cloak to cover his appearance, but the old man could tell at a glance that he did not belong to the foggy area. These days, many adventurers suddenly came to the foggy area. They were cute and stupid, and he defrauded a lot of money.

The stopped undead stopped. He looked at the skill book in the old man's hand and said: "Master-level camouflage. It seems that there are really many powerful heroes in the foggy area..."

The old man's confident camouflage skills were unexpectedly spotted by the undead, and his expression immediately turned ugly: "I don't know what you are talking about. Please leave quickly and don't cause trouble in the foggy area."

The shadow under the hood and the eyes of the undead glowed faintly. He did not leave but said: "In this city, no one can stop me wherever I want to go. I'm just curious. Do you have a master?" How come super camouflage is hidden here? You can survive anywhere by just changing your appearance. Oh...Hunter Beacon, you are targeted by a powerful hunter and can only hide in the foggy area.

Now that you have offended me, I will give you two ways: I will kill you; or you will become my servant, and after I leave the foggy area, I can remove the hunter beacon from you. "

Under the gaze of the undead, the old man felt that his hands and feet were cold. He wanted to call someone for help, but he knew that the other person could kill him as soon as he raised his hand: "You, who are you... You can really remove the hunter's beacon from me. , that is the beacon that a master hunter placed on me with a blood sacrifice. No matter where I am, he can find me.

Only in the foggy area, he was not sure that he could kill me and escape intact, allowing me to spend so many years in peace.

But I live in fear every day. "

"Fear? This reminds me of an old friend. Don't worry, as long as you complete what I asked you to do, I will help you kill that hunter, and you don't need to worry about the hunter beacon on your body. Um...what's your name? Lizardman."

The old human man took off his disguise and turned into a light blue-skinned lizard man. He knelt down to the undead and said: "Doro is willing to be loyal to you, my master, how should I call you."

"My name is Styx," the undead opened his hood to reveal the appearance of a lich, who turned out to be the Sorrowful Lord. He looked at the lizard man lying on the ground and said: "Now, you have to disguise me as a newly born skeleton mage..."

"Yes, Master Styx."

After experiencing Feng Moying breaking into the church in the foggy area, Daliang immediately organized 2,000 skeleton soldiers into the church knights to protect the church. Then he asked Jonathan to dig out some undead heroes from the underground of the foggy area and recruit them as church knights in the name of the Unsullied Holy See.

Almost no undead would refuse the call of the Immaculate Holy See. The Knights of the Church of the Mist Area were quickly formed from knights to soldiers and began to perform security patrols in the Mist Area.

The church in the Mist District began to regain its strength. Without priests preaching the doctrine of Immaculate Conception, the residents of the Mist District were in a wait-and-see state. In addition, Mr. Eviscerate issued a call to make all the money to build a new foggy area. All the residents in the foggy area were cheating and swindling money from players, and no one had any intention to care about the Wushou Church.

A large number of players are deceived in the foggy area every day. Although many of the deception techniques are extremely low-level, there are more players who are confident in their luck.

The Mist Area of ​​Lament City in the Kingdom of Death has become famous among players by word of mouth. It is the largest gathering place of non-undead in the Kingdom of Death. Most of the residents here are powerful heroes. There are rare alchemy bombs for sale here. The atmosphere here is everywhere. Revealing all kinds of secrets, some lucky people who are lucky enough to trigger hidden tasks make people feel that there seem to be countless mysteries waiting for players to reveal.

The reputation of the foggy area has attracted more players to arrive, and some non-undead players have also come here through various means, wanting to try their luck.

The influx of players put Tokugawa Nobunaga under tremendous pressure. Some guilds saw the potential of the Mist Area and directly set up an office here, sending dedicated personnel to tackle the tasks here. More and more tasks are being discovered by players, and there are countless players chasing behind the leader Tokugawa Nobunaga.

In order to maintain his leading advantage, Tokugawa Nobunaga accelerated the construction of roads in the foggy area. He even arranged skeleton soldiers in his army to work as laborers in quarries, transportation teams and road construction teams. Money was flowing like water, paving the bluestone pavement of the streets in the foggy area. Tokugawa Nobunaga, who had already formed a habit of spending money, no longer counted how much money he spent.

He has only one purpose, to take control of the situation before his competitors appear.

Of course, Tokugawa Nobunaga was fortunate that after Feng Moying came into contact with the Pope of the Church in the Mist Area, the church was completely closed, and even the undead player lord could not enter.

In other words, if Feng Moying is late, he will not be able to contact the Pope. This is simply the same chance of pie in the sky as winning the lottery.

Now among all the players, only Feng Moying can enter by using her identity as a trainee knight of the Wushou Church.

We must seize this unique opportunity, and we must not cut off the papal line for any reason.

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