Start with an Archangel

Chapter 574 Teleportation

The Fire Lord is a lava monster. He is extremely tall and wears thick black-red rock armor, with bright red light emerging from the gaps in the plate armor. He is eight meters tall and holds a double-sided axe. With a single wave of his hand, he throws fireballs from the axe. These fireballs turn into fire monsters in an instant.

Seeing the invaders retreating quickly under the attack of his own army, the Fire Lord sprouted a pair of wings of fire from his back and chased after him with the big demon and all the flying troops.

Da Liang's super strike team flew backwards facing the pursuing Fire Lord. Da Liang summoned three demon spirits for himself from the soldier card, and then used the slow method to weaken the speed of the pursuers. Gu Tao used the ice magic ring, and Qing Jinglong used dragon breath to attack the monsters whose speed was restricted.

The advanced earth magic skills allow Daliang to release the slow magic with a range attack effect. The superb intelligence and the bonus of the demon spirit allow the attack range to reach more than one hundred meters. The monsters rushing in front moved slowly after being restricted in speed, making them the best targets. Then, under the attack of advanced water magic that has a damage bonus to monsters with a fire constitution, and the attack of the Azure Crystal Dragon's Prismatic Dragon Breath, they were killed in pieces.

Although the Fire Lord's army was hundreds of times more powerful, it was unable to approach the Super Strike Team.

Seeing his soldiers being slaughtered, the Fire Lord behind the army roared. But he also knew that against such a small force composed of high-level heroes and high-level creatures, it would be difficult to simply use ordinary soldiers to have a significant effect.

The best thing to do in this situation is, hero against hero, magic against magic.

First limit the performance of the enemy's spell-casting heroes, and then the soldiers have the opportunity to approach. As long as they can get close to him, his military strength is enough to kill the intruders.

The Fire Lord began to move forward with the three big demons. After entering the magic range, the Fire Lord used the anti-magic method and deployed a ten-meter-diameter anti-magic defense shield.

The Fire Lord took the big demon to hide in the magic barrier, and at the same time threw the earth magic and fire magic they were good at at the intruders.

Da Liang immediately put up a force field shield in front, then turned to his teammates who were hiding and asked: "The Fire Lord has been led into the teleportation range, and everyone is preparing for a decapitation operation. The magic barrier is a bit tricky. , our people can’t pass in, can Dorothy destroy it?”

At this time, the magic of the Super Strike Team has been suppressed, and the Fire Lord has ordered his army to charge again, so there is only one chance to behead the Fire Lord.

Gu Tao observed the strength of the demon-forbidden shield cast by the Fire Lord, and then said: "That Flame Lord should have mastered advanced earth magic skills. I have learned advanced water magic skills. The water-based exorcism technique can dispel his forbidden demons." cover."

It's easy to fight if the magic barrier can be dispelled.

Da Liang quickly arranged the tactics: "The beheading tactics will start in a moment. There is a ten-second recovery time for teleportation. Dorothy will teleport me above them first. I will use meteors and fire showers to clear the area around the Fire Lord and attract part of their military strength." . After the shower of meteors and fire, Dorothy destroyed the Fire Lord's magic shield. Julian went there first. Dorothy used the mirror method on Julian. Julian was responsible for restraining the Fire Lord and the three big demons.

Then the Broken Moon was passed to the sky above the Fire Lord, and the Broken Moon performed a holy blow on the Fire Lord, knocking the Fire Lord out of the great demon's protective circle.

In the end, it was me, who passed me into the middle of the big demons, and I restrained the three big demons.

Broken Moon and Julian used this time to kill the Fire Lord, and then turned back to support me.

Archangel Walsh and Green Crystal Dragon Emily are responsible for protecting Dorothy.

Dorothy used the non-attack zone in the middle of the ice magic ring to clear out the fire monsters summoned by the Fire Lord.

Do you all know your tasks? "


The army of monsters has formed an encircling formation and is rushing here. Now there are only a few monsters protecting the Fire Lord, and there is a gap in the sky above him.

"Start now."

Under Da Liang's command, Gu Tao used teleportation on him. Da Liang instantly appeared above the Fire Lord across a distance of hundreds of meters. The Fire Lord was focused on the upcoming battle ahead and did not pay attention to the 200 meters above his head. The enemy appears at the meter's location.

Seeing an opportunity, Daliang immediately used "Meteor and Fire Shower".

The demonic monsters born in this lava environment have a certain degree of resistance to fire-type attacks, but the meteors and fire showers are also mixed with huge earth-based summoning meteorites.

If you get hit by this thing, you will be seriously injured even if you don't die.

The fire cloud appearing above aroused the Fire Lord's alertness, but large-scale and powerful magic has a certain charging time, so the flying troops can still avoid it. The Fire Lord is immune to all fire magic attacks, and the magic shield can protect the big demons around them very well. They only need to avoid the attacks of meteorites.

The Fire Lord ordered the fire monsters around him to rush towards Da Liang. While paying attention to the direction of the meteorite's whereabouts, he directed the army to encircle and suppress the enemy.

After the fire cloud was charged, fire rain and meteorites swept down, and a group of fire monsters came out of the fire rain's coverage area and rushed towards Daliang.

Da Liang directly threw the slow method to limit the speed of the fire monsters.

The meteors and fire rain released at close range attacked quickly and enveloped the Fire Lord in an instant. The Fire Lord and the big demons easily avoided the meteorite attack. The fire rain hit the demon-forbidden shield except for a bunch of weak ripples. It has no effect.

Meteor fire showers swept past the Fire Lord. After the Fire Lord dodged the last meteorite, a magic spell crossed over the meteorite and instantly hit the magic barrier.

The equally advanced exorcism technique dispelled the effect of the magic-forbidden magic. The magic-forbidden shield disappeared instantly, and then a full-form archangel appeared beside the Fire Lord.

"Split the Air" The moment Julian appeared, he immediately used his strongest combat skills on the Flame Lord. The martial arts that could tear apart space struck the Flame Lord, and the Flame Lord who was caught off guard was hit and spun around in the air. One lap.

The great demons protecting the Fire Lord immediately rushed forward and besieged Julian.

Julian's explosive speed took the three big demons and pulled them to the outside. The big demons immediately pursued and separated Julian from the Flame Lord. At this time, another magic hit Julian.

An archangel who looks exactly like Julian separates.

The mirrored Julian has exactly the same combat power as her, but will disappear once attacked.

However, Julian's heroic specialty is speed, and he is a double-A-level archangel. After growing up, he can easily deal with three ordinary demons, not to mention a mirror image with the same strength as himself.

Although the mirror image creature can make her disappear with just one attack, the prerequisite is that it can hit her.

The burst of speed gave him attack acceleration. Julian withstood the attacks of the three big demons and let his mirror image sneak attack.

Angels and demons are mortal enemies. They restrain each other and gain a 50% bonus when attacking each other. Julian instantly gained the upper hand in the battle, suppressing the big demon and getting hit frequently.

It wasn't until the Fire Lord stabilized his body and threw a string of fireballs at Julian and her mirror image that he rescued the big demon from danger.

The Fire Lord joins the fight, and Julian's mirror image is quickly dispersed.

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