Start with an Archangel

Chapter 600 Intimidation

Feng Moying took over the newly compiled "Wuxu Doctrine" and pointed out that it was an ordinary book.

For special books such as skill books, you can entrust bookstores in system cities to print in large quantities. Territories with their own bookstores can also print them. As for the cost of printing...

Feng Moying was too embarrassed to ask Daliang for this little money. She put away the newly compiled "Innocent Doctrine" and said solemnly: "Please rest assured, Lord Pope, I will spread this new doctrine throughout the City of Sighs as soon as possible."

Daliang said: "I have always felt at ease with you in doing things. But what you have to remember is that no matter who asks, they cannot say that this new "Innocent Doctrine" came from me, and I will never admit it. This is also the reason why I gave this task to you, you are my most trusted subordinate at present, I hope you will not disappoint my expectations of you."

"Thank you, Your Majesty the Pope, for your trust. I will not let you down." Feng Moying certainly knows how much impact the new "Immortal Doctrine" will have. Now that she is aligned with the interests of the Pope, she will naturally not do anything that harms her own interests. . After accepting this task, Feng Moying asked Tokugawa Nobunaga what he was most concerned about: "Your Holiness, if you want to develop the business in the foggy area, I am willing to do my little bit to make some commercial improvements. invest."

Daliang knew that Tokugawa Nobunaga was behind Feng Moying. The money for road construction in the foggy area and the money for church construction and enchantment were all generated by Tokugawa Nobunaga. If he keeps getting money from Tokugawa Nobunaga without giving him any benefits, this guy will definitely not be happy.

Therefore, this jujube must be given.

Moreover, in Daliang's plan, he did not plan to independently develop the foggy area. It would be too expensive... Since Tokugawa Nobunaga is willing to help develop his own urban area, that is the best thing.

Daliang pretended to think about it for a while, and then said: "Since you are willing to share this heavy responsibility for me, I will try your ability first. In the foggy area, you can choose a block for commercial investment. I only have two requirements for you. Firstly, all residents in the foggy area who need to be relocated must be compensated and resettled; secondly, no military facilities are allowed to be built. Those thugs in the foggy area have already given me a headache, and I don’t want other military forces to appear here.

If you can do it to my satisfaction, you will get more land for commercial operations in the future.

Okay, that’s it for today.

Complete the task I gave you as soon as possible, and after choosing a neighborhood, go to the Knights of the Church. They will send troops to help you solve the problem. "


Doesn’t Chairman Tokugawa want benefits? The right to operate a block is a big enough benefit.

After a great harvest, Feng Moying left the church with longing, and then reported the tasks and rewards she received to Tokugawa Nobunaga.

Tokugawa Nobunaga very much recognized Feng Moying's guess. The Pope in the Mist District changed the "Immaculate Doctrine" in order to deal with his political opponents, which was really bold and manipulative.

"Now that we have begun to get into contact with the power struggle among the top leaders of the City of Sighs, it is a great advancement for this plot. The early investment was not in vain, and it is even more valuable to invest in such a strategic Pope.

From this moment on, we have firmly stood in the camp of the reformists led by the Pope of the Mist Zone. As long as the reformists win the struggle, we can cover the sky in the City of Sighs at the player level. Therefore, we must actively support the Pope in the Mist Zone and help him quickly make achievements in the Mist Zone for the Sad Lord to see.

by that time……

Have you noticed how similar our current situation is to Daliang in the Chinese gaming area?

Daliang made his fortune by relying on the admiral of the Pudong Fleet in Shangjiang. Then the situation in Shangjiang became chaotic. First there was a civil war that almost endangered the main city, and then there was a coup that suddenly broke out and ended quickly. Two East China Sea kings violently Dead, now the new King of East China Sea is missing.

However, the admiral of the navy whom Daliang relied on was promoted to the navy minister of Shangjiang and was granted the title of marquis.

According to the information we currently have, the two parties in the power struggle in Shangjiang are the human camp and the elven camp. Now the leader of the Elf camp, Archduke Joshua, has resigned from the post of Prime Minister and returned to Chongming City. Although Marquis Stanley of the Undead tribe has been appointed as the Prime Minister, the Undead have firmly stood in the human camp from the beginning.

Therefore, the human race has achieved a comprehensive victory in the power struggle in Shangjiang. Only Daliang, who invested correctly, can be so powerful. He can use his privileges to obtain the support of a human race main city, which makes him the biggest beneficiary in the East Asian naval battle. .

Now we are following the same path as Daliang. The struggle between reformers and conservatives in Sigh City is just like the struggle between the human race and the elves in Shangjiang. In this struggle, we are already ahead of the ignorant players who cannot even get through the church door, and we are already placing bets.

Shangjiang City created Daliang's rise, but his height is limited.

And if your plot continues to develop, the future will be the pinnacle of this game...

Feng Moying, this is no longer the task you imagined. The things involved will affect your life, real life.

In fact, when you walked into the church in front of so many players today, countless people were already investigating you. Some people were already asking me to poach you, and many of them were people I didn’t want to offend. . And when they know how far you have mastered this mission, do you understand what you will face?

When danger comes.

Do you, your family, have the ability to protect you? "

Feng Moying was originally happy because of Tokugawa Nobunaga's praise and analysis of the mission, but she did not expect that Tokugawa Nobunaga's conversation would change so quickly.

It’s just a game, how could it be dangerous? I have never encountered this before when playing games!

"President... what you said really scared me, as if I could be kidnapped while playing games."

Tokugawa Nobunaga said: "This game is different from other games. The interests inside the game have a great impact outside the game. When the interests reach a certain level, some means that you can't imagine will be used.

Especially a kid like you with no background, no means of self-protection, and a task with unlimited prospects in your hands.

There is a Chinese proverb, "Every man is innocent but only carries a jade." You are now in a very big danger. "

Feng Moying was really scared: "What should I do? President, will you protect me?"

"Of course I can protect you, but I can't guarantee your absolute safety."

Feng Moying was so frightened that she cried: "How could this happen? It's just a mission, just a game. Why does it involve such a horrible thing? I can't do it anymore if I don't play..."

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