Start with an Archangel

Chapter 603 See you in three days

Of course, they cannot be allowed to enter the foggy area casually, otherwise it will appear that I am a foodie with no principles.

Daliang didn't answer immediately and just continued eating meat and drinking wine.

The three tauren couldn't get a reply from Da Liang, so they could only wait patiently, not wanting to eat the meat and wine in their hands.

In a short time, Daliang had eaten all the meat. He took out a water balloon and washed his hands in it, and then said to the three tauren: "I can feel your sincerity from the food you made. Only Only a chef who has no distractions can cook such tender barbecue.

From the first bite to the last, I savor the emotions you bring into the grill.

I believe your words and the Mist Zone is willing to accept you..."

Daliang pretended to be a gourmet and started talking nonsense to show his profound taste in food, but for the tauren, the last sentence was what they wanted to hear most.

Finally we can enter the foggy area.

The tauren have been living a life of escape, and they are even more worried every day while waiting here, fearing that their enemies will track them down and block them in this cave.

Now that they have received permission from the ruler of the Mist Zone, they can enter the legendary sanctuary.

Just when the tauren was about to express his gratitude to Daliang, Daliang said again: "However, the rules cannot be broken casually... I will give each of you a task. In three days, you can find something in this snowfield. A gift that satisfies me as a fee for making an exception for you.

Isn’t this too much to ask?

Those who can complete it can enter the foggy area directly, and those who cannot complete it can stay here for three months. "

A gift that satisfies the humans who rule the Mist Zone...

The three tauren looked at each other, wondering what the Eviscerator wanted, and sighed that the ruler of a district in the city should not lack anything.

What should I choose as this gift?

The leader of the tauren asked: "Mr. Ebony, this snowfield is so big and has so many products. What gift can satisfy you?"

Daliang smiled and said: "Gifts are only interesting when they are unveiled when we meet, so I have no special requirements for this gift. Just try your best to find it. I look forward to you taking out the gift in three days." moment."

Asking for gifts is just an excuse for Daliang. When the time comes, as long as the gifts presented by the three tauren are not too outrageous, he can accept them and let them enter the foggy area.

I just took a stroll and found that there are top chefs in Destiny Manor.

In the future, when leading troops to fight, a flowing banquet will be held in front of the formation. Heroes and generals, eat a big meal before going into battle, and then rush to kill after the state is restored. Wait for the state to disappear and then eat again.

Kill after eating, and eat when it is gone.


Daliang was extremely benevolent in order to use the back door for the three tauren chefs.

But the tauren are extremely troubled by this gift. What should I give it to? What can satisfy the ruler of this foggy area?

There is only one chance, and the tauren who are worried about their future dare not slack off. Even though there was still heavy snow outside, the tauren still dived into the wind and snow, looking for gifts that would satisfy Daliang.

Only Da Liang was left guarding the strings of fragrant barbecue.

"You're too aggressive, and you don't know how to eat before leaving. This thing won't taste good when it's cold, so I won't be polite."

After eating and drinking enough.

Da Liang ordered the skeleton soldiers to dig a large pit nearby, and then buried Anthony's coffin in it.

A large boulder was placed on top, then covered with soil to fill it up, and heavy snow quickly covered all traces.

When the snow melts and new grass grows, no one will really know that a dead soul is buried here.

After finishing the business, Daliang prepared to return to the foggy area. He gave the tauren three days, but he couldn't wait here for three days. He had too many things to do.

The Sad Lord is preparing for a plane war, but he doesn't know that a civil war involving the kingdom of death is about to break out. War represents a huge consumption of military supplies. Even if the undead have extremely low logistical requirements, it does not mean that they do not consume supplies.

The skeleton soldier's bone sword, the zombie's kitchen knife, the ghost's sackcloth, the vampire's sword and armor, the corpse witch's staff, and the complete set of equipment of the Dark Knight are all standard soldier weapons.

Normal training will be consumed, let alone the outbreak of war.

There are also skeleton horses and carriages for transporting ordnance. Due to the lack of long-range troops, the low-level army of the undead will be equipped with ballistas and catapults on a large scale.

When all these things are gathered together and calculated, it is definitely an unimaginable wealth.

The undead cities that have not experienced a war for a long time are in a dormant state, and the production capacity of various materials is extremely low. If a war breaks out suddenly, they will simply not be able to meet the war's consumption. Whoever can hoard war supplies at this time will definitely not worry about not being able to sell them.

Daliang already has plans to make a lot of money from this war.

Soldier Ordnance Factory (Undead), Siege Weapon Factory, Skeleton Stables, Transport Factory... all buildings that produce war supplies will be mass-produced in the foggy area in the near future.

At the same time, several large warehouses will be built to store supplies.

These things all require good planning...

Many raw materials for production of materials need to be transported from the main plane, such as wood, mane, leather that are lacking in the plane of the undead...

Daliang does not intend to provide these things with his Black Fire Collar. The Blackfire Territory is too far away from the land, and transportation costs are very high. Moreover, there are a large number of transport teams on the road from the Burial Ground to the City of Sighs, which can easily expose a lot of things.

Da Liang plans to purchase all raw materials that are unobtainable in the Kingdom of Death from players. The cost of bulk purchase is similar to the cost of transportation from the Black Fire Leader, and it can also stimulate the economy of the foggy area.

Of course, the premise is that the City of Sighs cannot be affected by this war, otherwise Daliang will not be able to transport so many materials produced, and will have to lead the army of the Black Fire Lord to fight against the army of the Wizards Guild under the orders of the Sad Lord.

Da Liang marked the location where Anthony was buried on his map, and then suddenly thought: Anthony and other wizards suddenly disappeared in the City of Sighs. Will the Wizards Guild Headquarters send wizards to investigate?

If the coming wizard continues to let me open a battlefield in the City of Sighs, will I blow up my church again?

Just kidding!

There are also rare resources if sold.

How to find angel equipment.

Thinking of one thing gave Daliang a headache, and just when Daliang was about to return to the foggy area through the portal of Snowfield Manor.

The hero who stayed here told Da Liang that the leader of a nearby orc tribe wanted to see him.

Orcs, who can endure hardship and have strong survivability, are the most common race in all dangerous areas. They have very low requirements for the quality of life. As long as they have food, they can survive. Therefore, orcs are also the most widely distributed race in the main world.

For many reasons, Daliang did not conduct a search too far away from the portal. There was an orc tribe nearby that was a bit unexpected.

However, this orc tribe's proposal to meet probably meant no harm.

As for what their purpose is, let's talk about it in person.

Daliang asked the left-behind heroes to send news to the orc tribe and meet here in three days.

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