Start with an Archangel

Chapter 614 Release

As the deputy to the president of the Wizards Guild, Anthony certainly knew how useful it would be to have one of his own beside the Sad Lord. It was precisely because Anthony knew that he knew too much that he said nothing during the interrogation of the Sad Lord. He persisted in any punishment, without even revealing a word of his own name.

Now the City of Sighs branch has instigated a high-level official of the Unsullied Holy See. He is an extremely important figure to the City of Sighs branch. He can keep abreast of every decision and movement of the Sad Lord at any time, and then allow the wizards of the City of Sighs branch to avoid danger. Take an active position in the confrontation with the Immaculate Holy See.

Anthony was greatly grateful to think that the City of Sighs branch had used such an important figure to rescue him. The risk is too great. If this insider is accidentally exposed, it will definitely be a serious blow to the City of Sighs branch that has just recovered from the disaster.

We must not cause any trouble to the City of Sighs branch.

Anthony was moved and said: "I know that the elders trusted me by telling me this secret. Please rest assured that the wizards of the City of Sighs branch will not disclose anything I experienced in the City of Sighs to anyone.

I also believe that even if I don’t rely on me to preach for you, the City of Sighs branch will definitely bloom again.

Now, the cyan coalition consisting of the Wizards Guild, Death Lord and Cloud City has begun to assemble on the land south of Eternal Night City. Before the war begins, we will first gather together in Ashes City. Please be sure to attend the City of Sighs branch. This is a very important gathering. If the Wizards Guild does not have the City of Sighs branch, it will definitely lose its luster. "

The biggest highlight was that when Anthony met for the first time, Anthony didn't mention a word about the Cyan Alliance and the Ashes City Alliance. At that time, he must have thought that the Sighing City branch was over. This time he invited Daliang to join the alliance in Ashes City, not only out of gratitude, but also because he believed that the strength of the Sighing City branch was worthy of being one of the seven major branches.

Regarding Anthony's invitation, Daliang replied: "Elder Anthony, I have another good news to tell you. This morning, President Lucas was in the City of Sighs. I have convinced him that even if he does not support this war, he will I will try my best to lead the Wizards Guild to win this war.

Now that the president has returned to the General Assembly to take over the leadership of the Wizards Guild again, as the president's deputy, he must be in urgent need of your assistance at this time. "

Anthony felt that today was definitely a great day. Not only was he rescued, but President Lucas also changed his mind. Even if he still disagrees with starting this war, as long as he is willing to stand up and lead the Wizards Guild, he will be able to unite all the wizards, and their chances of winning this war will definitely be greater.

After hearing the news, Anthony could no longer sit still. He reluctantly stood up and said excitedly: "Great, I knew Lucas would stand with us in the end. Elder, you have made a great contribution. Hearing this news made me happier than being rescued myself.

Now I must return to the General Assembly as soon as possible. Lucas needs me at this time. "

Daliang could hear Anthony's comrade-like affection for Lucas. Although letting Anthony go was forced, he still felt that he had done the right thing.

Facing Anthony who was eager to return to the Wizards Guild, Daliang said: "Elder Anthony, if your health is okay, we will send you back to the Guild at any time."

"No problem, there is nothing wrong with my body!"

"Then please excuse me, elder. In order to keep certain secrets, we need to blindfold you."

Returning to the foggy area through the portal of Snowfield Manor, Daliang asked Minia to escort Anthony, who was extremely weak, away. Although Minia was extremely worried about how Daliang would explain to the Sad Lord, with Anthony by her side, she could not reveal Daliang's identity and could only take Anthony on the carriage to the General Assembly.

After Anthony left, Da Liang immediately returned to the church in the Mist Area. After changing back into the papal robe, he asked Jonathan to lead a group of church knights to the cathedral in the City of Sighs.

The Cathedral of the City of Sighs is located in the central city of the City of Sighs. It is the residence of the Sad Lord and the core of the entire ruling area of ​​the City of Sighs. The most elite knights of the Holy See in the City of Sighs, led by Will, guard the safety of the cathedral.

The military expenses for the Holy See Knights sponsored by Daliang have been delivered, and the Church Knights of the Mist District and the Holy See Knights of the City of Sighs have entered the honeymoon period. When the Holy See Knights stationed in the center learned that the person coming was the Pope of Internal Affairs in the Misty Area, they not only immediately let him go, but also sent a team of Holy See Knights and Misty Area Church Knights to escort the skeleton carriage that Da Liang was riding on.

The journey was smooth and we arrived at the Cathedral of the City of Sighs.

This is the most majestic building in the entire City of Sighs. The cathedral covers an area of ​​100 hectares and contains the most advanced military force in the known game world.

The four pillars in front of the main hall have a diameter of ten meters, and the height of fifty meters makes Daliang walking below feel like a grain of dust.

When the Mist District Church was built, the Sorrowful Monarch personally went to congratulate him and commended Mist District as a model diocese. He also awarded Daliang the title of "Special Doctrinal Advisor". The Holy Family was very solemn. Therefore, when Daliang requested to see the Sad Lord as the internal pope of the Mist Zone, the priest on duty did not dare to show any neglect and immediately reported back to the Sad Lord.

As expected, the Sad Lord immediately summoned the Pope of the Mist District after he learned of his arrival.

In a quiet prayer room, Daliang met the Sad King.

After Daliang paid tribute to the Sad Lord, the Sad Lord took the lead and said: "I already know that you have started to spread the new "Immaculate Doctrine", and a priest has already given me the new "Immaculate Doctrine".

I didn't expect that you would use this method to preach, and have people use catapults to drop the new "Immaculate Doctrine" into various churches. This method is probably only something you can think of. " really not what I thought of.

Liang did not expect that Tokugawa Nobunaga would use a catapult to pour the newly compiled "Immaculate Doctrine" into the church. There were indeed so many smart people in the world. In this way, Tokugawa Nobunaga would not have to arrange for people to take risks and distribute the new "Immortal Doctrine" to the priests, because this doctrine is so radical that priests who do not agree with this doctrine will probably kill the player who preaches it with a backhand knife.

Now Tokugawa Nobunaga just lost some catapults. As for the effect...

Thousands or even tens of thousands of newly compiled "Immaculate Doctrine" are thrown into the church. Some priests will definitely pick them up, and they will be able to see them if they pick them up.

As for whether you believe it or not, it's not Tokugawa Nobunaga's business. Anyway, Feng Moying's task is to distribute the new "Untainted Doctrine".

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