Start with an Archangel

Chapter 627 Offensive War

Daliang still didn't know that the identity he had been hiding had almost been revealed. He was currently understanding the situation on the battlefield in Dark Light City through Kuka's explanation.

Faced with the Black Fire Leader's army approaching the city, Darklight City, as an eighth-level leader, did not refuse to defend the city.

As early as when Kuka commanded the army to attack and plunder the land of Sighing City, the Lord of Darklight City found that Sighing City had no response to the army's attack. He realized that this was a time for the Sad Lord to eradicate some unscrupulous people. Military actions of obedient lords.

The Lord of Darklight City, who had been restricting the development of the church in Darklight City, immediately began to prepare for war after realizing that he might be on the list of the Melancholy Monarch to be eradicated, and put his city into a state of war when the enemy troops arrived.

Kuka used various models to lay out the positions of the enemy and our armies on the map around Dark Light City.

“After the defenders of Darklight City discovered that our army was approaching, they immediately left the city and took a fighting stance to prevent us from approaching the city.

The army they left the city was also dominated by skeleton soldiers, numbering 100,000. Their intention should be to fight a war of attrition with low-level soldiers outside the city. If we follow the strategy of Dark Light City, we probably won’t be able to get close to the city wall even if we fight for dozens of days in a row.

The strategy formulated by Dark Light City should be based on the understanding that our army is mainly composed of skeleton soldiers. If we want to attack the city, we must advance through the ground and send the siege weapons to the launch position. By blocking the skeleton soldiers in front, they can effectively block our siege operations.

As long as the battle can be kept at a stalemate outside the city, Darklight City can use this time to tap into its war potential. The lord should know that it is very easy to dig out an undead army in this undead city that has existed for an unknown number of years. matter.

And we also need to consider the support from Darklight City’s sister cities. Therefore, it is best to determine the outcome of this war as soon as possible. "

Yes, there are really too many undead people buried underground. Watching Jonathan casually dig out an army of terrifying knights underground in the foggy area, you will know how terrifying it will be once the undead territory begins to fully mobilize. .

Daliang said: "If Minia and I use large-scale magic to cover the army's advance, can we quickly open the way to attack the city wall?"

Kuka replied: "In a war of this scale, neither side will invest in senior mages prematurely, because everyone has the ability to counterattack the senior mages. Once the location of the senior mages is discovered, they will immediately concentrate their forces to assassinate them. Therefore. , in the early stages of the war, conventional military operations will still be the main focus, and senior mages should save their magic power for the most critical moments."

Da Liang realized that this war was no longer on a scale of thousands or tens of thousands. The army of the Black Fire Territory alone had 200,000 skeleton soldiers. If they were bombed with meteors and fire showers, they would not be able to finish the explosion without vomiting blood. Although low-level soldiers are cannon fodder, when the cannon fodder reaches a certain scale, high-level heroes can be helpless.

Knowing that he was a layman in war command after all, Daliang no longer made random suggestions, but directly asked Kuka: "For this war, I specially transferred 300 magic mages, commanded by Monica, the guard of the forward fortress.

Guards of the Boneyard - Astro brought a group of artillery and directly commanded the frost dragons to fight.

The elite of the Black Fire Territory, except for the fleet at sea, are already here.

Including me, Julian, and Minia, you can command the heroes in this tent at will.

Of course, the Blue Ears of the Snow Wolf Tribe are my guests.

Your mission is to lead us and conquer the Dark Light City.

Start exercising your responsibilities...

Kuka! "

"Yes, sir!" Kuka stood next to the map, used a wooden pole to push the model on the map a few times, repositioned himself, and then said:

"The undead are not afraid of siege. The longer we wait to enter the city, the more disadvantageous it will be for us. Therefore, we cannot have too much entanglement with their skeleton soldiers outside the city. In order to attack the city wall as soon as possible, I formulated a two-wing squeeze plan. Pressure, the tactic of breaking through the middle


The undead army, which is not affected by morale, does not need to be mobilized before the war. After the combat order is issued, the skeleton army of the Blackfire Territory "rushes" into action.

The entire sea of ​​skeletons moved forward along the front line. Opposite them was the army of sea of ​​skeletons with the same long margin, and the same forward pressure was prepared to attack each other.

Before the massive confrontation between skeleton soldiers, the catapults set up in the rear formations of both sides began to throw stones at each other.

There is no need to waste alchemy bombs when attacking low-level soldiers. What is thrown back and forth in the air are large stones with polished edges and smooth edges. The smooth and spherical stones continue to roll forward behind the land, crushing them all the way and pulling them out in the formation of the skeleton soldiers. There was a gap, but it was quickly filled by the surrounding skeleton soldiers.

The damage caused by catapults to the large-scale skeleton soldiers on both sides is only a drop in the bucket. The outcome of the battle depends on the strangulation of the armies of both sides.

The skeleton soldiers who faced each other and charged towards each other finally collided.

Under the blessing of the city lord and commander, the skeleton soldiers of Dark Light City have demonstrated a combat effectiveness that far exceeds that of ordinary skeleton soldiers. However, this time the attack of the Black Fire Leader army has the strength bonus provided by Daliang's relatives, skeleton whippers and Daliang's equipment. This allowed the skeleton soldiers of the Black Fire Territory to display a combat effectiveness that was not weaker than that of Dark Light City.

Skeleton soldiers from both sides were strangled on the front line, and no one was able to advance the front half a step forward. The dead skeleton soldiers piled up on the front line of the battlefield, accumulating more and more, and finally formed a gradually increasing slope.

However, neither side made any intention of taking a step back and continued to invest troops in the battle line.

Just as the skeleton soldiers were fighting to the death, suddenly intensive artillery sounds came from the middle of the battlefield. The slope formed by the death skeleton soldiers was swept by the projectiles fired at close range, and collapsed instantly. Then four knights in red armor rushed out, and the powerful momentum caused the pile of skeletons to explode in the direction of the Dark Light City army.

In the tactics formulated by Kuka, four destruction knights took the lead in entering the battlefield. The crushing of soldiers and the difference in force between heroes and soldiers allowed the Destruction Knight to bully the lowest level skeleton soldiers wantonly. They galloped back and forth at the breach, and the thin skeleton soldiers were lifted into the air in pieces.

In a short period of time, the four destruction knights cleared a fifty-meter-long open space.

Then the plague crawler troops advanced. These creatures that could crawl quickly on four legs burst out at unimaginable speeds after being blessed by the magic of "attack acceleration". They charged towards the skeleton soldiers in Dark Light City, but did not entangle with the skeleton soldiers they encountered, and instead adhered to the orders given when they set out.

"Forward, forward, until destruction..."

The advancing plague crawlers jumped up in the face of the bone swords chopped down by the skeleton soldiers. The densely arranged skeleton soldiers did not need to worry about falling back to the ground. They stepped on the skeleton soldiers' heads alternately with their four feet and continued to run forward, like A carpet quickly unfolded on the white ground.

They do not respond to any attacks and stick to the command to move forward until the moment of death arrives.

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