Start with an Archangel

Chapter 678 Promotion

The raging civil war in the Kingdom of Death has broken out and spread rapidly. The wizard branches that responded to the main battlefield of Eternal Night City have also raised cyan flags on the territories they control.

It seems that there are wars everywhere in the entire Kingdom of Death, and the refresh rate of wild monsters is also increasing, and the entire plane is in chaos.

But only the land of Sigh City was quiet.

Daliang and Will, who returned early, reported to the Sad Lord the results of their visit to Eternal Night City in the cathedral. Daliang mainly told about the information he had obtained from the Ashes Wizards Guild.

"Angels, the southern lords of Eternal Night City and the Wizards Guild jointly formed the Blue Alliance Army and completed the alliance in the Ashes City in the south of Eternal Night City. Lucas, the president of the Wizards Guild, served as the commander-in-chief of the rebels. Cloud City sent the Supreme Angel Gabriel, in order not to cause the death monarchs to fall to hell prematurely, the angel legion entered the kingdom of death in the form of mercenaries. They will not use the full-dimensional teleportation ability of Cloud City.

Even so, I think the overall strength of the cyan coalition has surpassed the Monarch of Sorrow. Yongye City, which hastily responded to the war, would lose a lot of land in the early stages of the war and be directly threatened by Yongye City.

At that time, the moaning monarch will have to ask for help from other dead monarchs. And the price... he will lose his title as the first monarch of the Kingdom of Death. "

From the intelligence carefully selected by Daliang, the Sad Lord already had a general understanding of the cyan coalition, and he also highly recognized Daliang's judgment on the early stages of the war.

"Wei Yin is really too arrogant. His arrogance has blinded his eyes, making him unable to see the changes in the entire world. The strength of our evil camp has dropped to an unprecedented low. Those angels who take justice as their own responsibility How could we miss such a good opportunity?

This war is just the beginning of a bigger war, but we are already far behind Yunzhong City. "

Will on the side asked: "Sovereign, if Lord Wailing wants us to ask for help, what should we do?"

The Sad Lord hummed softly: "Weiyin will not admit his failure until the last moment. There will still be some time before he can no longer hold on and ask for help, and during this time what we have to do is...

Eviscerating Pope, do you have any good suggestions? "

Daliang said: "Of course we are strengthening ourselves. Internally, all the rights in the City of Sighs are in the hands of the monarch. Whether it is the Holy See Knights or the Church Knights scattered everywhere, the command power is concentrated in this cathedral. .

Externally, we are looking for allies who can help us.

The King of Hell Lords cannot be relied on. The greedy demon Lord Mishoka beside the Monarch of Lament has been captured by the Wizards Guild. "

The Sad Lord showed a surprised tone: "Mishuka was caught by the Wizards Guild! How is this possible..."

"Your Majesty, during the Ashes City Alliance, the Wizards Guild publicly displayed the sealed Michuka. After I got the news, I returned to Evernight City to inquire about the news. Michuka has indeed disappeared."

Being captured by the Wizards Guild means that Misuka has fallen into the hands of Yunzhong City, which is not good news for the Death Monarchs.

The Sad Lord said: "Mixiuka's matter needs further information collection to confirm, and who is the ally you are talking about?"



The realms of Hell and Death were once the staunchest allies, spreading death and destruction throughout the world. Only after the fallen angels overthrew the rule of the Hell Lord King, the Kingdom of Death became alienated from Hell.

In the eyes of the undead, Yunzhong City was betrayed by the fallen angels. They accepted the protection of the Hell Lord King, but betrayed Hell. They are a group of guys who cannot be trusted, so even if the Hell Lords and Kings have nothing now, the Death Lords are inclined to help them regain Hell.

Regarding allies, the Melancholy Lord had his own considerations, and he initially tended to invite armies from the dungeons and swamps. However, the death energy in the Kingdom of Death will cause serious harm to the soldiers of these two races. In addition, there is no food here and it cannot support the troops of the two races to stay for a long time.

The environment of the Kingdom of Death was originally the greatest barrier to help the undead defend themselves against external attacks. However, now that Yunzhong City has broken through this defense from within, the Death Lord's reinforcements have been restricted from the outside.

Only the army of hell can stay here for a long time without being affected by the death energy in the kingdom of death. They can survive in the lava environment. There is almost no place in this world that hell creatures cannot go.

But the Sad Lord always felt that the fallen angels were unreliable. He said: "Lucifer in hell has betrayed twice. I can't trust him, so how can I form an alliance with him? Moreover, Satan has escaped. When he regains his strength, he will If I can retake Hell, how can I face Satan if I form an alliance with Lucifer?”

Daliang replied: "Satan lost Hell because of his incompetence. Retaking Hell is his mission. What does it have to do with us? If the Kingdom of Death is pulled into the good camp by Yunzhong City, I think whoever is the master of Hell will be very Is it uncomfortable?

Lucifer must really want his army to enter the Kingdom of Death now. I think even if there is no alliance and just a small army stationed here, he should be very happy to see his influence expand. "

The Sad Lord agreed with Daliang's statement. Although Satan is very strong, he is equal to the Death Lords in terms of status. After he regains Hell, he will still need the support of the Death Lords when facing Cloud City. Therefore, the City of Sighs now has some low-level cooperation with the fallen angels, which will not affect its future relationship with Hell under Satan's rule.

If Hell has an army stationed in the City of Sighs, and the cyan coalition is afraid that Hell will fully participate in the war and trigger a plane war prematurely, they will not enter the land of the City of Sighs at will, which can buy a lot of time for the Sad Lord.

The Sad Lord said to Daliang: "I do not agree with a comprehensive alliance with Lucifer, but a church-level communication channel can be established with him. This matter is left to your Church in the Mist Zone. You represent me in contacting hell and allow them to A small army is stationed within the City of Sighs, but you will never take the initiative to participate in this war without my permission."

"Yes, Your Majesty, I will take care of this matter immediately."

The Sad Lord nodded: "Pope Eviscerate, I promised you that after you return from your mission to Eternal Night City, I will allow you to enter the Immaculate Holy See Council in the City of Sighs. Now is the time to fulfill my promise..."

[You are allowed to join the Holy See Council of the City of Sighs by the Sorrowful Lord. Please check the job column for details]

[You gain 10% ownership of the foggy area. 】

[Comprehensive opening of the foggy area construction system]

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