Start with an Archangel

Chapter 681 Big Deal

Holy Bella didn't expect Daliang to reward him first without saying thanks, but this was indeed in line with Daliang's consistent style.

With a helpless expression, Holy Bella said: "This time you really inspired me a lot, allowing me to put down all my responsibilities and burdens, and break through the shackles that have always restricted my state of mind. After all, I want to No matter what reward, as long as I can do it, I will try my best to satisfy you."

Daliang thought for a moment and said, "I hope you can protect Shangjiang City."

Holy Bella didn't expect that Daliang would make such a request. She thought that this guy who took advantage of everything would definitely want many benefits for herself.

"Guard Shangjiang City... Your request really surprises me."

Daliang smiled and said: "Last time I went to the sewer to catch Ergus, you didn't give me anything good. This time you left Yunzhong City, you probably didn't bring anything with you. Instead of asking for something, you said you didn't have anything. And then you send me away with some weird news, it would be better to ask for your people directly.

Guard Shangjiang City until the end of this plane war.

This matter should be very simple for you now! "

Holy Bella thought for a while and said: "You are right, all my personal belongings are in Cloud City, and I don't plan to take those things back again. Now I have only some little information that is out of date. , it’s just me.

I agree to your request and I will protect Shangjiang City until the end of the war.

However, if Shangjiang had not encountered a crisis, I would not have taken action, nor would I have disclosed my existence. If Shangjiang survives this war safely with his own abilities, you will waste this reward.

Do you have any regrets?

It's not too late for you to change your reward now, but I know many unknown secrets in this world. "

Daliang said simply: "I have too many things to do now, and I really don't have time to do other things.

Just to protect Shangjiang City until the end of the war, there will be no change. "

"Okay... I owe you this. Cheers to this city!"


Daliang and Holy Bella clinked glasses again, and Holy Bella disappeared into the room after drinking, leaving only one sentence: "I will stay in this palace. I like the room I have been living in very much. Leave it." It shouldn’t be difficult for you to leave it to me.”

"No problem." Daliang agreed.

Joyce on the side was finally able to ask the many questions in his mind: "What happened? Cloud City recalled the right-wing guardian angels, and Holy Bella seems to have left Cloud City and no longer serves as the Holy Right Wing."

Daliang said calmly: "Holy Bella was successfully promoted to level 16 Supreme Angel in the Kingdom of Death, but she has no intention of returning to Cloud City and still retains the title of Holy Bella."

The 16th level supreme god!

Joyce felt that his brain was no longer enough. Just now, a supreme angel had become the guardian of Shangjiang City...

Now the city is protected by a level 16 hero.

This is a lot of information.

"It's amazing..."

Daliang touched the stunned Joyce with his own wine glass, woke her up and said: "Holy Bella will live in the palace in the future. We must keep the news about her here strictly confidential. Yunzhong City is under construction Look for her everywhere."

Joyce nodded and said: "I know that I will arrange reliable people to serve the attendants of Holy Bella."

Daliang remembered something and asked: "Sir, I have an urgent matter and need to go to Brady City, but to enter Brady, I need to become a pirate with some reputation. Does your Excellency have any useful information that I can accumulate as soon as possible?" Is it prestigious enough?”

In the Thieves Guild, Daliang is a paid member and can get some pushed maritime information. However, the information introduced in this information are all small maritime merchants. There may be good profits and profits from one robbery, but it is completely inconsistent with Daliang's idea of ​​​​making big things.

Then Daliang discovered that the Thieves Guild also had information about major events, but his membership level was too low and he needed to upgrade to a higher-level member to view more advanced information.

What a cheat!

Thinking about the process when he registered as a pirate, the Thieves Guild charged him step by step, and he knew that the number of members would definitely increase level by level.

Therefore, Daliang decided not to take advantage of him.

Brother has a backer at sea. Joyce's pioneering fleet has 40 capital ships alone. It specializes in hunting large caravans. If encountered by the navy, it will be directly destroyed. Smaller coastal cities can be pushed in in one wave. Joyce is now a fried chicken on the sea, and everyone knows that he is a perverted "red-haired" pirate king.

With a little help for my "black hair", brother's reputation will come out, so why are you stretching your neck and waiting for the thieves guild to kill you?


Joyce's interest in naming really complements my brother...hahahaha.

Hearing that Daliang was going to Brady City and needed to make a big deal at sea, Joyce considered all the information in his hands, and then said: "I recently got news that Osaka City successfully built a four-ship - class air and space battleship and was acquired by Manila City. This air and space battleship will sail from Osaka City to Manila City in the near future.

For this transaction, Manila City entrusted a third party, the Maritime Merchants Association, to transport the goods on its behalf. In other words, when the battleship is attacked during transportation, the transporter will not activate the self-destruction mechanism of the air and space battleship. "

Osaka Castle is a main city in the Japanese Game Zone, and Manila City is a main city in the Philippines Game Zone. The distance between the two cities is very long, and transportation will definitely take time.

Daliang immediately grasped the key point: "What do you mean, sir...can we steal this battleship?"

Joyce nodded and said: "Theoretically, it can be robbed. However, this warship was entrusted to the Maritime Merchant Association for transportation. If any accidents occur during the transportation of the warship, the Maritime Merchant Association will have to compensate.

The Maritime Merchant Association is the largest maritime merchant organization in the world. They have a very powerful maritime military force. They will definitely send heavy troops to protect the air and space warships transported, and at least two air and space warships of the same class will be escorted.

By air transportation, it only takes one day from Osaka City to Manila City.

Time is running out and intercepting them at sea is not an easy task. Unless their route is known in advance, a surface fleet is sent to set up an ambush in advance, air forces cast a net to search, and finally enough final-level troops are gathered to forcibly board the ship to rob them. "

Daliang said: "What if I have an aerial battleship? A very fast aerial battleship?"

After knowing that Daliang had such an aerial battleship, Joyce said: "If there is a high-speed aerial battleship, things will be easier.

I can help you check the delivery time of this aerospace battleship, and then you send an end-level unit that is good at flying to track the aerospace battleship after it leaves the port. During this period, the battleship's route can be calculated, and then the aerospace battleship Make a volley.

However, without the support of surface warships, it will definitely be very difficult to deal with at least three level four air and space warships with only one air and space warship. "

Daliang said confidently: "It doesn't matter, my aerial battleship is very powerful, so just grab it."

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