Start with an Archangel

Chapter 683 Visitors

When he heard that there was a battle to be fought, all Shu Xiao's dissatisfaction was swept away: "Don't worry, Master, just leave this matter to me, Master!"

The two looked at each other and smiled.

Gu Tao looked at Daliang and Shu Xiao, who had a tacit understanding, and said, "Sometimes I find that you two are quite a match..."

Daliang and Shu Xiao were suddenly startled, and their eyes quickly moved to both sides.

Shu Xiao quickly explained: "Tao'er, don't talk nonsense. What my master likes is..."

Daliang quickly stopped him and said, "I'm going to steal a ship in the near future. You two should come over and help me."

Shu Xiao and Gu Tao looked at each other and said together: "Okay... call us when the time comes."

Putting the matter to rest, Daliang wiped the cold sweat from his forehead after the two girls teleported out of the meeting hall.

It's too complicated, too complicated. This matter needs careful consideration. It's better to keep the status quo and let nature take its course.

Get ready for war...

Daliang announced preparations for war in the ruling court.

Military assembly orders began to be issued layer by layer among the armies under the Judgment Leader.

The entire territory mobilized.

Players under the Judgment Leader began to fill in their recent game schedules and indicate the time they could be online every day, which was related to the payment of war subsidies.

The personnel coordination department will assign combat missions based on the time players can be online. The main army will begin to work overtime to maintain an online rate of more than 70%.

The Rampant Tauren Legion responsible for security strengthened the defense of the territory step by step, and the Judgment Legion was all on standby.

Seventy percent of the civilian warehouses within the ruling territory were converted into military camps, and a large number of war equipment and logistics supplies were continuously transported in.

Countless money was poured out, and the Judgment Territory transformed into a state of war while maintaining its development speed.

The war command system of the Judgment Territory was born out of the University Alliance. This large-scale war model, the University Alliance has very successful experience. Therefore, Da Liang only needs to issue combat instructions. The specific implementation process is all overseen and detailed by the command team, and does not require too much intervention from the commander.

Therefore, when Daliang proposed to lead the ruling to enter the world of heroic spirits, he did not need to do anything and waited for the staff department to give him the battle plan and timetable.

The changes in the Judgment Territory immediately attracted the attention of many parties. Various military actions showed that Da Liang was really going to enter the world of heroic spirits this time, which meant that a collision was about to break out in the world of heroic spirits. The Adjudication Leader faced the siege of eight human territories, and everyone was very curious about the process and results.

At this time, Daliang was receiving visitors.

In the castle of the city lord's palace in Judgment City, Da Liang and his visitors sat on opposite sides of the small coffee table in front of the fireplace. The vampire swordsman hero brought red wine and placed it in front of the guests and the host, and then stood beside Da Liang.

Da Liang held up the red wine and motioned to the guests to raise their glasses at the same time: "To be honest... I really didn't expect you to take the initiative to find me, King Angela."

Sitting opposite Daliang was Angela, the fifth-ranked Jealous Magic among the Lords of Hell. She was a magical girl, and every part of her body was full of charm, which attracted men to unconsciously cast their eyes on her. Sitting opposite Angela, Daliang felt the same as sitting in front of Half-Moon Cat. Half-Moon Cat's role in the game is also the Demon Queen of Hell. This game creature really suits her temperament.

Thinking of the Half-Moon Cat, Daliang immediately retracted his gaze from Angela, and then looked at Angela and her entourage. He was very tall, and his aura told him that he was a very strong warrior, but the hood covered his face, making it impossible to see his appearance clearly from the shadows.

Angela took a sip of red wine, and then twisted her body slightly, as if she was loosening her muscles and bones, but it gave people unlimited reverie: "Yunzhong City has recalled the right-wing angels, Holy Bella is gone, and only Shangjiang City is left. A group of fallen angels who dig holes everywhere like mice. Although I can't mess with them, they can't do anything to me. It just so happens that I've been underground for too long, and Ergos is so bored, so I wanted to come out for some air. Chat with someone you know.

The only one who can be considered an acquaintance in Shangjiang City... is you, Earl Daliang.

If it weren't for you, I would have stepped on the ruins of Shangjiang to regain my strength, and I wouldn't need to be chased around by a group of children. "

"Could it be that King Angela came to me just to raise an army to punish someone?"

Now Daliang is not afraid of Angela, and Holy Bella is enjoying a luxurious palace life in the nearby Shangjiang City. If she felt Angela showing strength in the ruling field, she would be able to kill her in minutes.

Holy Bella is a real level 16 supreme angel. Catching you, a Hell Lord King who has not recovered his strength, is not the same as catching a chicken.

However, Angela said: "Initiate an attack on me? No... I am not just escaping now and thinking about regaining my strength. I can understand some things. Yunzhong City has the ability to arrest me but does not take action. Hell is Cloud City and Satan have restrained their power. As long as my strength has not recovered, the fallen angels will not focus on me for the time being.

So...until Satan comes out with results, I'll be safe as long as I'm careful. "

Daliang said in surprise: "I didn't expect that King Angela, who has been hiding underground in Shangjiang City, could see the world's situation so thoroughly."

Angela said proudly: "Of course, how can you be the king of hell without any skills? I won't go into details. I came to you to use the teleportation array in your territory that connects to hell."

Daliang felt very strange about Angela's request. He asked: "King Angela, I know that you specialize in space magic. It should be very easy for you to break through the plane and go directly to hell, right?"

Angela did not hide this matter. She said: "Those fallen angels you put into Shangjiang City placed space detection equipment everywhere, and also used the full-dimensional teleportation ability of the Hell Furnace to keep an eye on the entire city. If I use space frequently If the spell is detected by them, they can interfere when I am teleporting, and it is not impossible to send me directly to Lucifer.

Therefore, I needed a normal path in and out of hell. "

Daliang asked again: "Why don't you leave Shangjiang? Hell won't be able to track you if you leave here."

Angela smiled and said: "Because Ergus is here, I am not good at fighting, and he has the ability to protect me. But I am also very curious as to why he stays on the river and refuses to leave. He has a secret but I haven't found it yet. It’s also very interesting.”

Of course Da Liang knew what Ergus wanted to do, but he said to Angela: "Erges is an abyss python. Snakes like to stay underground. Anyway, he can't be found in hell. It's hidden for him." It doesn’t matter where you are.”

Angela nodded: "What you said makes sense. He can remain motionless for a long time... Our topic is far away again. Will you let us use your portal?"

Daliang smiled and said: "You use my portal, and you are not afraid of me plotting against you. It seems that you are relying on it. I have already guessed who the adult next to you is. If I don't agree, you will let him persuade me." Me. Well, I agree...I don’t want to meet this gentleman in this way. I respect him very much, respect his choice, and I will vigorously safeguard his honor."

After listening to Daliang's words, Angela's followers seemed a little excited, and their steel-like bodies actually trembled slightly.


Daliang said: "As a reward, I need you to make something for me."

Angela knew that Daliang had already guessed who the person next to her was. Since the matter was so easy to handle, it was okay to pay Daliang some royalties.

"What do you need from me?"

"An alchemical device used to seal powerful heroes. You, the Lord of Hell, have been imprisoned in Yunzhong City for so long, so you should have a very high understanding of the seal. Recently I caught a very strong hero, very, very strong, but I don't want to To kill him, something is needed to imprison him.

I think this shouldn’t be a difficult thing for you, King Angela. "

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