Start with an Archangel

Chapter 691 The ambush begins

One night passed, and the rising sun dispelled the darkness, making the turbulent sea bright again. The gentle sea breeze blew, and a few white clouds slowly floated in the sky.

The Black Pearl moved slowly above the water, the horizontal mast was retracted, and the sails on the three mainmasts were blown up by the wind. From a distance, the Black Pearl looks like a surface ship sailing south. Such a ship is really ordinary at sea.

Da Liang stood on the bridge, staring at the northern sky with a telescope, and looked at the location coordinates sent by the vampire sword guards on the Assault over and over again. Soon he found an air fleet from the vast sky. come out.

The three level four air and space battleships are still just vague black spots, but the speed in the air is very fast, and the black spots continue to grow bigger, and after a while, the air units guarding the fleet are also revealed.

According to the feedback from the Vampire Sword Guard responsible for tracking, the air force guarding the air fleet has changed into three batches. After calculation, it can be predicted that this fleet will have at least three green dragons and 120 silver Pegasus knights. However, a fourth-level aerospace battleship has four large cabins, which means that there are at least three or five ultimate creatures in this fleet that have not been revealed. Among them, the level 14 golden dragon should have two or three heads. .

The Black Pearl has two large biological cabins, which currently contain the Frost Dragon Thunderstorm and Devouring Shout.

Daliang's and Shu Xiao's hero tokens each contained an archangel, and Gu Tao's hero tokens contained a cyan crystal dragon.

Although the number of ultimate creatures in this ambush team may not be as high as that of the fleet escorting the Assault, they should have an advantage in terms of level 14 combat power. In addition, there are 20 Vampire Sword Guard heroes and 40 Silver Pegasus knights led by Sophia in the Black Pearl's cabin. If ordinary air combat units fight against them, Daliang's side will not suffer too much.

Of course, Daliang also considered that there may be a certain number of high-level heroes in the escort fleet. He, Shu Xiao, and Gu Tao can completely deal with 4-6 level 14 heroes. Black Pearl can also be dealt with through the magic amplification device on the poop. 2 level 14 heroes.

In the room where the ultra-distance positioning portal is installed in the Judgment Territory, Julian, four Destruction Knights and the three Frost Dragons of Fu Lu Shou serve as backup. Now Julian has no problem with an ordinary level 15 hero.

The ultimate creature confrontation, hero confrontation, and ordinary air combat unit confrontation, the big light means there is no pressure. The rest is a battleship confrontation, which is even easier. Although the Black Pearl has smaller firepower than the fourth-level air and space battleships, it is a legendary-level battleship. It has the flagship skill plus dual battleship skills, plus heroic attributes, and its output is absolutely violent.

Moreover, the Black Pearl has now replaced the alchemy hull and keel. Even if it does not use speed to maneuver, it is not afraid of being bombarded head-on.

Therefore, as long as the attack is sudden enough and the air can contain it, the ambush can be successful.

The strength comparison between the enemy and ours and the entire battle plan were quickly reviewed in Daliang's mind. When he thought there was no problem at all, the Assault fleet had already flown over the Black Pearl.

As expected, a ship sailing on the water did not attract the attention of the fleet in the sky. For the fourth-level aerospace battleship, a three-masted battleship is too small, and its size can only reach half of them, let alone this lonely one.

For such a non-threatening target, the fleet in the sky had no intention of being alert at all, nor did it change its course to avoid it. The fleet did not change its direction and crossed over the Black Pearl and continued to fly south.

"Attention all units, start offensive operations and raise my pirate flag."

Daliang watched the high-altitude fleet flying over his head and immediately issued a combat order. The Black Pearl, which was originally moving slowly, suddenly accelerated. The horizontal masts responsible for aerial balance on both sides unfolded, and the entire hull climbed upward at an angle of 60 degrees with the horizontal plane.

A pirate flag was hoisted to the top of the topmast, and a skull with shining white incisors was painted on a black background.

"White Fang Pirates"

This is the pirate group registered by Daliang. Today he wants to put his White Fang Pirates and Black-haired Bandits on the Navy's Most Wanted List.

At this time, the approach of the Black Pearl had been discovered by the Assault escort fleet. The green dragon guarding the periphery of the fleet immediately led a part of the silver Pegasus knights to form an air defense line against the Black Pearl.

"Captain, we were attacked by pirates. The other party owned a level five air and space battleship. Just now they disguised themselves as surface ships and did not attract our attention. Now they are chasing us from behind and below."

The person in charge of the Maritime Merchant Association who led the escort fleet to transport the Assault this time was Captain Vernon. The fourth-level aerospace battleship Jumu under his command served as the flagship of this escort fleet.

After receiving the warning, Captain Vernon walked out of his captain's cabin. He was an academic wizard hero, wearing a red magic robe and holding a staff in his hand. He raised his staff and the magic amplifying device on the poop opened its magic eye.

While detecting magic, Captain Vernon saw the Black Pearl approaching at high speed.

So fast……

Captain Vernon was first shocked by the speed of the attacking battleship. He had never thought that an aerial battleship could fly at a speed that low-level flying creatures could not reach.

However... no matter how fast it is, it is only a fifth-level air and space battleship, and he is leading a fleet of three fourth-level air and space battleships. The firepower, defense, and soldier load are much higher than this pirate's. .

"All air combat units immediately took off to intercept the invading pirates. The fleet entered the protective formation, and immediately launched an attack on the pirates after the formation was completed.

Notice! The speed of the opponent's warship is very fast. At the beginning of the battle, all dragons and silver Pegasus knights are forced to board the ship to slow down the speed of the enemy ship and provide opportunities for fleet bombardment.

We need to sink the enemy ship in the shortest possible time and salvage the wreckage of the enemy ship. Such a high-speed warship is definitely a very good reference for the warship research of our maritime trade association.

The entire fighting and salvage process is scheduled for two hours. We cannot delay the delivery time too late, as this will affect the reputation of our maritime trade association. "

Under Captain Vernon's order, the aerospace fleet began to change its formation, and the two escort warships changed their course. They would fly above and below the Assault to protect its weak defensive areas. During the formation process, all the gun doors of the three aerial battleships were opened, and the loaded guns extended their muzzles from the gun doors.

At the same time, air combat troops continued to fly out from the three aerospace battleships, and soon the entire fleet was immediately surrounded by densely packed flying troops.

When being ambushed, the Maritime Merchant Association's escort fleet showed an excellent battle readiness. After the Black Pearl entered the attack range, the entire fleet had completed 70% of its combat preparations.


Although the three air and space warships were still moving in formation and all the air combat forces had not flown out yet, after seeing the attacking pirate ship preparing to forcefully break through and obstruct the formation, Captain Vernon immediately issued an attack order to the air combat forces already in place. .

Three golden dragons, five green dragons and nearly a hundred silver Pegasus knights took the lead in rushing towards the pirate ship. The heroes guarding the escort formation released attack magic together, and the magic eyes on the three aerial battleships also fired magic cannons. .

A level 5 air and space battleship has at most one primary magic suppression device, which can resist level 1 magic attacks. Therefore, all the heroes of the escort fleet released were level 2 or above magic, which was enough to severely damage the pirate warship before the air combat troops arrived.

In this way, it will be easier for the air combat troops to board the ship, and then the fleet can knock down this overestimating pirate ship with a single salvo.

Vernon watched the pirate ship not dodge in the face of the swarming magic, and thought to himself, "Two hours? I estimated that the time is too long. I can leave here with the wreckage of this ship in an hour." .”

Then Vernon saw all the magic hitting the invading pirate warship...

how so!

Vernon, who was about to watch the enemy ship being overwhelmed by the magic effects, was stunned by the scene he saw in front of him. All the magic indeed hit the enemy ship, but none of the magic broke through the magic barrier surrounding the enemy ship. Captain Vernon didn't have to guess what level of magic other mages cast. He himself was blocking the level 4 attack magic released through the Giant Wood's magic amplifying device.

Advanced anti-magic device!

Being able to release a level 4 anti-magic shield can only be achieved by advanced anti-magic devices.

But how could a level five aerial battleship have such advanced alchemy equipment? How could it have space to install an advanced magic-forbidden device? Is it necessary to have at least a level three air and space battleship that can carry advanced magic-forbidden devices?

What a strange battleship.

Captain Vernon wanted even more to knock down the pirate warship and take it away for research.

Knowing that breaking the chapter would ruin the character, I wrote 700 more words, but this plot cannot be written in one chapter! Judges, let’s wait for the decomposition next time.

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