Start with an Archangel

Chapter 705 Attack

Daliang responded to all requests for help: "There are no reinforcements, hold on... Even if all the members of the main army die to level zero, the last line of defense must not be lost."

The main legion is a professional legion. When Daliang talks about fighting, legion members must fight to the top no matter how many times they die. Mercenaries are different. Daliang signed a three-life contract with these players. After the player dies three times, he will be deemed to have fulfilled his combat obligations, and all commissions can be taken away without having to fight for a month.

Moreover, in this kind of adversity battle, mercenary players will become passive during the battle. The defensive tasks that can be completed by 1,000 people in the main army may not be achieved by mercenary players investing 3,000 people. The core defensive area is only so large. If you want to defend it, you must use elites. Sending mercenaries in will not have much effect.

After Daliang issued the order to stand firm, he continued to pay attention to the battle on the ground from the sky.

After nightfall, the entire Sunshine Plain defense network was filled with fires, illuminating the entire battle zone. On the last line of defense and the outer defense zone in front, the roar of artillery continued, and the magic beams flew back and forth, and then exploded in various colors.

The Judgment Territory launched a partial counterattack to replenish troops and supplies for the peripheral strongholds, preventing the Eight Lords' coalition from using all their strength to attack the last line of defense.

Daliang looked at the stable battle line, and then asked: "Are all the members of the Brotherhood ready?"

Confidential staff report: "Brotherhood members have completed their assembly and are ready to attack at any time."

"Brotherhood" is a special operations squadron formed by Daliang after Shi Fei's subordinate "Blade Bearers". The members of the "Brotherhood" of Judgment have selected less than 100 people from the Judgment Legion. Each level is above level 40. At least two of the hero's special skills have reached the intermediate level. The equipment and other equipment are naturally the best.

"We can attack..." After Daliang gave the order to attack, he privately chatted with Shu Xiao and Gu Tao: "The super strike team is gathering."

After that, Daliang returned to the ground from the air battle, and then returned to the Judgment Territory through the plane portal.

Daliang left the battlefield...

The news was immediately passed to the heads of all parties, including Braveheart.

Daliang was finally going to take action. After getting the news, Brave Heart finally let out a long sigh of relief. He had been tensed up waiting and guessing about Daliang's actions. Now that Daliang finally couldn't help but use his trump card, the next battle would be very simple.

"Inform all the lords that Daliang has left the battlefield and is very likely to carry out a sneak attack on our territory, so that the territory will be on heightened alert. Tomorrow...tomorrow we will end the battle here, matter who Daliang attacks, we must hold on.

If we persist for one day, the benefits of defeating Da Liang can offset all our losses. "

The lords immediately arranged for their territories to enter the highest alert state, and at the same time urged the troops in front to increase their attack intensity again.

Daliang disappeared on the battlefield like a hidden poisonous snake. Every lord felt the piercing edge, and secretly hoped in their hearts that Daliang's target of attack was not themselves.

But soon... the eight lords received news that their territories were being attacked almost at the same time.

Da Liang actually dared to attack eight territories at the same time!

The lords immediately asked about the attack and learned that the attack on their territory was not as serious as imagined. In their territory, a small group of very elite players lurked in and wreaked havoc everywhere. Since the territory was on alert, these disruptive players were discovered by the defenders as soon as they started, so there was no serious damage to the territory.

"Now we are organizing personnel to clear out these intruders, but because these players are very strong and hide blindly, it will take some time to eliminate them."

The attack on the territory this time was a near miss. They should be people from the Judgment Territory. Their purpose was to muddy the water, attract the attention of the defense personnel in each territory, and provide cover for the real main attacking force.

This also shows that Daliang’s real attack is about to begin...

The eight lords turned their attention from the battlefield back to their own territories, commanding the defenders to prepare for the battle.

Where will Daliang attack first?

In the hut where the Judgment Leader installed the ultra-distance positioning portal, all the personnel involved in this main attack have arrived.

Daliang, Shu Xiao, Gu Tao, Archangel Julian, Magic Mage Vincent, Green Crystal Dragon Emily, Frost Dragon Thunderstorm.

Since the Hero Token allows players to carry a hero with them, a team of seven actually only needs to teleport four people.

Daliang stood at the front of the team and said: "The members of the Brotherhood have used ultra-distance positioning in the early stage to move and plant their legion assembly flags in eight territories. Now they have teleported over and started harassment investigation. Eight The defense information of a territory has been passed over, and our task is to storm and destroy the target territory.

After arriving at the battlefield, Shu Xiao, Julian, and Lei Bao were responsible for protecting our airspace; Gu Tao and Emily were responsible for spell support; Vincent and I were responsible for destroying the target territory.

Now please wait for the transition command. "

After saying that, Daliang contacted the backstage support team specially set up for this attack: "What is the situation of the Brotherhood personnel now?"

The support team replied: "The defenders in the eight territories responded very quickly. The Brotherhood personnel were discovered just after they teleported over. The on-site commanders are leading each team to conduct force reconnaissance. Under their harassment, our forward attack guidance Personnel have arrived at the location.

Fortunately, the flag-planting point ahead was not discovered. After the Brotherhood members died and returned, they could continue to teleport to the target.

The terrain map and defense map of the target territory have been generated, and we have synchronized them to your tactical map. The personnel of the Brotherhood ahead will be updated in real time. "

Da Liang looked at his map. The important facilities, discovered defenders, and suspected dangerous areas of ambush points were all marked one by one.

After carefully looking at the defense map of the entire city, Daliang entered the teleportation coordinates into the teleportation gate.

"Enter the door, the battle begins! Target, Scotland Fort..."

Brave Heart really didn't expect that Daliang would choose his own territory as the first target of the attack. According to normal thinking, shouldn't we attack the weak first and win a city as soon as possible to reduce the pressure on the front line? Why pick the toughest one to fight first?

Scotland Castle is the first territory of the human race, and it is naturally the strongest among the eight territories. Daliang chose this place as his first target. Aren't he afraid of knocking out his own teeth in one bite?

It was still daytime in the British Game Zone at this time, and in the images sent back through Scotland Castle, you could clearly see Da Liang riding a frost dragon and showing off his power over the city. Also appearing with him were the Archangel Julian and the Deputy Commander of the Judgment Legion, Broken Moon.

Anyone else who can follow Daliang is definitely not a weakling.

At this time in the video, Da Liang pointed his finger towards the sky, and a cloud of fire began to gather.

"Stop him quickly..."

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