Start with an Archangel

Chapter 708 Encirclement

Is this surrender?

It’s so considerate to also build roads directly!

The Eight Lords, who have an overall understanding of the battlefield, don't think so...

The 100,000 player mercenaries who had been hidden in the Judgment Territory were making a transition to the Sunshine Plain through the plane teleportation array.

The intelligence replied by the insiders lurking in the Judgment Army's defenders are all offensive orders issued by the Judgment Army's command system.

The air combat troops of the Air Combat Judgment Leader no longer formed a large defensive formation circling in a circle, but quickly transformed into eight air assault formations.

Status magic shines brightly above the army of the Judgment Territory.

The war machinery moves forward.

This is definitely the look of an army preparing for a decisive battle.

What does the adjudicator want to do? What does Daliang want to do?

Shouldn't the war be over by now? This is good for everyone...

The sudden change in the battle on the Balcony Plain once again focused the attention of the entire game world. Everyone was looking at this army that was surrounded by superior forces but was preparing to attack.

Something is definitely going on.

When the entire Sunshine Plain was exposed to bright light, a super-large portal suddenly appeared in the sky above the Sunshine Plain.

Then a tall building-like ship's bow protruded from the portal.

Then there is the city wall-like hull, the cloud sails that cover the sky, and the magic eyes that coldly stare at the entire plain battlefield.

When this aerial warship completely appeared in the sky over the Sunshine Plain, its name was about to come out.

It's the "Oath"!

It's the Shangjiang Navy's flagship super aerospace battleship "Oath"!

The shadow of the giant ship shrouded the earth, and amid the suffocation, the top battleship in the main world revealed its majestic body in front of the players at close range.

Under the gaze of the battlefield players, all the gun doors of the Oath that completed the transition were opened, and a dense number of gun muzzles poked out from the gun cabin. The magic amplifying devices located at the bow and stern of the ship began to gather energy, and the two magic eyes emitted a dazzling light.

Joyce stood on the spacious bridge of the Oath. She looked at Da Liang and found that he was also looking at her and making an elegant aristocratic salute. Thinking that Daliang's etiquette was all taught to him by himself, Joyce smiled and responded with a less than standard etiquette.

"It seems that in Joyce's eyes, this war will be very easy."

Daliang felt the confidence and kindness shown by Joyce. To be honest, when he first asked Joyce for help, Daliang did not expect that she would directly say that she would drive the Oath for support.

Now that the Oath Queen has arrived and the enemy has reached its weakest moment, let the war here end...



On the Oath, more than five hundred cannons roared first. When the projectiles hit the ground, two large-scale magics were shot out by the magic eyes. The beams hit the ground and made the entire earth start to shake.

Two volcanoes erupted, and hot magma spewed out, spreading out in all directions from high places and then crashing down.

The air combat troops on board the ship, who were already on standby, took off under the leadership of several archangels.

The Judgment air combat troops have already started to form in coordination, divided into eight formations and rushed towards the enemy air combat groups in eight directions.

The Eight Lords Alliance was really stunned by the sudden appearance of the warship and the sudden attack.

Magic and artillery covered the strikes from high altitude. Before they could react, the Judgment Leader defenders on the other side of the trench had already thrown various long-range attacks at them.

The arrival of the Oath on the battlefield is definitely an inspiring encouragement to the Judgment Territory defenders.

In these days of fighting, they were really frustrated, retreating again and again, and losing again and again. When Da Liang gave the order to attack, they thought they were going to break the pot and fight with all their strength.

As a result, the "Oath" came over.

The overwhelming cannonballs and thick magic beams gave the defenders of the Judgment Territory unprecedented confidence in victory.

After the attack order came down, all the Judgment Leader defenders shouted together, raised their weapons and rushed across the planks that had been laid, aiming various attacks at the enemies in front of them.

In the teleportation formation of the Judgment Territory, mercenaries entered the battlefield like a fountain.

What they saw were battleships roaring in the sky, the assaulting air force, and the army attacking outwards like a tide.

What they saw before them was completely different from the battle situation they had been paying attention to.

They thought they were being used as defensive cannon fodder, but instead their employers were on the offensive.

"Then let's attack!"

The battle situation in Sunny Plains turned 180 degrees in just a few minutes. The addition of reinforcements and fresh troops made the Judgment Leader's attack more sharp. The coalition of eight lords, who were originally preparing to attack, did not expect that they would be attacked by such a violent attack.

Power grids are intertwined and ice falls explode.

Wherever the Oath flew, air superiority was instantly in the hands of the Judgment Leader. The eight lords, who had no defensive plan at all, lost command of the army in a short period of time.

Seeing that his army was about to be scattered and defeated under all-round attacks, Brave Heart urgently ordered: "All air combat troops go up, cover the retreat of the ground troops, and re-establish a defense line in the third trench area.

Battlefield commanders immediately formulated a defense plan.

All rearguards who return to each territory leave a quarter of the personnel to defend the territory, and everyone else returns to the battlefield through the legion rally flag to support the attacked friendly forces. "

The brave heart thought for a while and then said: "Contact Daliang and we request an armistice and peace talks. If this battle continues, he will suffer heavy losses even if he wins.

It's over, we agree to lead the ruling into the world of heroic spirits. "

Brave Heart quickly issued various orders, thinking that his own military strength could maintain the war at the beginning. Although the Judgment Leader received the support of the Oath, his military strength was still at a disadvantage. If he continued to fight, he would lose all his capital here.

We are not the only enemies of Daliang. It will not do him any good if the army is wiped out. He will agree to a ceasefire.

But while Brave Heart was waiting for Daliang's reply, a military incident shattered all his confidence.

"Shangjiang City's system troops have surrounded Sunshine Plain at night. They are all angels, griffins and level 12 knights who can move quickly. Now they are attacking our flag planting area, and the original rearguard troops can no longer return. To the battlefield.”


The eight lords' coalition forces, which were trapped in the Sunshine Plain battlefield with more than 400,000 soldiers, had all their supplies cut off. There are system legions outside, and there are Judgment Leaders attacking inside. There is also a fatal "Oath" in the sky, and all the enemy's angels are flying in the sky.

There is no way to defend and no way to retreat.

How could a must-win war end like this?

"City Lord, there is a reply from Daliang.

He said: Don’t talk about it. "

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