Start with an Archangel

Chapter 760 Trial

Satan is willing to help Da Liang fully possess the Flame Lord, not just because of that promise. Because he felt something might have happened to Beelzebub...

Since Satan recruited Beelzebub to help him find the Doomsday Blade, he naturally knew Beelzebub's plan very well. Use the Poseidon's treasure to lure a group of pirates into the Death Forbidden Zone, where they cast a net to find the treasure. Then when the pirates find the treasure, Beelzebub appears, kills the pirates and takes away the treasure.

However, from the time these pirates found the treasure until now, Beelzebub has never appeared, and there is no aura around him.

Satan did not believe that Beelzebub would ignore the treasure hunting team in front of him, so the reason why he did not show up was that he probably encountered people from Yunzhong City and Lucifer.

Satan, who is known as the Arrogant Demon King, does not mean that he does not judge the situation.

If Beelzebub is caught by Yunzhong City, the angel may release him after questioning him about his whereabouts. And if it was Hell who captured Beelzebub, then he would have to face the situation of one less of the five Hell Lords.

This is definitely a major blow to Satan, who is about to use force against hell.

Satan, who had no one to use, at this moment valued Daliang's calmness and wisdom despite the huge gap in strength between the two sides. What made him appreciate even more was the chaotic evil that Daliang exuded.

In a weak situation, Satan wants to fight for every power that can help him regain hell. Daliang dared to put so much treasure on Satan, so Satan decided to win over Daliang. He helped Daliang obtain the Flame Commandery, and when Daliang said he wanted to release the Doomsday Judgment somewhere.

Satan is even more happy, killing is always accompanied by corruption.

"Okay, I also need the soul to inspire the power of the Doomsday Blade and restore my strength. Where are you going to release the judgment? I can send you there."


Dreamland, Palm City, Fortress Advance.

The scale of the war reached its highest peak, and the sky and the ground were all battlefields. Viewed from the air, the battle lines of both sides were intertwined. Cavalry galloped, explosions were everywhere, arrows shot by elven archers were like locusts, sea skeletons and plague crawlers charged alternately, and centaurs followed the deadwood warriors and counterattacked.

There was a melee in the sky, the giant dragon roared and breathed out its deadly breath, and other aerial creatures chased and fought.

Magical light bullets flew like fireworks...

The commanders of both sides put all their military power on this battlefield. All the damage at this moment is just a number, a number that serves the ultimate strategic purpose.

"The Dominator Air Combat Force organizes another charge, and this time they have to rush in through the plane portal no matter what.

All units organized another attack to provide cover for the air combat personnel. "

As the commander-in-chief, Shi Fei has been sticking to the rear since the beginning of the war, directing his army in the overall battle. However, the defenders fought too tenaciously and too powerfully, especially the cavalry that appeared at the end. Their impact was extremely strong, but they did not advance rashly. After scattering the attacking troops, they immediately retreated into the protective circle of the castle.

And the battle skills severely weakened the combat effectiveness of Shi Fei's army.

In this attack, Shi Fei has decided to participate in the battle himself. He saw that the defender's battle skills were a combination of skills released jointly by four red-armored knights. Killing one of them would destroy the skill's effect...

The golden dragon roared, and Shi Fei took his Silver Pegasus bodyguard and rushed through the smoke and dust in the sky, flying towards the Forward Fortress.

And at this time...

In the sky above the forward fortress castle, a space crack was cut.

A big demon and a fire elemental creature wearing dark red full-body armor walked out of the space crack.

They were huge in size, and the pressure of fear enveloped the battlefield, causing all the soldiers to stop moving and look at the big demon and fire elemental creatures at this moment.

In front of everyone's attention, the fire elemental creature pointed a fire sword into the sky, and instantly the entire space was covered in red.

The fire element became extremely active at this moment, the temperature rose, and it quickly became scorching hot.

In the sky that had turned fiery red, a crimson disk appeared in the distance. The disk quickly grew in size, and it was quickly clear what it was.

It was a falling meteor, an unknown meteor made of lava.

The meteor is constantly approaching the ground, and it is constantly magnified in the eyes, but in fact it is shrinking. During the falling process, the lava on the meteor was continuously separated, forming countless large fireballs.

The fireball dispersed, gradually filling the entire sky, and then washed away the entire shrouded forest.

The impact caused an explosion and sputter, and the fire burst into flames instantly. Over the fire field of more than ten kilometers, the fire rain continued to fall, and the burning fire rose into the sky, and the flames swept across it as if it was facing annihilation.

The soldiers on the ground who were attacked by the flames fell down amid the screams and struggles, and were turned into ashes as they were burned.

The creatures in the air tried their best to avoid the fireballs falling from above. However, the fireballs were too dense. It was difficult to escape even one, but two or three...

Burning corpses fell from the sky, including Pegasus knights and dragons.

The huge bodies of the golden dragon and green dragon exposed them to more fireball attacks. Golden dragons and green dragons are very resistant to spell damage. They are not only immune to mid- and low-level spells, but also have good immunity to high-level spells.

However, these magma fireballs do more than just spell damage. They impact the dragons, split open, and smear the hot magma all over the dragons' bodies.

The impact and burns from the lava are physical injuries, and the pain and fear of death make the dragons wail. But no matter how hard they struggled, it was to no avail. Their life force quickly ran out and they fell.

However, under the baptism of forbidden spell-level world-destroying magic, the soldiers and heroes defending the Forward Fortress were protected by an invisible shield. The fireball will bypass them, and only subsequent forest fires can cause harm to them. Then all the trees around the entire forward fortress have long been cut down. Therefore, the secondary damage did not cause much damage to the defenders of the advancing fortress.

The defending soldiers just stood there, watching the enemies who were fighting fiercely with them just now being devoured one by one.

This is the Doomsday Judgment!

After his character died, Shi Fei withdrew from the game. He walked to a floor-to-ceiling window in silence and without any expression.

On the other side of the transparent window is the joint operations command room of the main army. Hundreds of backstage commanders are connected with thousands of logistics members to provide data support for this war.

There are detailed data of the main members on the big screen, and each main member has at least two support staff to provide him with direct data services. It is precisely because of this backstage support team that the Dominator Legion can still maintain the overall offensive even when suppressed by battle spells, and it is also the confidence that Shi Fei dares to fight with all his strength.

However... now on the screen, all the main members of the Dominator are in a red state of death.

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