Start with an Archangel

Chapter 774 Wrongly Killed

After being received by Chairman Yalgu of the Immaculate Holy See Council in the City of Sighs, Tokugawa Nobunaga felt that the road between him and the summit of the game was smooth.

After Chairman Yargu learned that the newly compiled Immaculate Doctrine was leaked from the Mist District Church, he immediately stated that he would conduct a raid on the Mist District Church together with the other eleven churches in the City of Sighs, and at the same time requested Tokugawa Nobunaga's Rising Sun Leader cooperate with this action.

"You must find evidence that the church in the foggy area spreads the ultimate faith, otherwise you will falsely accuse an unsullied church, and your end will be very ugly..."

Tokugawa Nobunaga heard what Speaker Argu meant, and he asked players to participate in the search of the church in the foggy area in order to create evidence even if no evidence could be found. The Church Knights must not be allowed to frame this matter, so profit-seeking adventurers have become the best choice.

Even if there are mistakes in the process, Speaker Yargu can still take away his own responsibility.

This is to use the topic to punish the Pope in the Mist Zone to death.

Tokugawa Nobunaga realized how high the power struggle in the City of Sighs had reached. The conservatives in the parliament, headed by Speaker Yalgu, and the reformists, headed by the Pope of the Mist District, had reached a situation where they were incompatible with each other.

Speaker Yalgu doesn't care whether the new Immaculate Doctrine comes from the Church in the Mist District. What he wants is an excuse to bring down the reformists in one fell swoop.

And Tokugawa Nobunaga...

I intervened in this plot at the most critical moment and successfully started the plot mission. Now as long as we cooperate with the parliament to bring down the church in the foggy area, the foggy area will fall into chaos, and our Xuyang Guild can rely on this credit to completely take the foggy area into our hands.

So Tokugawa Nobunaga left the Shadow Zone Church and returned to the Mist Zone, and immediately ordered the members of the Rising Sun Guild to prepare for war. When the conservatives in the City of Sighs besieged the reformists, he could just follow the parliamentary army to grab territory.

At the same time, Tokugawa Nobunaga, in order to prevent other guilds from knowing that the armed conflict was about to break out in the city, did not inform the guild members in advance of the purpose of preparing for the war. He only deployed the main force of the guild around the foggy area, preparing to attack the church in the foggy area as soon as possible. industry.

However, this net-like arrangement gave people the impression that Tokugawa Nobunaga was trying to encircle and suppress someone.

The Rising Sun Guild entered into emergency mobilization, the combatants in the foggy area moved to their positions, and the Rising Sun Leader in the main world sent troops to the Kingdom of Death.

When Tokugawa Nobunaga thought that he could cut the cake immediately when the conflict broke out, he led a force of personal guards to the church in the foggy area in a mighty manner.

However, just when Tokugawa Nobunaga was thinking about how to use this opportunity to penetrate into the ruling class of Sigh City, an arrow was shot from a shadow beside the street. Tokugawa Nobunaga didn't react at all, his blood volume was cleared directly, a white light rushed out, and the character died.


Tokugawa Nobunaga walked out of the resurrection point. He was assassinated inexplicably, which made him furious: "Who! Who did it!"

At the same time that Tokugawa Nobunaga was killed, his personal guards summoned their flying mounts and rushed towards the direction of the arrow. Then they saw a group of suspicious players escaping quickly.

"President, the assassin has been found. It seems to be players from the human race and elves. We are hunting them down."

Humans, elves?

who are they? Why assassinate me? What's the purpose?

Tokugawa Nobunaga looked at the system prompts and saw the name of the player who killed him.

Hou Yi

Never heard of it, but Tokugawa Nobunaga knew that a player could have other identities in the game, and the name displayed may not be the public identity. In the entire game world, there are really not many players who have the ability to kill themselves with one arrow, combined with the Chinese mythical figure "Hou Yi".

Tokugawa Nobunaga felt that the person who killed him was most likely flying sand and stones.

Tokugawa Nobunaga didn't know the purpose of flying sand and stones to kill him, but since he dared to do it in the foggy area, he must not be allowed to escape alive.

Tokugawa Nobunaga ordered to the guild members in the foggy area: "All personnel must encircle and suppress the assassins. They must not be allowed to leave the battle and have the opportunity to use the skills to return to the city."


Shi Fei didn't expect that the assassination of Tokugawa Nobunaga would go so smoothly. The other party just walked on the street with a swagger, not at all wary of being attacked. And when Shi Fei shot a sniper arrow and sent Tokugawa Nobunaga back to the city, he immediately discovered that he had killed the wrong person.

There is no system prompt in the camp confrontation, and Number Zero is still in the enemy camp.

c you m!

Shi Fei cursed loudly, led his hunters, and called on the allies in the temple to turn around and run away. The people from the Rising Sun Guild have discovered them, and some teleportation skills have been restricted from use during the battle. In the camp battle, the people from the Temple and Orion leaving the foggy area are admitting defeat and giving points to their opponents.

Therefore, facing the siege by the Xuyang Guild, Shi Fei and the others could only use the cover of the terrain to fight and retreat. Fortunately, the eleven of them are all top players in the game. They have an overwhelming advantage over ordinary guild members, and there is no danger of being surrounded and eliminated for the time being.

The personnel of the Temple and Orion kept fighting and changing positions, trying to get rid of the entanglement of the Rising Sun Guild and hide. But in the foggy area, the Xuyang Guild is indeed powerful, and this is where players gather. Many players are willing to tell the Xuyang Guild their whereabouts to earn some small money.

The battle has been fierce since the beginning, and at the same time, after the players under the temple came to support, the battle continued to escalate.

The sound of explosions continued to echo in the foggy area.

The arrival of reinforcements eased the pressure on the Sanctuary and Orion, and they rushed into an abandoned house for a short rest.

The Fool said to Shi Fei: "We made a mistake. Tokugawa Nobunaga is not number zero."

Shi Fei looked at the magic shining outside and listened to the shouts getting closer, and replied: "I know I killed the wrong person, but all the evidence points to Tokugawa Nobunaga. We just made the most correct choice. .”

The Fool had no idea of ​​blaming Shi Fei. Before getting the result, he also believed that Tokugawa Nobunaga was Number Zero.

"What should we do now? We are no match for Tokugawa Nobunaga in the foggy area."

Shi Fei thought for a moment and said: "Locate Zero. As long as we kill Zero, we can leave the foggy area. There are not many players in other areas of Sighing City. It is easier for us to hide. As long as we can get out of the battle, we can leave here." .”

Just as Shi Fei finished speaking, a group of players from the Rising Sun Guild rode past on various flying creatures in the sky, and then densely packed small black dots were dropped.

Shi Fei, who used to use this kind of thing extensively in the Fortress, shouted: "It's Jin Zha No. 1, run!"

In the intensive explosion, thick smoke rose and a house collapsed.

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