Start with an Archangel

Chapter 777 A confused confrontation

Tokugawa Nobunaga immediately found his position.

Tokugawa Nobunaga is not interested in compensation for cheating, and he is very interested in the tasks of these top players.

As for who to help, there is nothing to think about.

Revenge for being killed once must be avenged, and if he helps Feishaozushi, he may not let himself participate in their mission.

On the contrary, the fire element player...

No help has come so far, so he must be alone and easy to control.

The strength is super strong, the best in the world. If they can be recruited into the guild, the strength of the Rising Sun Guild will definitely be greatly improved.

With Feng Moying by his side, everyone has a common acquaintance, so they can naturally get closer quickly.

"Inform all members of the guild not to accidentally injure the fire element player. He is my friend, and all players who attack him are our enemies."

Shi Fei failed to make Tokugawa Nobunaga stop attacking, but could feel that the Rising Sun Guild was increasing its attack intensity. All the players brought by the temple have died. Even if they all pass the legion assembly flag and return to the battlefield, they will still be a drop in the bucket against the Rising Sun Guild.

This player who obtained a special race, a special profession, and became the leader of the flames is too powerful.

Level 15-like strength, master-level fire magic.

Melee combat, high attack, high defense, thick health, not only has various defensive magic, but also immune to mental magic. The Fire Aegis allows melee players to fight or not.

In the middle range, there is a magic arrow flying beside you. It has strong attack power and tricky trajectory. The key is that it can intercept the arrow that is shot in the past. And all this is done independently and is not controlled by Lieyan Commander players. This is no longer an ordinary floating shuttle arrow, it is definitely a legendary level magic prop.

From a distance, the attack power of master-level fire magic is definitely strong enough.

It's really tricky...

Tokugawa Nobunaga's reply message came over.

Now Shi Fei can't do it even if he wants to play with Tokugawa Nobunaga. Tokugawa Nobunaga's territory belongs to the undead, and his own profession is an academic warlock. Neither the Holy Temple nor Orion could absorb him, so Tokugawa Nobunaga's wish to join the mission was wishful thinking.

They can't attack from the front, but the people from the Xuyang Guild have already come to kill them from behind.

Shi Fei looked at the CD of his sniper skill and said to Tokugawa Nobunaga: "Attack me, do you know what price you will pay?"

"I know, but the entire foggy area is about to fall into my hands, and my relationship with Sighing City will make great progress. I am no match for Boss Fei in the main world, but I can still defend it. Then Sighing City Will help me reverse the balance of strength between us.

Sorry, Boss Fei, your era is over. "

"Really? Since you have decided to become my enemy, let's start a war..." Shi Fei found Tokugawa Nobunaga through his magic partner based on the information of Half-Moon Cat.


After coming out of the resurrection point and being killed twice in a short period of time, Tokugawa Nobunaga was already furious: "Attack, attack, kill them all. Don't hurt the fire element players and Feng Moying!"

The players of the Rising Sun Guild launched a charge towards the center of the fierce battle. Da Liang, who did not know whether these players were friends or foes, directly attacked all the players who were approaching with a wide range of bursting flames.

The battle became even more chaotic.

Santang and Orion were attacking Daliang while resisting the attacks of players from the Rising Sun Guild.

The players of the Rising Sun Guild attacked the Sanctuary and Orion while withstanding Da Liang's attack.

And Daliang will fight anyone.

[Good camp, temple, moon death, evil camp gain 500 camp contribution points. 】

[The good camp, Orion, and Vasily died, and the evil camp received 500 camp contribution points. You kill players from the enemy camp and gain 200 camp contribution points]

[The good camp, the temple, and the hermit die, and the evil camp receives 500 camp contribution points. You kill players from the enemy camp and gain 200 camp contribution points]

[The good camp, Orion, and Hou Yi die, and the evil camp receives 500 camp contribution points. You kill players from the enemy camp and gain 200 camp contribution points]

[The confrontation between the camps in the foggy area, all members of the good camp died, and the confrontation ended. The evil camp and the shadow of death won the camp confrontation.

Shadow of Death, No. 0 won the best camp confrontation in this camp, and was rewarded with 300 points contributed by the camp.

Shadow of Death, Zero kills more than 5 enemy members in this camp confrontation and obtains the achievement: Kill Like Me, and is rewarded with 300 points contributed by the camp.

In this camp confrontation, Death Shadow and Zero won with only one person left on their side, and obtained the achievement: Lone Hero, which rewarded the camp with 200 points.

In this camp confrontation, Death's Shadow defeated Templar and Orion at the same time, and obtained the camp achievement: Brilliant Victory. Death's Shadow participants equally contributed 400 points to the camp. 】

[The overall strength of the Shadow of Death has been re-evaluated, and the current camp ranks first against the adventurer forces. 】

During a chaotic battle, Daliang, who was busy setting fires everywhere, suddenly received news that his camp had won the battle, followed by a series of rewards and achievement messages.

Did you win?

This... why is the camp confrontation different from what you imagined?

No. 2 said that camp confrontation involves tracking and counter-tracking, which is obviously a very confrontational competitive gameplay involving a battle of wits and courage.

How do you make a pot of paste now?

Who are the Templars? Who is the Orion hunter?

It’s all over, but I still haven’t figured it out yet.

And...whose side are the remaining players who were burned, screaming, and dying without fighting back?

Feng Moying appeared next to Da Liang at this time. She recognized that the people who were burned were all members of the Xuyang Guild, and quickly stopped her: "Mie Shi Sang, stop fighting, these are our own people who are helping us."

One of our own?

After Daliang threw a fireball, he stopped.

The scene was quiet, except for the fire that was still crackling.

The members of the Xuyang Guild were standing far away from Daliang. They had just experienced his strength. That burning fire wall, half of the blood is gone after running over it, and everyone who runs over is gone. The damage of fire magic is too high.

Scary high.

But we can't just stay here.

A small leader of Xuyang Guild mustered up the courage to walk up to Da Liang.

The person in front of him, regardless of his size, height or the strength he had just shown, put a lot of pressure on him. He looked up at Da Liang, swallowed dryly, and recalled the name he had shown just after he was killed, before he bowed 90 degrees and said: "Mr. Miushi, and Miss Feng Mo, all of us at the Xuyang Guild are very grateful to both of them. Help us eliminate the assassin who assassinated President Tokugawa. Our president wants to express his gratitude to you personally. He is already waiting for you two in front of the church in the foggy area."

Before Daliang could answer, Feng Moying stood in front of him. She now had a very bad impression of Tokugawa Nobunaga. She was afraid that Daliang would also be threatened by Tokugawa Nobunaga, so she said: "We still have a task to do. When the task is completed, go find President Tokugawa."

Having said that, Feng Moying took Daliang and was about to leave, but found that the surroundings had been surrounded by people from the Xuyang Guild, including Tiantian...

Da Liang looked around and felt that Tokugawa Nobunaga's actions today were a bit unusual. He seemed to not take the church in the Mist District seriously by destroying the Mist District so wantonly. And he also wanted to find out why the Templar and Orion wanted to kill Tokugawa Nobunaga. So many top players wanted to assassinate Tokugawa Nobunaga regardless of the camp confrontation that had broken out.

How much of a nuisance is he?

There are some things tomorrow that may be later.

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