Start with an Archangel

Chapter 914 Daliang’s troubles

"Let's start! 3, 2, 1!" Nicole felt the power coming from her waist. She closed her eyes and jumped up gently after the countdown.

Daliang pushed her off the platform.


Nicole fell down in front of Da Liang's eyes.

Then Da Liang flashed down from the platform and saw the entire process of Nicole's body transformation.

Nicole stood upright and fell downwards in the same position as when she jumped. Her toes first touched the boundary of the lightning field, and were instantly transformed into lightning energy.

Then legs, torso...

Nicole just... disappeared in an instant, replaced by a fierce burst of electricity at the point where she landed.

These currents formed a grid when they broke out, and then jumped into the body of thunder. Just like the sequence of Nicole's fall, the direction of these currents also spread upward along the feet.

In the shaping of Nicole's body into electric energy, the originally blurry body gradually became clear and real.

Like an all-in-one 3D printer, a slender and smooth calf was soon completed.

Without the unique color of elementalization, the ultimate elemental transformation achieved the effect of returning to nature, and Nicole returned to her former human body.

The shape continues upward in the dense electric flowers, knees... lower abdomen... arms....

When Nicole's head became clear and no longer blurry, the Thunder Body completed its final physicalization. The electric light disappeared and everything returned to normal, except that her eyes were still closed tightly and her face was peaceful as if she was sleeping.

Success? Or failed?

Da Liang walked closer and looked at what could be called Nicole's most perfect work.

This is what Nicole's body looked like before she became elemental. At that time, her body and magic power reached their peak, but she also encountered further bottlenecks. She wanted to gain more power and more time to conduct alchemical research, so she chose to elementalize her body like most academic warlocks in order to increase her power again.

The price, of course, is losing your own beauty.

The elementalization not only changed the color of her skin, but also made her body harden and move closer to the constructed life form.

Fortunately, Nicole, who is obsessed with alchemy research, does not seem to be too troubled by these changes.

The final appearance of the Thunder Body this time is probably something that even Nicole could not have imagined.

She has long curly black hair, her complexion and facial features are like Persians, and she is as beautiful as a princess from "One Thousand and One Nights".

But Nicole still hasn't opened her eyes.

Da Liang approached again, then unfolded his fallen angel wings and flew in front of Nicole, and took out a blouse from the package and put it on for her.

So what happened?

Nicole is not Daliang's subordinate, so Daliang cannot activate Nicole's attribute panel to check her current status, and Nicole did not tell Daliang what to do in such a situation?

Could it be...

Daliang, who thought of a way, approached Nicole, held her waist with one hand and the back of her neck with the other, and then kissed her passionately.

Lasts about one minute.


Daliang used his own personal experience to prove that... fairy tales are all lies.

There is no interlude of Sleeping Beauty plot here.

Grinning, Daliang looked at Nicole, who was still sleeping, and thought about trying another method...

The entire transmission process was obviously very smooth, but what went wrong?

At this time, Daliang thought of something.

When the three masters built the Black Pearl, the Black Pearl used the soul core of the Titan. In order to reshape the Black Pearl's soul, Nicole gave part of her soul to the Black Pearl to guide her soul growth.

Now Nicole's soul is missing. Is this the reason why she doesn't wake up now?

You need to ask Black Pearl about this matter. As an alchemy disciple accepted by Nicole, Black Pearl should be able to provide some help.

At this time, the Black Pearl was docked at the port of the Black Fire Territory.

Just do it if you think of it.

Daliang picked up Nicole and flew out of the alchemy laboratory, and then returned to the headquarters of the Black Fire Lord through the teleportation array.

The land reclamation in the territory has begun to bear fruit, allowing Daliang to own about two square kilometers of land. These were built stone by stone by skeleton laborers.

With the expansion of the land, the port of the Black Fire Territory has also become larger and deeper. The current Black Fire Port can accommodate hundreds of ships for docking and supply, and the transportation capacity has been greatly improved.

The Black Pearl is anchored at the pier specially built for her.

Black Pearl, who has no sailing missions for the time being and whose body shape is not suitable for walking around, just stays here to practice the skills taught to her by the three masters.

Daliang's uninterrupted supply of supplies kept Black Pearl from getting bored here.

It seems that she is a study-oriented otaku like Nicole, but considering that Black Pearl has a part of Nicole's soul, everything can be explained.

Daliang hugged Nicole and boarded the Black Pearl.

Black Pearl noticed something strange about Nicole and asked worriedly: "Captain, what happened to instructor Nicole?"

"It shouldn't be a big deal..." Fearing that Black Pearl would be too worried, Daliang did not exaggerate Nicole's current situation. Next, he told Black Pearl the process of Nicole's body transformation and her current situation, and then asked: "I guess that Nicole's inability to wake up now may be related to the lack of her soul. Returning Nicole's soul is important." What impact will it have on your body?”

Black Pearl thought for a while and replied: "What you said makes sense. If you want to control the Thunder Body, you must have strong soul power. The compatibility between instructor Nicole and the Thunder Body is very high. The reason why I have not awakened now, It should be related to the lack of soul.

In fact, Teacher Nicole’s current condition is not considered to have awakened. Her soul has resonated with my soul.

I can feel that she is awake now, but she cannot control this body.

If she replenishes her soul, it should be able to solve the trouble she is encountering now.

And my soul has been stabilized. Returning the soul fragments of mentor Nicole to her will not have much impact on me.

I will..."

"Wait a minute..." Daliang stopped Black Pearl from returning Nicole's soul. He asked confirmingly: "You said that Nicole is not asleep now. She knows everything that just happened?"

"Yes, her soul is very active, not asleep. She can sense us, but she just can't respond with her body.

Any questions, Captain? "

Big problem!

Thinking about Nicole's explosion in the Sea of ​​Japan, Daliang felt that the moment Nicole woke up, it was the moment he was burned by Wan Dian.

sleeping Beauty.

I really don’t know what I was thinking at the time. How could this theory, which has no scientific basis, be realized by a rigorous master of alchemy technology?

What a fool!

But...the kiss is already a kiss and cannot be taken back.

How to explain it?

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