Start with an Archangel

Chapter 922 Competition

While Fool and Shu Xiao were preparing to show off their muscles in Hell's Despair City, Daliang had returned to Shangjiang City.

After the identity of Crown Prince Joyce was confirmed at the last imperial meeting, Bartlett disbanded the Angel Legion in Shangjiang City and stayed idle in Howard's private estate.

Da Liang's visit was quickly met by Bartlett.

Even though he no longer held military power, Bartlett still maintained his military demeanor and demeanor. After he invited Daliang to sit down, he said: "I really didn't expect that there would be a supreme angel, the Holy Bei, living in the palace of Shangjiang City. La used her experience to tell all lower-level angels that talent does not determine the upper limit of growth.

She is simply the idol of all young angels. With her support, the Angel Legion has completed a lossless transition, so that I don't have to feel too guilty about Howard.

Are you here to take me to Howard? "

Daliang said to Bartlett: "Now that you no longer belong to Shangjiang City, I can tell you some things about King Howard.

It was Angela, the Lord of Hell, who originally captured King Howard, and then King Howard and Angela reached a deal.

Angela promised that the Hell Lord King would not take the initiative to spread the war to Shangjiang City, in exchange for King Howard working for her. I think Angela will never let King Howard go no matter what, so this deal... King Howard did nothing wrong.

He traded his reputation for the promise of safety from a top hero. "

Bartlett didn't expect that Howard was actually working for Angela, but since he chose to give up his position in Shangjiang City to follow Howard, who did Howard fight for was not his concern?

"Howard is in Hell? Are you ready to follow Satan to attack Hell's Furnace City?"

Daliang said: "Now that Angela and Ergus have left Shangjiang City, I don't know where Howard is. However, there was a war in hell recently. The Despair City of Pain Demon King Buck was destroyed by an unknown force from hell. The army occupied it.

I think it may have been Howard who directed this battle. "

Bartlett asked: "Can you tell me the specific details of this battle?"

Despair City is an important main city in Hell. Many Hell clan players use Despair City as their base. Therefore, as long as you search carefully, there is still a lot of information about the city-breaking battle in Despair City.

Based on this information, Da Liang briefly told Bartlett the entire process of the city-breaking battle in Despair City.

Finally, Bartlett said with great conviction: "I have been following Howard in battles, and I know some of his habits in commanding wars. This attack on Despair City must have been commanded by Howard, and only he has the ability to use such an effective method." Complete the capture of a main city in a short period of time.

Sigh... The army in Shangjiang City is too weak for Howard's commanding ability. Getting rid of the constraints of Shangjiang may be one of the reasons why Howard chose to trade with Angela.

Plane war is the stage for him to show his talent. "

As for why Howard chose to play for Angela, Daliang really didn't think about this aspect. But Bartlett is the person who knows Howard best. Since he said this, there must be factors in this regard.

At this moment, Howard's flawless, tall and glorious image in Daliang's heart collapsed. But this is the real Howard, the guy who got Abigail pregnant in just a few days in the dungeon.


Since Bartlett said that Howard took down Despair City, there is no problem.

Shu Xiao's mission was completed, and his reputation as a master was brightened. Don't tell her yet, wait until Brother takes her and shouts in front of the gate of Despair City, then Howard opens the city gate with a bang and lines up to welcome Brother and Bartlett into the city. Then enjoy her surprise and admiration. expression.

When Brother Dang said he had many acquaintances in hell, was he joking?

Then... let's take Bartlett to Despair City now.

The City of Despair has closed off all spatial teleportation around it. If you want to get there, you can only teleport through the cities of hell first, reach the city closest to the City of Despair, and then fly there.

Bartlett's status as a free angel makes him unpopular in Hell City. There are so few hell cities that allow free angels to use teleportation arrays that after teleporting through several large circles in hell, they found a small hell city closest to Despair City that allowed free angels to enter.

Even so, this hell city still needs to pass through five territories from the City of Despair, and it has to avoid places where demons are infested along the way.

Reaching Despair City is destined to be a long journey.

Daliang and Bartlett flew towards the City of Despair. Naturally, they could not see the grand scene around the City of Despair in this remote place.

In order to drive Shu Xiao out of the competition, the Fool in Despair City summoned the forces of the Holy Temple. Templar knights from all over the world brought their own elite teams to teleport around the City of Despair from all directions, and then rode various flying units to gather in the City of Despair.

Shu Xiao, who noticed that the Holy Church was preparing to use force, also invited friends.

When Shu Xiao is in trouble, Boss Jin is of course obligated to give him full support.

Boss Jin has a wide range of business and a wide range of people, and he is also a lord himself. With a lot of gold coins, he went around asking for punches, and soon gathered a large number of expert players, and flew to the professional studio to the city of despair.

The Judgment Legion and the Yunxiao Legion wear the same pants. When Shu Xiao has something to do, Xu Man does his best to help. Senior Yunxiao Legion players all teleported to Despair City as long as they did not have urgent missions. Then Xu Man issued a mobilization order in the Northern Lords Alliance, inviting all the lords and major guilds to send people to Despair City to support the Judgment Legion.

Daliang's reputation in the Chinese gaming area is very good. The player maritime trading market he runs in Shangjiang is simply a cornucopia. A highway leads directly to Jiading. Low-priced goods can be easily transported, and then pass through the port of Judgment, avoiding the maritime trade association. Smuggled directly out to sea. Now the entire area of ​​​​Shangjiang is undergoing major road construction again. The sub-city has surrendered and the new king of the real power faction is about to ascend the throne. From now on, every handful of soil here will be worth gold coins.

I heard that Daliang became prosperous because he hugged the thigh of the queen who was about to ascend the throne. If we don’t make friends with Daliang now, how long will it take?

So... Shu Xiao didn't expect that one of his missions would cause such a big stir. People from this guild and that legion, named and unnamed, were all here.

More and more players are gathering here. The high-level monsters in this leveling point that were still showing off their strength are now killed before they even have a chance to take a look at the world.

On the other side, the Fool doesn’t know what kind of hornet’s nest he has stirred. How did he attract so many players from the Chinese game area? Does Da Liang have such great appeal? There were more than three times as many people as they called from the church!

No...keep calling people.

This is no longer a competition between two candidates, the king and Chang'e.

It's a war between white people and yellow people.

Excellent people can never lose.

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