Start with an Archangel

Chapter 924 Meeting Howard

The changes in Despair City had already alarmed the players who were scolding happily outside the city. However, after seeing that Despair City soon ceased its activities and stayed behind closed doors, the players continued to curse.

The Fool, who was directing the scolding battle, called the king who was leading the task: "What happened in Despair City?"

"An archangel appeared, but the defenders of Despair City did not attack him, but welcomed him into the city. Because they were too far away, there were hell troops everywhere, and we couldn't see the specific situation clearly."


The Fool seemed to have grasped the key points of the mission.

It turns out that Yunzhong City plans to copy the model of the Kingdom of Death and cultivate a pro-Yunzhong City force in hell.

In this way, everything is explained.

It is impossible for Yunzhong City to issue an impossible selection mission. This archangel entering the city is an important mission reminder. Moreover, after analysis by the staff team under the temple, the fallen angels will not attack the cities of their allies, and Satan will not waste his troops to occupy a place that does not have much impact on the entire war situation.

But in the entire hell, except for these two hostile groups, who would dare to attack the city of a hell lord king?

Therefore, those who occupy the City of Despair must be the forces of hell supported by angels, aiming to benefit the good fishermen when the fallen angels and the hell lord King Sandpiper and Clam fight.

The archangel who had just entered the city received such a grand welcome also proved this judgment.

The Fool, who thought he had found a breakthrough, immediately contacted the king near Despair City: "The hell army in Despair City is a force supported by Yunzhong City, so the archangel representing Yunzhong City can enter. You can bring an archangel from the main entrance. Come on, the defenders may think you are special envoys from Yunzhong City who came with the archangel and let you in."

Go directly from the main entrance!

The king said worriedly: "If the defenders attack us, we will lose an archangel. Why not try with an angel?"

"Angels are the lowest combat units in Yunzhong City and will not attract the attention of Despair City. Now is the best time to pretend to be a messenger and enter the city. Once delayed, there will be no chance. Using Archangels to increase the success rate, the camp confrontation team must To be obtained by us.”

The king thought for a moment and finally agreed with the fool's method. Anyway, he had no other way to enter the city, so he just used Archangel to gamble.

Summoning his precious archangel, the king rode the royal griffon and flew towards the gate of Despair City.

Then he was quickly discovered by the defenders of Despair City.

Facing the large demon team that rushed over, the king waved his hands and shouted loudly: "We are the special envoys of Yunzhong City..."

This time, the scythes in the hands of the great demons did not stop, and instantly killed the archangel and chopped the king into white light.

"Fool, this method won't work..."

Daliang and Shu Xiao followed Bartlett and met Howard in the central castle of Despair City.

Howard's appearance hasn't changed much, except that the armor on his body has changed to the dark red and white colors unique to hell. If he wears a fully wrapped horn helmet, he looks very much like a demon lord. Howard was very happy to see Bartlett. They patted each other on the shoulders and added a comrade-in-arms hug.

Howard said to Bartlett: "I really didn't expect you to come. Does this mean that I am no longer a member of the royal family and there is a new king in Shangjiang?"

Bartlett replied: "Joyce is now the crown prince of Shangjiang and will ascend the throne in the near future."

"Joyce..." Howard recalled Joyce's abilities, and then said: "Joyce is a qualified military commander, but she does not have the ability to rule a city-state. In fact, I prefer Joshua... ...Yes, Joshua is an elf, which is why Joyce can be elected as the crown prince."

Bartlett smiled at this time and said: "Joshua? Howard, if you see Joshua now, you will never associate him with the previous Joshua.

Can you imagine Joshua borrowing money from Marquis Stanley and even agreeing that we use a bridge to connect Chongming City and Shangjiang City?

Your Majesty... Shangjiang is truly unified.

Although Joyce does not have the ability to govern as the late king, you, or Joshua, she does have luck that you do not have.

Sometimes I can't believe what happened in that palace after you disappeared. Earl Da Liang completely defeated all those who peeked at the throne and cleared all obstacles for Joyce to ascend the throne.

He even invited a supreme angel to serve as the guardian of Shangjiang City.

This is simply a miracle. "

Joshua surrenders!

Reunification of Shangjiang!

Guarded by the Supreme Angel!

Howard knew what kind of mess he inherited, and he also knew what Shangjiang would become after he disappeared. He was afraid that Angela would add fuel to the fire when Shangjiang was in civil strife, so he agreed to fight for the hell lords and kings.

How long has it been since now?

So much happened!

When Howard handed the crown to Daliang, he admired his ability in the fight against Joshua. However, he found that he still underestimated the earl he promoted.

Howard said to Daliang: "I want to hear all the details."

When Daliang told Howard what happened on the river after his disappearance, the one who was really shocked was Shu Xiao who was listening on the sidelines.

Be obedient...

Is this something that humans can do?

Shu Xiao originally thought that Daliang was a powerful person with a lot of status and connections in Shangjiang City. He could ask Shangjiang's army to help him fight.

However, he can promote Marquis Stanley as Prime Minister, he can promote Joyce as king, and he can pacify all the sub-cities in Shangjiang without bloodshed.

This is something that cannot be described by just one powerful faction.

Listening to the fierce power struggles, Daliang turned his hands to make clouds and rain, controlling the rise and fall of dukes, marquises, city lords, and even kings.

Thinking again that this was his man, Shu Xiao felt extremely satisfied.

Daliang is actually the uncrowned king of Shangjiang.

It’s really awesome!

But that's not all yet...

What Daliang said next made the three spectators unable to sit still at all, and they all stood up.

"The Purple Dragon, Crystal Dragon and Poison Dragon that came to Shangjiang some time ago are all 15th-level dragons, and the leader is a 16th-level hero. After they completed their inspection in Shangjiang, they have reached an agreement to form an alliance. Joey On the day when Si ascended the throne, I, Shangjiang City, Purple Dragon, Crystal Dragon, and Poison Dragon will form a five-color flag alliance to advance and retreat together in the future war.

There will be five level 16 heroes guarding our alliance.

Your Majesty Howard, Shangjiang City is safe.

The forced agreement you signed with Angela should not be binding on you. Do you have your own considerations for the future...? "

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