Start with an Archangel

Chapter 936 Archangel Stark

A new prompt appeared for the task entrusted by Metatron. Da Liang followed the prompt and pressed his hand on the sarcophagus and said: "Archangel Stark, I am Da Liang, the lord of the Black Fire Territory. I am entrusted by the supreme angel Metatron. , to rescue you from your current predicament. In accordance with my promise to the supreme angel Metatron, I will do my best to free you from the pain that evil has brought to you.

The moment evil affects you, you no longer belong to Cloud City, you are now a free Archangel.

At this the Lord of the Blackfire Lord, I am recruiting you to fight for me as my subordinate. I also promise you on my honor that no matter what you face in the future, I and my army will be your strongest backing.

Please make your choice:

Should you continue to stay here and wait for the evil to engulf you completely, or accept my recruitment and sign a contract with me. "

After Da Liang finished speaking, the imprisoned Archangel Stark's voice came from the sarcophagus: "Are you really capable of helping me get rid of the evil influence? You know that even Yunzhong City has no way... They chose to imprison me. Inside, then concentrate all the evil energy in the prison into the sarcophagus to speed up my transformation.

I can hardly hold it anymore..."

Daliang replied: "I can't promise you anything... but you should know Julian. She is the guardian archangel who guards Ergus. She also faces the same suffering as you. Now Julian is my subordinate. , my most trusted companion.

I've found a way to rid Julian of evil and am preparing the final pieces.

If Julian succeeds, so will you and the other three Archangels. "

There was a brief silence in the sarcophagus. After a while, Stark said again: "I don't know whether I should believe you, but I choose to believe Lord Metatron. If it weren't for his obstruction, the angels who came to support I won't let you talk to me for so long.

I... Tiago Stark is willing to accept your recruitment, and I am willing to use my sword to cut off all the thorns in front of you.


After Stark said the oath of allegiance. Under Da Liang's palm, an employment contract appeared on the surface of the sarcophagus. After both parties signed it, the contract took effect immediately.

Da Liang successfully recruited Archangel Stark.

It's time to let him out.

Taking a step back, Da Liang summoned a fiery spear and threw it at the sarcophagus.

With a bang, a crack appeared where the sarcophagus was hit, and then the crack became larger and larger, and blood-red flames emerged from the gap.

Then, because the sealing circle in the sarcophagus was destroyed, the evil energy lost its guidance and emerged from the four walls of the prison again...

[You are suffering from the influence of evil energy. This power may cause unknown changes to you. Please choose carefully whether to accept this change...]

When Daliang faced the evil prison of the Black Fire Territory, he also thought about what would happen if he went in and came out. But he didn't dare to try this kind of gambling thing on his own.

If the transformation is successful, the increase in strength is certainly something to be happy about. But what if it fails?

This time he is really in an evil prison, and the evil energy is about to have an effect on him...

Is it a gamble?

However, before Daliang could make a decision, a new prompt sounded again.

[Alert: The evil energy in the evil prison is chaotic, and the prison is about to explode. Please leave immediately...]


Da Liang immediately looked at the sarcophagus. This thing might be the source of the evil energy. At this time, Archangel Stark had already smashed the sarcophagus into pieces.

The tall and mighty body is dressed in silver full-body armor, and the white angel wings are stretched to the maximum. The calm demeanor that is different from ordinary archangels shows that Stark has very high potential.

But now is not the time to click on the Stark attribute panel. The prison is about to explode. Da Liang unfolds his fallen angel wings and flies towards the prison passage.

Stark followed closely behind Da Liang.

But Da Liang, who was escaping in a hurry, did not notice that a green light burst out from his waist, and then quickly rushed towards the evil prison.

Stark behind Da Liang wanted to catch him, but the green light deftly bypassed Stark's palm and dived into the evil prison.

Helpless, Stark could only look back and continue to follow Daliang out of here.

"Retreat, retreat...this place is about to explode!"

The battle outside has ended, the entire Naga group has been wiped out, and the purple dragons and crystal dragons are scattered around to serve as warning. After Da Liang rushed out of the cave, he immediately warned the dragons and then swam upward quickly.

The giant dragons had also felt the evil aura spreading upward underground. After seeing Da Liang and Archangel coming out safely, they immediately swam towards the fleet above.

The warships on the water were already in motion. Giant dragons emerged from the water one by one, and then changed and fell on the deck. Zilong used air magic to blow a strong wind on the sea, and the fleet accelerated away from the sea.

Soon...a rumbling sound came from the bottom of the water, and then big waves rolled, and a large number of bubbles emerged from the water. The bubbles burst and spewed out long fireballs upwards.

Da Liang and Archangel Stark stopped in the air, watching the purple dragons use various magics to deal with the tsunami caused by the eruption of the submarine volcano.

With these giant dragons here, the fleet should be able to leave here safely.

However, the evil energy leaked from the prison, and the entire sea area may be affected. In the future, this place will definitely become a new restricted area for players.

"Sir..." Only then did Stark have the opportunity to speak to Daliang: "A green magic arrow just flew out of your body. It seems to be a prop with a soul."

Da Liang observed his fleet and replied casually: "Yes, that is the new moon. She used to be an elf, but then her soul was trapped in the floating shuttle arrow. You said you just saw her..."

Only then did Da Liang realize that he had not used the floating shuttle arrow. He touched his waist and found that the crescent moon was no longer there.

"Where did that floating shuttle arrow go?"

Stark replied: "She got into the evil prison. I tried to stop her, but she dodged her."

"Damn it!"

Daliang cursed and quickly looked at his subordinate list, and Xinyue's name had disappeared from it.


The new moon has been haunted by the loss of the body.

Although Daliang also suggested to Xinyue to let Nicole build an alchemy body for her. But to New Moon, what is the difference between an alchemical body and a floating shuttle arrow?

She can control these props, but she does not belong to them.

It's just that Daliang didn't expect that Xinyue would choose to change herself through the evil prison. It is estimated that the reminder Daliang received was also received by Xinyue, and she made her own choice in the end.

But it seems she made the wrong bet.

Failure means disappearance.

Da Liang could only sigh, then opened the long-distance portal, and flew in with Stark.

He still had three archangels to save.

And at the moment the portal closed, a dark red light rushed out of the water and shot towards the northwest.

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