Start with an Archangel

Chapter 954 Justice and Sin

Juliet's feet gave way and she hit the barrier. Then she couldn't stand and sat down on the ground.

The prophet came over with two cups. He first lifted the barrier, and then said: "We have just completed the separation, and you are still very weak. This is the fountain of life. Drink it... and your strength will be restored." "

Julian took a cup and drank the fountain of life inside.

Juliet got up and was about to take the cup in the prophet's hand, but a hand stretched out from the side and pressed it on her forehead. Juliet stretched out her hand but still couldn't reach the cup.

Da Liang pressed Juliet's head and took the fountain of life from the prophet's hand. Juliet, who was once so strong, could not get closer in his hands.

Juliet grabbed the cup several times but failed to catch it. After seeing clearly that it was Daliang who was playing tricks on her, she shouted: "Give me the fountain of life quickly."

Daliang smiled and said: "Why?"


Juliet was suddenly speechless and stopped moving...

Yes, why should I want this cup of fountain of life? Just now I was planning to kill someone else.

"I...I have done many things for you..."

Daliang said: "Originally, we only needed to eliminate you to save Julian, but we still took such a big risk and let you truly have a body of your own. This is enough to compensate for... everything you have done for me.

But this cup of the fountain of life is not something I owe you.

If you want to drink, sign an employment contract with me. I don't want to expend so much effort and end up creating an enemy for myself. "

After Julian on the side drank the fountain of life, her energy quickly recovered. Getting rid of the evil energy trouble made her even more powerful. Little bits of holy light began to splash out from under her golden wings.

Julian showed the power of a holy angel and said to Juliet: "Juliet, no one knows how evil you are better than me... If you refuse the recruitment of adults, even if I regard you as my sister, I will I’ll kill you with my own hands.”

Juliet originally thought about getting the fountain of life in Daliang's hands, but after hearing Julian's threat, she gave up the idea of ​​being clever. After fighting for so long, Juliet has already learned Juliet's unyielding will, and admits that Julian is overwhelming her. If there is anyone in the world that Juliet is afraid of, it is only Julian.

"Okay, whoever has the bigger fist has the final say...I accept the recruitment."

An employment contract lit up on Juliet's forehead, and it happened to be printed on Daliang's hand.

After the contract was established, Juliet took the cup from Daliang in a flash, smiled provocatively at Daliang, and drank the fountain of life inside in one gulp.

Power surged up instantly...

The black flames on Juliet's body burned fiercely.

"Too strong, too strong, this is the complete body of Hell's Angel... I can feel my power bursting out... No, no, no... I must kill people, and none of you can stop me. …”

Daliang knew that Juliet was very bloodthirsty and would kill her at every turn.

It would definitely not work to let her hold it in, nor would it work to let her go out and kill at will.

So Da Liang said: "Want to kill people? You can...Master Nicole seems to have restored some functions of the undead summoning circle in the Boneyard. Since you want to move your body, help me test the effect of the undead summoning circle." .”

After that, Daliang took Julian and Juliet to the God Plane Passage Laboratory to find Nicole.

On the way, Da Liang finally had time to take a good look at the attributes of Julian and Juliet.


Holy Angel (Level 15 Angel Clan)

Attack: 45

Defense: 45

Kills: 750-750

HP: 7500

Racial characteristics: Allied morale +2,

Resurrection: Resurrect allies whose hero level is not higher than the creature level. Creatures with a total total blood volume of 2,000 can be resurrected every day.

Demonic Enemy: Increases damage to demons by 50%

Resistance: Improves mental magic resistance and is not affected by fear

Combat Skills: Possess excellent melee skills.

Hero Unit (Level 41)

Attack 132

Defense 128

Intelligence 131

Knowledge 129

Hero Specialty: Wind Chipping (Speed ​​increased by 30%, "Attack Acceleration" magic effect increased by 20%)

Heart of Justice (the effect of sacred skills is increased by 20%, skill: Light of Justice, enhances or weakens the attributes of those illuminated by the Light of Justice)

Biological Fusion: With Julian holding the League of Angels, Julian and Juliet fuse into the Arbitration Angel. The Arbitration Angel is mainly based on Julian's will and supplemented by Juliet's will. All attributes are increased by 50%, the holy energy skill level is +1, and the killing skill level is +1.

Hero Special Skills: Master-Level Divine Energy, Advanced Offensive Techniques, Advanced Defensive Techniques...

Skill: Attack acceleration

Splitting the air (a powerful attack skill that is also effective against enemies moving in space, such as the racial characteristic of demons: teleportation)

Guardian: Daliang



Hell's Angels (Level 15 Angel Clan)

Attack: 50

Defense: 40

Kills: 600-750

HP: 7000

Racial Specialty: Subspace Movement


Fear (the combat effectiveness of all creatures lower than this creature's level decreases by 5% for each lower level)

Angel Sword (increases damage against demons by 50%)

Demon Sword (increased damage to angels by 50%)

Hero Unit (Level 41)

Attack 118

Defense 110

Intelligence 115

Knowledge 114

(Its attributes are lower than Julian's because he has no equipment)

Hero Specialty: Wind Chipping (Speed ​​increased by 30%, "Attack Acceleration" magic effect increased by 20%)

Sinful Heart (The effect of killing skills is increased by 20%. Skill: Sinful Light, which greatly weakens the attributes of those illuminated by the Sinful Light)

Biological Fusion: With Julian holding the League of Angels, Juliet and Julian fuse into the Arbitration Angel. The Arbitration Angel is based on Julian's will and supplemented by Juliet's will. All attributes are increased by 50%, the holy energy skill level is +1, and the killing skill level is +1.

Hero special skills: master killing, advanced offensive skills, advanced defensive skills...

Skill: Attack acceleration

Splitting the air (a powerful attack skill that is also effective against enemies moving in space, such as the racial characteristic of demons: teleportation)

A sigh of contentment.

The long hard work finally paid off.

Julian got rid of the crisis caused by the evil energy, and Da Liang gained two finished level 15 heroes.

Holy Angel is recognized as a strong force in the known plane. Not only can it greatly improve the morale of friendly troops in large group operations, but it can also resurrect important dead troops. It can also attack and defend on advanced battlefields, and can achieve both explosive power and endurance in frontal decisive battles. type hero.

Julian's talent makes her attributes and skills dazzling, and she even has one more heroic specialty due to the influence of the extremely good energy.

Heart of Justice, which improves the effect of sacred skills, can both strengthen friendly forces and weaken enemy forces. It is a very good specialty.

Juliet is the other side of Julian. She has the same qualifications as Julian, and her attribute skills are equally dazzling.

Like Julian, Juliet is also affected by the extremely evil energy and adds a specialty - Guilty Heart, which increases the power of killing skills and can weaken the enemy. It is also a very excellent specialty.

In addition to these, Julian and Juliet actually have combined skills. This change is a bit unexpected.

Attributes increased by 50%,

Holy energy level, killing level +1...

Now Julian has mastered the master-level sacred energy, and Juliet has mastered the master-level killing... Doesn't +1 reach the law level? It's still a dual law level.

This time, I used the undead summoning circle to test Julian and Juliet's combat effectiveness, but it was really interesting.

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