This is the second time I have had surgery for hemorrhoids.

Zhou Yuan thought about it.

After a while, Zhou Yuan asked,"System, are you going to make me a flower protector?"

Chrysanthemum flower.

The system remained silent.

Zhou Yuan sighed.

He Jianyi, who was standing next to him, noticed it. He didn't want to talk to Mei Lan, so he looked over immediately,"What's wrong, Zhou Yuan, is the food not to your liking?"

"No, no." Zhou Yuan shook his head.

"I haven't introduced her to you yet. This is my daughter." He Jianyi said with a smile.

Zhou Yuan looked over, and Meimei also looked over.

Before He Jianyi could continue to introduce Zhou Yuan, Mei Lan pulled He Jianyi over again and said,"Once this new drug is on the market, Zhang Lifang's family can get a considerable amount of compensation! Zhang Lifang was going to die anyway, otherwise she would not have participated in the drug trial. Her family has agreed to exchange a dying person for a huge amount of compensation. Why are you still stubborn?"

"Moreover, once the drug is on the market, our country will have one more world-leading new thrombolytic drug! This will be a new drug that can bring good news to patients with thrombosis around the world!"

He Jianyi said slowly:"I refused to change my signature because this drug can cause the death of some patients. For you, it may be just a small probability of death, but it is a devastating blow to the family of the user!"

Seeing the two quarreling again, Zhou Yuan and Meimei smiled helplessly at each other.

A little bored, Zhou Yuan was too lazy to talk to Meimei opposite, so he thought about the material for the paper.

After a while, He Jianyi and Meilan finally stopped.

Meilan sat down and drank some water, and said:"Jianyi, remarry me, Meimei also hopes that we can remarry as soon as possible."

He Jianyi looked a little strange, and said:"When we were still together, we quarreled every day, and Meimei wanted us to separate. Now she is next to you, you want to make up a reason, please find a better one, okay?"

Mei Lan was choked and paused for a few seconds before slowly saying:"Jianyi, do you know that once this drug is on the market, Huiwei Pharmaceutical Group will make billions of profits... not RMB, but US dollars!"

"And you can also get a six- or seven-digit attorney fee, right?" He Jianyi's tone was full of disdain.

Mei Lan was stunned for a moment,"What I want to tell you is that in the face of such huge profits, you alone cannot stop the development of the entire incident."

As she spoke, Mei Lan took out a document from the file bag, placed it in front of He Jianyi, and said:"Now, all the experts in the expert group have overturned the previous conclusion and determined that Zhang Lifang died accidentally. The only thing missing is your signature."

He Jianyi frowned, flipped through it carefully, and his expression became solemn

"I was very confused before. How did you get them to change their signatures? You are a lawyer, you should know that bribery is a felony!" He Jianyi put down the signatures of other experts.

Mei Lan smiled:"I didn't spend a penny"

"So how did you do that?……"

Mei Lan interrupted him and said,"How many of you experts can be persuaded by money? I just promised them that as long as the new drug is on the market, we will sell it to them at the most favorable price.……"

Mei Lan paused, looked at He Jianyi, and said,"I am your ex-wife. I have been with you for so long, so I know what is the most tempting thing for people like you.……"

He Jianyi raised his head,"What?"

"Cure the patients! But how to cure without medicine? This new thrombolytic drug is a new drug that is effective for most patients!"

He Jianyi was silent for a long time, and finally, he said slowly:"Now, there are problems with what they eat and drink, and everyone is trembling with fear, but everyone knows that there are medicines that can cure them. But if even the medicines start to have problems, what else can we be assured of?"

After saying this, He Jianyi stood up and left with Zhou Yuan without looking back.

In the car, He Jianyi was in a very bad mood.

"I can't stop them." He Jianyi looked a little sad.

Zhou Yuan remained silent.

"Zhou Yuan, remember, as a doctor, you must have a conscience"

"Once, they gave me a check without numbers, saying they would issue it to me as long as I signed. However, what I saw on that check were countless patients who might die from the drugs and countless broken families."

Zhou Yuan responded in a low voice.

This is why he has been willing to call He Jianyi teacher for so long.

Perhaps He Jianyi is not as good as himself in some surgeries, but just this incident tonight is enough for all medical workers to respectfully call him teacher.

More than 20 minutes later, the car stopped at the gate of the hospital.

"You are not on duty tonight, just go back and have a rest."He Jianyi said.

Zhou Yuan shook his head,"I still have to rush for my thesis."

He Jianyi's eyes flashed with surprise:"You just finished an operation today, and you still have the energy to write a thesis?"

Zhou Yuan was helpless.

He had to have energy even if he didn't have it...

Dean Fang will come to check the thesis tomorrow, what if he doesn't have anything to hand in then!

He Jianyi said with some nostalgia:"When I was your age, I was also an intern. I was busy with surgery every day. When I saw there was a surgery, I would walk around the door of the operating room. Later, the nurse got impatient and let me go in. Unlike you, you actually have the opportunity to write a thesis!"

Zhou Yuan was stunned. He didn't expect that He Jianyi, who was always calm and composed, had such a past.

Sure enough, being a medical student is very miserable.

The two walked into the hospital, and Zhou Yuan found a quiet place and began to retreat to write his thesis

【Treatment of squeezed severed limb replantation surgery]



Zhou Yuan pulled his hair

"System, one hair for one word, okay?"

System:"Write it yourself."

Zhou Yuan silently threw the hair on his hand into the trash can. Zhou Yuan spent the night with the sound of typing on the keyboard.

When Zhou Yuan looked up again, it was already the next morning.

With dark circles under his eyes, he drank another bottle of energy potion.

Then, he quickly packaged the paper into an email and sent it to Dean Fang's mailbox.

After doing all this, Zhou Yuan returned to the dormitory, washed up simply, and began his daily rounds and nursing.

"Doctor Zhou! Something bad has happened again!"Young nurse Zhang Ling hurried over to find the savior.

Zhou Yuan quickly followed. The one in trouble this time was Zhihui, the patient with an open fracture and ruptured spleen last time.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw three women standing in the ward, looking embarrassed and unwilling to look at the patient. The patient on the bed lowered his head, said nothing, and looked restless.

"What happened?" Zhou Yuan walked to Zhihui.

The patient opened his mouth but did not speak.

Zhou Yuan frowned and looked at the patient's wife:"What happened to your husband?"

Suddenly, the patient's wife stuttered, a little embarrassed to speak.

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