Soon, after the doctor left, the nurse pushed Zhihui out.

"Does it hurt?"

"Let your aunt take a look, is it okay?"

"You had an operation, why did you even change your pants?……"Zhihui's wife was silent

"They cut off my pants." Zhihui said in a cold tone.

The three pushed Zhihui back to the ward.

Because of the effect of the anesthetic, Zhihui's lower body was still soft. His legs could move, but he had no strength and could not support walking.

The venous thrombosis in his left thigh was handed over to Haiyang.

Since the venous thrombosis had just begun, it was easy to treat. Haiyang prescribed some anticoagulants and raised the left thigh to promote venous return, and then left.

However, the patient Zhihui's pain had just begun.

An hour after the operation, the effect of the anesthetic was probably over. Zhihui began to feel pain. He dared not move and could only lie on his side. Once his buttocks touched something, he would feel a stinging pain.

As a last resort, Zhou Yuan was summoned again.

"Doctor Zhou!"

Zhihui hugged the pillow, heartbroken and almost crying,"It hurts so much! Doctor, what should we do now! Didn't you say that it won't hurt after the anesthetic effect wears off!"

Zhou Yuan shook his head,"Internal hemorrhoids don't hurt, but you also have external hemorrhoids. The pain is where the external hemorrhoids were removed... The pain usually lasts for six or seven hours. Just bear with it and it will ease after that."

Speaking of this, Zhou Yuan prescribed some painkillers for Zhihui.

Zhihui endured the severe pain and nodded with tears in his eyes.

So, Zhihui spent the next day in pain.

As Zhihui was constantly receiving infusions, as time went by, urine gradually accumulated in his bladder, and he gradually felt the urge to urinate.

However, because the effect of the anesthetic had not yet dissipated, he could not urinate with any strength and was completely unable to urinate.

In the end, Zhihui's bladder was so blocked that he could only ask a nurse to use a catheter to guide his urine.

That was a memory he would never forget in his life.

After the pain, the urine flowed out through the catheter, and the feeling of happiness made Zhihui feel that everything had become dull.

Until the double pain when the catheter was pulled out brought him back to reality.

The pain intensified, and a man in his twenties cried while hugging his wife who was accompanying him in the bed, shocking the entire emergency department at the time.

Zhou Yuan, who was in charge of the hemorrhoid surgery, was called over. When he heard Zhihui's cry, if it weren't for his master-level hemorrhoid and rectal mucosal prolapse surgery, Zhou Yuan would even doubt whether he had cut the wrong thing. The next day

, Zhihui's condition was much better. The nurse added several pieces of gauze and cotton on his buttocks, and gave him more painkillers, so he wouldn't feel pain if he didn't move.

Zhou Yuan also prescribed him some laxatives and bowel-moistening medicines.

Later, the sound of ghosts and wolves howling could often be heard in the toilet, sometimes in the early morning, sometimes at night.

Zhou Yuan gradually developed the skill of listening to the sound to identify the healing situation.

"Well, I was a little out of breath today. I didn't sleep well last night. I'm sure this guy just changed his medicine."

"Well, today I screamed more painfully, but after that I sounded happy, probably because the pain has eased and I can defecate normally."

Since Zhihui, the people in the anorectal department have been anxious about Zhou Yuan's presidential suite. So much so that when a patient who needed to be removed came to the anorectal department, everyone immediately pushed him to the emergency department's operating room and invited Zhou Yuan over.

"It really makes me amazed every time I see it... When can I do this!"

In two days, Zhou Yuan actually completed the hemorrhoidectomy surgery on ten patients, and finally, he received a primary treasure chest as a reward from the system.

When Zhou Yuan walked in the corridor of the emergency department again, the young nurses passing by all bowed their heads, smiled shyly, and ran away with their heads down.

On the other side, after receiving Zhou Yuan's paper, Dean Fang began to think about it carefully.

The paper is not long, with only more than 6,000 words, and the title is also very simple,"Treatment of replantation of squeezed severed limbs", simple and crude.

When he saw the paper for the first time, Dean Fang felt that it was a paper written by an intern with no level.

If he can't even do the most basic blowing, how can he write a brilliant paper?

However, as he read deeper, Dean Fang fell silent.

Indeed, Zhou Yuan had no experience in writing papers, and his writing style was not very good. He just used the simplest He recorded the surgical process and other things in simple medical terms.

Zhou Yuan had performed three crushed limb replantation surgeries in the hospital. A normal person could write six ten-thousand-word papers about these three surgeries, but Zhou Yuan... squeezed the three surgeries into a six-thousand-word article.

The result is that the text is simple, but these six thousand words are all practical stuff!

At the beginning, Dean Fang thought that Zhou Yuan's article had many problems, but after reading it, he found that he could not find any shortcomings except for the writing style.

Medical papers do not require writing skills. As long as you write it clearly and correctly, it is a good paper.

If it is really modified according to Dean Fang's idea, it will have an additional shortcoming of"cumbersome words".

Dean Fang called Zhou Yuan with excitement.

"Dean?" Zhou Yuan was a little puzzled. Dean Fang actually took the initiative to find him?

"Zhou Yuan, I have to criticize you seriously!" Dean Fang said in an angry tone.

"What's wrong?"Zhou Yuan was stunned.

"It's such a waste for you to write a paper! Surgery opportunities are so rare. You can find a new entry point for writing a new paper from your three surgeries. There is no need to waste all your time on one paper!"

Zhou Yuan was silent for a while.

Then, he said carefully:"I don't lack surgeries.……"

Dean Fang was stunned.

He suddenly remembered that Zhou Yuan had also performed total gastrectomy, carotid endarterectomy, double lung transplantation, conjoined twins... Zhou Yuan had his own unique insights into these surgeries, and he had never written a paper on any of them.

"Dean Fang? Dean Fang, are you talking?"Zhou Yuan shouted.

Beep, beep.

Dean Fang hung up the phone silently.

"Who am I telling to cherish the surgery?……"

Dean Fang burst into tears and reread Zhou Yuan's paper. He felt that the paper was concise and thought-provoking.

He called several medical journal bosses and sent the paper out.

Dean Fang was even more excited than when he first mailed the paper.

"How could I have missed the surgery to separate the conjoined twins’ skulls… If I had gotten to have Zhou Yuan’s surgery, maybe I could have written another paper!" Dean Fang regretted it deeply.

Zhou Yuan, on the other side, finally relaxed after receiving Dean Fang’s call.

Since Dean Fang did not raise any objections, it meant that the paper was fine.

Zhou Yuan, who had unloaded a heavy burden, could finally get off work with peace of mind.

Just when he was about to leave the hospital, this month’s salary finally arrived…

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